Marvelo, the Marvel - 130th King of Kings Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Marvelo, the Marvel - 130th King of Kings

Of the Breventio Dynasty [Sigil: A Violet Bird of Fortune, upon a Sea-Blue Field]   From 666 RA to 670 RA, Monos was ruled by the Prince of Vaina, with his youngest brother Marvelo acting as regent. But like the Morenalle Dynasty before him, Marvelo became enamored of Monos. For him, it was the new capital of Vargano, and its mixture of diverse cultures he had never seen before, that most enthralled him. The city made such an impression that he declared himself King of Monos in 670 RA and took a Khabarese woman of low birth for his queen. Ifalna Vaser was a chandler’s daughter, but rumors ran fast that she was a sorceress, a prostitute, a secret military commander, a murderer escaped from Khabar, and all manner of accusations even more fantastical. The scandal did not have time to germinate, however, since Marvelo’s brother, Prince Ben, declared war that same year to reclaim the nation. Having learned his lesson from his first conquest, Prince Ben marched to war himself, leaving his other brother Incerrio as regent of Vaina in his absence. Scandalized as Marvelo was, the nation still united against this second Vainan assault. The slandered Queen felt compelled to stay out of sight, but managed to funnel funds to several underground sources meant to encourage popular support for her husband. Many historians credit Ifalna for the Red Letters, a communication with Regent Incerrio that eventually convinced him to crown himself as Prince of Vaina, leaving Prince Ben with no nations to rule. Much of Ben’s army deserted at this, and in the end he had little choice but to lead his remaining forces back to Vaina in the hopes of reclaiming his throne (which he failed to do). Marvelo would put down several very minor rebellions in response to both his foreign origins and his foreign queen, but overall his rule was relatively stable and prosperous. He died in his bed of natural causes, his queen dead in his arms. Although no investigation was performed, rumors flew far that Ifalna had poisoned herself to leave the world with her husband. Some say she could not live without him, while others speculated that she feared what might happen to her, a woman of common birth, without her king to protect her. She had grown beloved of the people in her later years, but never forgot the slander she endured when first crowned.