Kavem Ethnicity in Ardre | World Anvil


An isolated people found exclusively in the Kokkavemala Hills in Eysland. Often called Hillfolk, the term seems especially appropriate for the Kavem. Short, broad, with massive shoulders, many Kavem are said to be neckless, with heads that almost seem to emerge out of their chests. They are said to be covered in pelts of brown, gold, and grey, with women as hairy and bearded as men. Indeed, the Kavem are said to have little or no concept of gender. They exist almost without rank of any kind, until the mating season, when their elders examine and pair them off for procreation. These observations were made by an Eysch lord who had a mind to conquer and displace the Kavem, so they must necessarily be viewed skeptically.   Despite their fearsome appearance, the Kavem are mostly goatherds. They are warlike only to the extent that they fiercely reject all attempts to bring Eysland's advanced civilization into their homeland. Several enterprising counts have carved elaborate tunnels from miles away to extract the ores under the Kokkavemala Hills, sometimes causing collapses, yet still the Kavem refuse all attempts to bring modern commerce into their realm.