Enrico - 133rd King of Kings Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Enrico - 133rd King of Kings

Of the Breventio Dynasty [Sigil: A Violet Bird of Fortune, upon a Sea-Blue Field]   Enrico was an amiable man who made many friends during his rule. He was not wise, but unselfish and intelligent enough to rely on the counsel of others in any matter in which he was not expert. He often considered reinstituting the Six for this very purpose, but with Leonardo the Loveless being the most prominent example of their works, he always decided against it. While Loracio's edicts against the Old Faith remained in place under Enrico, they were poorly enforced. His father’s moving the capitol to Coredillo would seem to be prophetic (or perhaps merely a self-fulfilling prophecy) as in 735 RA the Third Zaljan Crusade attacked the port city of Vargano, which they managed to occupy off-and-on for forty years. Most of Enrico’s rule, however, was spent trying to undo the centralizing of power that took place under his brother. Brief though it was, it seemed the redistributing of power to the lords in a manner that would satisfy everyone proved to be an impossible task. This came to a head in 748 RA, when his second nephew Verrin, the Earl of the Hilldren, led several other lords in a coup which would unseat the King in 750 RA. Enrico, his Queen, and all their sons were executed, along with the Queen’s brothers. Their daughters and other close relatives were all imprisoned, and Monos became an oligarchy ruled by a council of lords for fifteen years. This time is alternately called the Rule of Peace or the Rule of Chaos, depending on who you ask.