Barta Beth Character in Ardre | World Anvil

Barta Beth

Barta Beth

Third daughter and eighth child of Lord Balor Beth and Lady Oridwyn Odon.   Barta was oft called "the child of hate," as she was both conceived and born after after the marriage of Lord Balor and Lady Oridwyn had soured openly. Both were commonly rumored to have routinely betrayed the other's bed, and even the lord's closest counsellors were shocked when Lady Oridwyn's belly grew large and Lord Balor openly, if somewhat begrudgingly, acknowledged the child as his own.   Barta was neglected by her family, and her poor studies earned her little attention from spellers or hostesses. She instead found solace in the many cats that roamed Caer Cullach hunting rats. In her youth, it is said an army of filthy cats followed her about the castle, hissing and scratching at anyone who so much as looked at her. This reached a head when one of her supposed pets was accused of biting her elder sister Maiden. In response, every cat that could be caught was rounded up and thrown down the Swine Well. Barta screamed and scratched and bit the men who did this, but could not stop them. Afterward, she did not speak for four years.   Barta never wed, and there is no record of any attempts made. By the time she was of marrying age the realm was firmly under the rule of Clan Wulk, and her brother Lord Nodraigh claimed she would have no value in any alliance of worth.   Barta worshipped the Deinain openly, prompting many a scolding and much bitter harassment from her brother Lord Nodraigh, yet no official action is noted to have ever been taken against her. Some suggest this faith to have come from her mother Lady Oridwyn, yet in truth the daughter seems to have been a non-entity to her mother, preoccupied as she was with the political plays of her sons.   Alonen and unloved she may have been, yet Barta outlived every one of her elder siblings, dying in her bed at Caer Cullach at the age of four-and-fifty. Legends say a Grimling snuck into the castle and ate her soul, but given what we know of her, it seems far likelier that a cat was found in her room when she died.


Family Ties

4727 4781 54 years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Character Portrait image: by JD Medaeris with Portrait Workshop