The Lady Character in Ardach & Ys | World Anvil
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The Lady

Chief Executive Officer The Lady (a.k.a. Bitchqueen, Ice Queen, CEF(uckoff))

Austere and beautiful, the Lady stands above all others in leadership of the Rhymsmere Trading Syndicate. She commands respect, brooks no argument, and suffers no fools.   While on Ys she monitors, directs, and gets involved with every detail and facet of the operations. She has excellent recall and never forgets a face, a feat some wish she did not have, especially those who have shamed the company. When interviewing staff she is acutely aware of the facets and details of each associates role and history.   The grace, beauty, and acumen of the Lady is offset by the menacing brute of a bodyguard: Guard. The mute elf is everything his employer is not: scarred, grim, and brusque. While she could employ a hundred others, or at least one more comely, the Lady has firmly decided to keep the old brute and even seems to have some fondness for him. On martial matters she has been known to seek his council at times. She is evidently versed in the finger speech her cohort employs. Whether she takes his advice or not is unknown.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is a fit and fair Elvin woman of middling years, long and lithe of limb. She moves with the grace and assurance that comes from, one would assume, years of cultured upbringing. Her step is light, like most elves, and she leaves only the lingering scent of orchids in her wake.

Body Features

Her skin is flawless alabaster, nearly blinding in the raw sun of Ys, and the envy of many. Her hands are thin and often adorned with brass jewelry styled in the flowing forms of the Shark's Isle traders. She is slim and toned, though where she get the time or space to work out is unknown.

Facial Features

Her brows are thin arches delicately perches over her deep emerald eyes, the almond shape of the western Alvisitian elves. Her cheeks are pale, graced with just the barest hint of rose. The hair at her brow is braided back and over her long and tapered ear. Her lips are demure, matching her nose and chine, and rarely painted.

Physical quirks

The Lady often looks as if she is posing for a portrait, with an uncommon stillness of form.   During meetings she has an intensity that some call predatory, like a cat stalking it's prey.

Special abilities

Good question.

Apparel & Accessories

When serving her daily duties The Lady wears elegantly tailored leathers dyed blue and black, contoured to her form and hugging her shapely form. Her silk doublet is deep crimson and loosely laced, probably a planned distraction for foolish or brave men. Black ankle boots adorn her feet while a pair of black gloves are tucked into her belt next to several pouches and a small jeweled dagger.

Specialized Equipment

She wears two brass bound hoop kalk stone earrings and her throat bears a similar stone gorget, carefully painted with the company blue lotus.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Little is known before she took control of the Syndicate, and she takes steps to keep it that way. Of the few who are alive from the Syndicate's formation, the enduring legend is that she simply walked into the guild hall one day and started issuing orders. She had come with negotiated contracts and fifty skilled guards, hired from several armies, and the fund to hire a hundred more.

Gender Identity

Ask. I dare you.


Rumors abound of some duke or rival getting her in the sack, but none can be confirmed beyond 'Well that's what they say.'   More than a few people joke or hint that Guard is her bedroom companion, though he is three times her age and not evidently interested in sex.


Her elocution speaks of high-born ancestry and she has advanced knowledge of mercantile and mercenary operations. She never speaks about her education or upbringing.


Head of Operations on Ys. CEO of the RTS.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Hostile takeover of Orothian City State Hostile takeover of the Rumrunner's Merchant Guild Hostile takeover of the League of Incredible Merchants Hostile takeover of the Oathblade Society Hostile takeover of the Avahest Guild Hostile takeover of the Baldorian Trading Guild Hostile takeover of IHOP Hostile takeover of the Brave Brother's Hostile takeover of the Black Cat Society Hostile takeover of the Croaker's Guild Hostile takeover of the Black Company Hostile takeover of the Shieldbreaker Company Hostile takeover of the Red Eye Society Hostile takeover of the Company of the Hawk

Failures & Embarrassments

Loss of Outpost Rivia to Thessallian forces - 8765 - All associates lost. Loss of Outpost Barthwait to Native Forces - 8763 - All associates lost. Purchase of the Illivii Mine from the Montart Alliance - 8757 - The veins were dry. Defeat of the Cobalt Guard by Thessallian forces - 8763 - Under Contract with XXXX to defend Outpost Nascia.

Intellectual Characteristics

Coldly logical, she is willing to do the cruel arithmetic. Her analysis runs deep, especially for minutia and evasive language. She can remember details from a hundred contracts signed a century passed.

Morality & Philosophy

She is often called cruel, though some see it as decision making unfettered and unencumbered by emotion. Psychopaths see it that way. Her morals are guided by profit and the good of her company. Gods and men are merely her tools to that end.


Contradicting her without sufficient evidence for your argument. Murder, rape, the harm of children or civilians. Kale. She really doesn't like it for some reason. Reneging on a contract.

Personality Characteristics


Profit and expansion of the RTS

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Excellent capacity to operate businesses, planning, financials, troop movemnts, supplies, and trade routes.   She is not good at banter, relating to people, or empathy.

Likes & Dislikes

Kale, rape, and the deaths of innocents all seem to bear equal disgust.

Virtues & Personality perks

She carefully analyses vast quantities of information in making her plans. No decision is rash or off-the-cuff.

Vices & Personality flaws

When betrayed or deceived, her response is cold and vindictive. She rarely wastes company resources but instead goes directly at the perpetrator with Guard in tow.

Personality Quirks

Stares for unnerving periods of time without moving a muscle.


Always seen in only the most fashionable of clothes and perfectly coiffed hair. She smells of orchids and nothing else.


Family Ties


Religious Views

An avowed atheist, she strongly disavows any organized religion. She actively seeks to undermine and disrupt the Directive at every turn.

Social Aptitude

She is the most captivating creature in the room, regardless of what room that is. She can 'turn on the charm' at social engagements, but it only lasts for a short while before it turns into an obvious facade. She only goes to engagements to make the social rounds and usually leaves within an hour.   Guard on the other hand is a great listener and never interrupts.


While she is not coy by any stretch, she is often cold and sometimes blunt. If she feels her time is wasted she might simply walk away or start doing something else. There are rumors that, while overseeing a board meeting, she felt it too dull and she started sketching new trade routes and caravan logs over-top the agenda.

Hobbies & Pets



Only the most educated of words and arguments, the Lady is a creature of culture and refinement. You are beneath her. She knows this.

Wealth & Financial state

Her wardrobe is exquisite, only the latest functional fashion and always in perfect condition, the perfectly tailored leathers and doublet rotate daily. Her jewelry is mostly functional for the kalk stones, but is still of only the finest workmanship. She wears no jewels or gold, it is all worked brass and the stones.   Beyond her attire, she spends a small fortune on her personal apartments, furnishing them at with sumptuous silks and overstuffed furniture.   Every meal is a banquet of succulent roasted birds, pheasant being her favorite.   While she does not travel with a retinue, only Guard is by her side, she does ride only the best stallions money can buy.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Duchess of Rhymsmere Peak CEO of The Rhymsmere Trading Syndicate
Year of Birth
8500 SL -7516 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
Outpost Vox Machina
Her long platinum hair is neatly braided in complex and interwoven brraids that meet in a silver clasp at the small of her back. She rarely wears her hair down.
5' 7"
135 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
Time is money, mine more so.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Trade Tongue Hobbish Shark Island Tongue Vassalian Yrdish Several dialects of Orc, Lizardman, Goblin Click Click Bloody Click (understand, not speak)
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
Cate Blanchett in The Lord of The Rings

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