Starships Cheatsheet in Arcturus | World Anvil

Starships Cheatsheet

SW5E rulebook here

Ship Hull and Shields

Ship Hull Points (Rank: 0)
(maximum hull die roll) + (n - 1)(average hull die roll) + n(ship CON mod)

where "n" = total hull dice

Ship Shields
Shield Points are determined using the same formula as hull points, only using STR mod rather than CON
(Shield Dice pool is identical to Hull Dice pool)
Ship Hull and Shield Dice by Size (Rank: 0)
  • Tiny: 1d4 (+ 1d4 per rank)
  • Small: 3d6 (+ 1d6 per rank)
  • Medium: 5d8 (+ 1d8 per rank)
  • Large: 7d10 (+ 1d10 per rank)
  • Huge: 9d12 (+ 2d12 per rank)
  • Gargantuan: 11d20 (+ 2d20 per rank)

  • Ship Ability Scores

    Standard Array
    15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8

    Point Buy
    8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8
    • Pool of 27 points
    • Each point raises a score by 1, up to 13.
    • Raising a score from 13 to 14 costs 2 points, as does 14 to 15.
    • Scores (before applying racial bonuses) cannot exceed 15 using Point Buy.


    General notes...
    • One square on the starship scale represents 50 feet.
    • Can only move in the direction of your ship's facing.
    • Turning 90 degrees costs an amount of movement equal to your turning speed.
    • Turning 45 degrees costs an amount equal to half your turning speed ("rounded" down to the nearest 50 feet; e.g. 150 feet becomes 50 feet).
    • Systems:
      • Engines
      • Shields
      • Weapons
      • Sensors
      • Comms


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