The Circle of the Desert Rose Organization in Archylavia | World Anvil
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The Circle of the Desert Rose

The druids of this circle maintain a site of pilgrimage for those who worship Our Lady of the Desert Rose. After the rainy season, this special site has many desert rose gems that have formed. The druids seek, gather, polish and sell the gems by taking them to the nearby city of Bymere. They also welcome any pilgrims and tend to their needs while the pilgrims seek the word of Our Lady.

Mythology & Lore

Our Lady of the Desert Rose is believed to have had a beautiful rose garden in the site of the sanctum before the Ernesh Conflict.

Divine Origins

The History is a little murky, but the tale the druids tell today is that while their founder Leah was on a spiritual pilgrimage they encountered Our Lady of the Desert Rose. The pilgrimage was not going so well, Leah had run out of water and heard nothing. Suddenly the skies opened up and the rains fell. She was able to cup her hands and drink the water she collected in them. She started shouting praises to whomever could hear her. The rains continued for days and in a state of bliss and meditation she began to dance. The rains sustained her and she danced and danced until she could dance no more and she collapsed into a deep sleep. When she awoke the sun was high in the sky and there was no sign of the rain. There was a sparkling tower which looked like a lady made of rose shaped gems. Leah had an epiphany and realised that this must be who had saved her. She started clearing space around the gem statue and discovered other smaller rose shaped gems sparkling in the bright sun light. In front of the statue was one that was bowl like and still had some rain water in it. She cleared as much of she could before heading back to the nearest town to gather more supplies. She took a few of the loose gems and was able to trade them for what she needed. A couple interested parties followed her and helped build shelter for them all. They praised the statue and started referring to her as "Our Lady". The next time they were in town the shopkeeper asked if they had any more of those "Desert Roses" and they were so taken with the name that it stuck.

Cosmological Views

Our Lady of the Desert Rose is also known as Nirnasha, the One who can never die. It's said she still walks the desert beautifying it with roses, changing it with sand storms and presiding over life and death.


One must wash their hands and face in the bowl in front of the statue, then sprinkle that water on the statue. They then petition Our Lady and bow at her feet. After making their petition they slowly stand and leave bent in a deep bow backwards so as not to turn their back on her. They come multiple times throughout the day. Repeating the same steps.


Druids of the Circle of the Desert Rose are the faithful who tend this site of pilgrimage. They have continued Leah's clearing and building of the sanctum. They have shelter and are able to provide food and water for pilgrims.

Granted Divine Powers

Those who pilgrimage to the desert sanctum are often seeking miracles. Many of these miracles have been granted and so word continues to spread.
Religious, Druidic Circle
Notable Members


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