Windstrider in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Windstriders are the scouts and messengers for the people of Aquillus, running over mountains and through clouds on the winds themselves. In combat, their command of the wind lets them soar to the highest places and rain down projectiles on their foes, then move away quickly before they can face retribution.  


Aquillus's domains of Knowledge, the Sky, and Leadership  

Starting Attributes

Windstriders require incredible Agility and Intuition to be able to make the most of their hit and run tactics. They also get good use out of Strength and Soul, to add punch to their projectiles. They usually tend to be too distractable to develop their Logic much, and their bodies are usually small and light, leading to low Stamina.  

Starting Skills

Athletics: 3
Influence: 2
Perception: 3
Ranged: 3
Warding: 1   3 points remain  

Starting Inventory

Shortbow: Quality 3   Running Shoes: Quality 2  

Talent Advancement

  1. Supernatural Movement: You are able to leap incredible distances, vaulting houses and ponds with ease.
  2. Ranged Expert: You rain down projectiles from high places, and you're getting quite good at it.
  3. Favored Domain: You specialize in moving through the air, and thus the Sky is the Domain you focus on the most.
  4. Sharp Senses: Windstriders typically have incredible eyesight as well as excellent hearing and smell, courtesy of the wind aiding them.
  5. Sniper: When you're not calling the winds to move you, you can have them enhance your projectiles
  6. Double Shot: Sometimes, one shot won't do the trick. Two in quick succession might do the job better.
  7. Flight: You are now able to walk on the winds themselves. This renders moot the leaping you got from Superantural Movement, so replace that talent with Swift Movement at this time.
  8. Ranged Master (Requires Ranged Expert):
  9. Innate Spell: The winds not only carry you, they carry whomever else you will. You learn the spell Command Wind and cast it using your Influence skill.
  10. Play to the Crowd: You're a messenger, and that sometimes means speaking to large groups.
  11. Hunting Grounds: You have travelled the world, and are at home anywhere.


Windstriders learn one spell, but for a more magical flair you can have them take regular spellcasting and be quite good at it. Their range and flight means they can hit enemies with blasts of magic as easily as with arrows.   They also make for a good social class as the wind carries their words to those they wish to speak to. To that end, a variety of social talents still let them work from afar.

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