Healing and Restoration Rules in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Healing and Restoration Rules

General Healing

There are several ways to restore the body and mind to peak fitness.  


The easiest way to heal is with sleep. A good night’s sleep and some relaxation time restores all Health and Spirit. It won’t clear out injuries however.  


There are several ways you can use skills to help a patient:   Restore Health
After someone gets hurt, you can restore Health equal to your Logic/Medicine roll, though not above their Maximum Hit Points. You may only use Medicine once after a fight. Two people may restore Health to the same person, or different people, but the few minutes you have after a set of wounds have been inflicted only give you one chance to do healing. (This limit does not apply to magical healing).   Restore Spirit
Empathy restores Spirit. You can raise the target's Spirit up to your Intuition/Empathy roll. So if you roll 3 on an Empathy roll and the target has less than 3 Spirit, they now have 3. But if they had more than 3, your Empathy roll does not help them noticeably.   Relieve Statuses
If you roll equal to or greater than the roll that inflicted a status on someone, you can remove it. This is Logic/Medicine for physical statuses, Intuition/Empathy for mental, or Soul/Warding for magical.   Treating Consequences
Consequences are discussed more in the next session, but they include physical injuries and mental trauma. If you roll Logic/Medicine equal to or higher than twice the number of injuries the patient has, you treat the injury. This doesn’t make the injury go away, but it does change it from the normal version to the treated version. (If the injury was non-lethal, this does entirely get rid of it)   Similarly, to treat a trauma, you need to roll Logic/Empathy equal to or higher than twice the number of traumas the patient has to treat one.  

Removing Consequences

Consequences can last for months, even years. By default, every time you reach a major milestone, one of your treated consequences is gone, either an injury or a trauma, your choice.   For casters, the Gift of Life spell provides healing to the body while the Soothe the Mind spell provides comfort to the mind. At the Superior tier, these can relieve their respective status effects.   A few talents allow someone to restore consequences, such as Herbalist or Shared Trauma.   The body and mind have their limits, and even with magical healing you can only have one injury and one trauma restored per session. This does not take into account non-lethal injuries; you can cure an unlimited number of those.

Dealing with Mental Illness

Mental illness is a difficult subject; it touches everyone's life in one way or another. And it can be difficult to treat it with the gravitas it deserves. We have tried to create a set of rules that are good for gameplay while adding something meaningful to the discussion on mental health, but we found there were many aspect we simply lacked the skill to handle right now. It's also possible your group may lack the ability to handle them appropriately, or it's possible you may be able to find a way to handle the challenge where we could not.   The list of traumas were ones that we felt we could stat with the same level of accuracy we made mechanics for other parts of this game. You may find that this list is too small and there are other forms of mental illness that are worth exploring. Or you may find that even what's listed there is a bit too much for your group to tackle. Whatever the case, your group is your group, and we wish you luck in determining what suits your playstyle and needs.

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