Soothe the Mind in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Soothe the Mind


This clears an unwanted mental status from the target if it beats the roll that placed that status in the first place. You can also get your Magic Power as a an assistance bonus for Empathy rolls to restore Spirit or help a person's mind.  


This restores 1 Spirit to the target. Also, it can relieve any mental status if it beats the roll that placed that status in the first place. If you keep it as a concentration effect, it does not continue to restore Spirit, but will protect them from any mental status effects that do not beat your roll. While under the effects of Soothe, the target’s concentration cannot be broken.  


This restores 2 Spirit to the target and simultaneously relieves a number of mental status effects equal to your Magic Power. If maintained as a concentration effect, the target cannot have their concentration broken and may concentrate on an additional spell effect. Alternatively, you may completely remove a form of mental trauma from the target.  


This cures a number of traumas from the target up to your Magic Power. Alternatively, it can unshatter a person's mind, taking someone who is in the depths of madness and returning them to sanity.

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