Food and Drink in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Food and Drink

Here are a list of consumables that come in handy.  


1 aquill
While they may not compare to a home-cooked meal, these rations are well-preserved and will last for months without spoiling. 1 aquill buys enough food for a week. If your GM is using the rules for daily expenses, the cost of rations is covered as a part of that.  


1 aquill
The work of a fine baker, eating one of these treats takes a minute and restores 1d6 Spirit.  


1 aquill x quality
A bottle of wine provides 5 cups of liquid and each cup restores 1 Spirit. At the end of drinking, roll Fortitude to see if you're inebriated. If so, you're considered addled for the next hour.  

Flask of Alcohol

3 aquills x quality
A steady regimen of drinking keeps your immune system on its toes, while keeping you away from the truly bad things that lurk in strange waters. The flask grants its quality bonus to resist poison and disease. The cost is a one-time payment to spare you the bookkeeping of tracking your consumption and paying for refills.

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