Chaotic Curses in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Chaotic Curses

  1. The target's feelings are hurt and it loses 1 Spirit.
  2. The target takes double damage next time it is hit.
  3. The target takes a random Status. Roll a d6 1: cursed 2: addled 3: blinded 4: exhausted 5: hindered 6: trapped
  4. The target drops an item they were carrying without realizing it.
  5. The target takes your Magic Power +1d6 damage in a random element. The die result determines the damage type (1: Fire 2: Lightning 3: Ice 4: Light 5: Dark 6: Physical).
  6. The target loses 1 Spirit and is under a compulsion to act like a chicken.
  7. The target is cursed. Treat this curse as an injury, which lasts until healed.
  8. The target falls asleep. If the target can't sleep, this has no effect.
  9. The target takes 1d6 times 1d6 damage.
  10. The target is banished to another plane of existence of an amount of time of the GM's choosing.
  11. The target becomes deathly allergic to you.
  12. All the target's held and worn items disappear for a number of rounds equal to your Magic Power.
  13. The target loses Spirit equal to your Magic Power.
  14. The target takes 1d6 injuries.
  15. Ask a player what their favorite animal is. The target is turned into that animal for a number of hours equal to your Magic Power.
  16. The target is teleported to a random location in the world.
  17. Roll 3d6 and multiply the numbers together. The target takes that much damage.
  18. The target takes a number of injuries equal to your Magic Power.


Roll 1d6 and consult the chart above.  


Roll 2d6 and consult the chart above.  


Roll 3d6 and consult the chart above.  


Choose a number of effects from the great and cantrip lists up to your Magic Power and apply all of them to the target.

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