Jukasejo Rata/Jukasejo Tsarano Character in Archipelago of the Seasons | World Anvil
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Jukasejo Rata/Jukasejo Tsarano

Kadisokisi (Great Homeland Ruler) Jukasejo (Suzuki Grass Lantern Bearer) Řata

Physical Description

Body Features

His body is taller than most, but he still keeps a Nusod/Archipelago Samurai, that is, somewhere between average and muscular physiques, with a light brown chestnut skin tone like most K'aisi (Tones range from Honey to Esspresso in colour).

Facial Features

Jukasejo's face has high pronounced cheekbones, typical for those in the cold, with an oval face, monolid-shaped eyes with blue irises, very similar to a Mongolian person. He has a neatly shaved black beard that goes under his narrow nose, along the jawline and connecting to the hair, but with a groomed goatee.

Apparel & Accessories

Jukasejo is often seen wearing a black version of the men's outfit with an obi sash no matter the gender of the wearer, but the colour again marks their rank in society. The edge of the sleeve is threaded with a golden pattern incorporated in a Chidori plover pattern.

Specialized Equipment

On his back, as a symbol of his strength, he carries Yoshtursheg, the royal sword.

Mental characteristics


Jukasejo was educated in his hometown of Dokokanta. At first, he was educated by his father in bearing the lanterns across the town, but after his father's death by alcoholism, he was taken in by another Felifolk/Dohogsōjū/Mjwprʕ3 noble, where he enlisted as a member of the T'eintsa Dahazhin/Horses of Steel where he learnt horse-riding, spear, bow and sword fighting, honour and law. His new Felifolk father taught math, grammar, history, etiquette, and sociology.


Jukasejo was originally a Lantern Bearer during his peasant days, but after his adoption by a noble he would do military service and become an Nusod/Archipelago Samurai, until he became Shogun and ruled The Archipelago of Seasons.

Accomplishments & Achievements

-Won the Juzanosakis war and secured his place as the Shogun   -Reunited the Islands with representatives of each one in a court as advisors   -Successfully fought a Second Helmgar Invasion   -United the K'aisi/Archipeligons and the Japanese   -Able to assist against the Boxers   -Led a successful conquest of Asia in WWII, then freed those countries from the Japanese after war crimes were found

Failures & Embarrassments

-Unable to successfully control his army during WWII, as he was manipulated   -Forced by generals, protestors and the public to assist in war   -Led an unsuccessful conquest of Japan.

Morality & Philosophy

Jukasejo has in his life, experienced the problems which plagued the working class, including the bullying by the Nusod, the opportunities which only caused the rich to get them, and the general disdain to those who had to work from the ground up. Though he would be adopted into nobility, he would still work hard to aspire his goals, leading to him aboloshing the feudal system for a meritocracy, where people are judged by their ability rather than wealth. Now those at the bottom can work their way up the top.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Jukasejo is not just a warrior but a strategist and a diplomat. As his home prefecture of Řata was by far the smallest, they could not compare to the might of the other more extensive regions like Dokokanta. So, during the Juzonakosis war, he cut the trade routes between Todorod and Azokot, forcing the non-agricultural prefectures who relied on the farms and mining of Řata to survive to join him, whilst also stockpiling his resources. Sure they may have fishing, but vegetation and non-perishables are critical during the war, especially when keeping away from rivers.   Once the prefectures joined him, they formed the Uta'atu, made from 'Three Mountain Valley Alliance' words.



Jukasejo's reign was remembered as a reign of strategic and diplomatic success, not only being able to defend against a strengthened second Helmgar invasion, but also making a new ally in the process between Feudal Japan.

Contacts & Relations

Jukasejo has connections with Feudal Japan, as they had met during the Second Helmgar Invasion.

Hobbies & Pets

Jukasejo sometimes likes to leave the palace, disguise himself as a Nomad/Naozhso, and do many things. He wants to fish with them, have long talks whilst walking and even takes part in the traditional Nomadic Duels. Many Nomads knew it was him but didn't want to point out his shoddy disguise because he was pretty polite. It was said that there was almost a fling between him and a Nomad on one of his walks.


Jukasejo has speech difficulty because of his cat anatomy, and thus he speaks like how many Felifolk/Dohogsōjū/Mjwprʕ3 speak. While they do speak K'airi/Archipeligon , they have a problem pronouncing some of the vowels, and so have a different pronunciation of /o/ (Shifted into o /ə/), e /ə/ (Shifted into /e/) and /u/ (Shifted into u /ʌ/). So Dohog /do-hog/ will be pronounced Dohog/də-həg/. When writing a Felifolk speaking, o is written as e, e is shifted into eh, and u is shifted into uh, so Dohog will be Deheg.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Kadisokisi- Great Homeland Ruler   Dikisi- Diplomacy Ruler   Uta'atu- Three Mountain Valley Alliance
Date of Birth
25th March
Date of Death
2nd of Match
1248 1700 452 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Heart Attack
Place of Death
Upon a boat for diplomacy
Blue Monolid Eyes
Black hair tied into a not, with braided sides
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Chestnut coloured skin
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Jukasejo is fluent in K'airi/Archipeligon and Nomadic/Nyoro. In his findings of Toro/Wařzhā, he learnt Wasoko/Toron, and in Kayo/Datzhā he had learned Irabu-Tsyaswo/Taso.
Ruled Locations

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