K'aisi Imperial Navy/K'aisi Shogunal Navy Organization in Archipelago of the Seasons | World Anvil
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K'aisi Imperial Navy/K'aisi Shogunal Navy


-Non-Warfare Servicemen, e.g. Chefs, Mechanics: Maintain the ship's services, including painting the runes, serving food, fixing damages, harvesting scrap from wrecked planes and more. Held with importance but relatively low on the hierarchy.    -Navy Soldiers/Sailors: Do the actual fighting, operate the AAREMP (Anti Aircraft Rune Electro-Magnetic Pulse) and the ice runes.    -Naval Generals: Command the minor soldiers and carry out strategies of infiltration and espionage.    Messengers: Command messages and orders from the captain to the other soldiers and other ships.    Navigators and Radarmen: Navigate and Steer the ship so it can move in directions.    Captain: Give orders to the Navigators, Generals and Soldiers on paths to attack and strategies.

Public Agenda

The Organisation was established to create an armed force to take back the land of Japan during WWII and assist them, conquering areas of Asia along the course, Conquering Korea, The Coast of China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, the Philippines and Timor Leste, and starting the conquering of China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and a part of Russia. and even a tiny chunk of Russia to the Centre. They also helped hold back American, British and Russian Naval forces in a quick manner. Soon after information on the 'Rape of Nanking, the Navy was set out to unconquer their land and betrayed the Japanese, ending up being the one who ended their conquest.


-Several Aircarriers fit with Japanese Kamikaze planes   -the Kuar Sihinin, a large Yamato class ship set to take out other large ships.   -Smaller infiltration boats   -Submarines   -Over 1 Million troops, mainly from Rora   -Several Transport ships with Tanks, Military and Cargo vehicles, Horses and Armouries.

Demography and Population

Most of the people on board the fleet of ships are men with a 1000:1 Ratio of men to women, and an even lower ratio of 10,000/1 for those who don't identify as anything. When it comes to ethnicity, it is a 2000:1 of people from Rora than of any other island, and only a 400:1 ratio of Beasts to Humans with all of them being Japanese.


They originally had territories on the coast of China, Taiwan, Vietnam, The Philippines, Timor-Leste, Malaysia, Singapore and Korea, as most of these are accessible by sea. They also share a

Foreign Relations

The navy has a relatively good relationship with Japan despite their betrayal and a risky but good relationship with China(ish), Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, and Timor Leste. Relations are still working out with the British and Americans, though. Their relationship with Japan is strange. They disagree on Japan's restrictive society, and there is tension on the 'Rape of Nanking.'


All Sailors must be educated in Sailing, Cleaning, Gun and Turret Management and Operation, Navigation, Astronomy, Morse Code, Law and Honour, Swimming and Proper Etiquette. If you are unable to meet these requirements then you cannot join the Naval force. Other educations include Engineering, Cooking, Entertainment and Maintenance.
Founding Date
Military, Navy
Alternative Names
Whales of the Northern Archipeligo/Nouodo K'ie Sihinin Nyo
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
They use the currency outlined in the Currency in The Archipelago article.
Major Exports
Exports naval support to the Japanese Shougnal Army during WWII, but nowadays doesn't export much as there haven't been many wars during this time.
Major Imports
The Navy imports metals from Japan but also scraps from ships and planes. This allows for better quality on their ships.
Legislative Body
The Shogun had written the rules on what the navy can and cannot do without repercussions or the person who had done it committing ritual seppuku.
Judicial Body
The Captain of the ship is responsible for interpreting these laws and making strategies in accordance to the law.
Executive Body
The Generals of the ship are responsible for enforcing the law.
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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