Ashenfell Building / Landmark in Archean | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Broken Crowns

“This is very interesting!”, exclaimed a rather young scholar, obviously new to the whole concept of field work. “According to the text that speak of these ruins, they were created by a battle in which the kingdom’s own Prince attacked it!”, He hummed in a studious tone as he mulled over a rather large book labeled with the words, “The Broken Crowns”.   “Yes, indeed, the Prince had supposedly turned against his own family.”, coughed an older scholar from the front of the group. “Though some accounts say he was doing it rightfully so, for vengeance after he was framed for his devious crime. I suppose we will never know the truth.”, he stated. “Now! Come along, we have much work to do.”

Purpose / Function

The ruins of this forsaken city once held one of the most influential of the Royal Houses, but it now serves as a reminder as to what treachery can bring forth into the world.


Throughout time, looters and scholars have come here in search of treasure and information, possibly even looking for the lost journals of the Prince himself. Even when not finding the lost texts, the valuables of the palace and surrounding districts, were picked clean.   Though not much is left in sight, there may yet be hidden secrets beneath the rubble.


The buildings were made primarily of stonework, with supports of Ancient Ashbark Trees, native to the surrounding lands. The wood was a soft, earthen, black, while the stonework was leaning more to a lighter pigment. The buildings were typically two-stories tall with balconies, now broken and dilapidated, that seemed to have wrapped around the upper levels. The shattered cobblestone streets were made of deep red volcanic stones, taken from the mountain that the city lays sunken in the side of.     All of this however was just part of the common districts, as the streets continue upwards, they give way to the Palace District. This district was far more “grandiose” that the others, but just as battered. It seemed to be very large and had much open space, most likely a place to hold social events. Even at just a glance, it can be perceived that this was a well kept space, looking around now, however, with crumbling archways, and sundered plazas. The merriment of the past is just a shadow on the wall now.     Looking higher to the Palace itself, the greatest tragedy of all can be seen. Almost the entirety of the Palace was ripped asunder. Only two towers remain standing, the arches collapsed into the halls, the entire upper floors have been decimated. Bits of gold and marble lay still, strewn across the courtroom floor. The ceilings once standing high above are now just glassless windows to the sky. Tapestries across the walls hang burned and torn beyond recognition.     As you reach the Council Chambers, scorch marks line the walls, blades still embedded in the stonework. Looking around shows proof of a great battle taking place here, the walls behind the throne entirely decimated allowing soft light to pierce through the veil of darkness.   This was a place of beauty and regality, but now it has been reduced to rubble and ashes.


Once the reigning kingdom that held the title of “High Crown”, it slowly fell into disarray as treason filled the ranks of its court.   The Royal Family, House Fryen, was betrayed by its Prince, who murdered the King and Queen in their sleep, and escaped from the city, leaving his sister to be the face of a crumbling nation, and the council without a leader. Though there are some rare text from some of the nation’s leaders at the time, that may say differently.     The prince, now labeled, “The Fallen Noble”, returned after 5 years in exile, with new found allies, and an army at his back. His return marked the beginning of the most fiercesome and bloody war the world had ever seen. The gods themselves were part of the battles, opposing each other to settle their long festering arguments, once and for all. The battle left the land in shambles, and from the ashes rose new kingdoms. Among these new nations, was the new founded kingdom of “Flamouria”, ruled by a powerful, and righteous lord, known throughout the land as “The Phoenix King”.   It is said that, across the land, text may be found speaking of the prince’s ventures through the world in his 5 years of exile, some speculate that they are the prince’s own personal journals that he entrusted to his greatest allies. Though finding those text would be an adventure of its own.
31st of Sun’s Peak, 987 AP
World wonder

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Author's Notes

Sorry about the Architecture block, I know it sound more like alterations, but it just seemed to fit because it does a little of both, explaining the styles a materials, as well as showing how run down it has become. If you have any suggestions for me I’m open to all ideas. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed. More to come in the future.

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