Holland and Anderson Mechanization Organization in Archangels | World Anvil
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Holland and Anderson Mechanization

The creators of the first titans. They are currently third in the mechanized warfare market. They started as a tank, and armored vehicle manufacturer. They used this in their first designs. The first titan, made by them, is basically a tank with four legs instead of treads. The way they arranged the legs nearly removed the need to rotate the whole machine, and allowed for easier traversal of steep, and uneven terrain. Though it was not adopted as the standard for fighting the aliens, it was proof of concept.   They now have a steady rise as their titans cover many problems that originally plagued the Archangels. Thier titans are not the best at anything, but they are not the worst at anything either. They are reliable overall. This is what allows them to have this rise in profit. They are revered as the original mechanized warfare pioneers.

Public Agenda

They seek only to allow humanity to survive this seemingly endless war. They did this through fighting fire, with fire.


They are not the wealthiest corporation in the safe zones, but they are not the poorest either. They have multiple facilities throughout the safe zones so in the event of one getting destroyed, their manufacturing can continue.


They were founded by William Holland, and James Anderson. They both lost loved ones in their youth. Vengeance toward the aliens drove their first action once they were considered adults. They made weapons of mass destruction, designed to do maximum damage to the aliens, and minimal damage toward humanity. They first made tanks, armored cars, and other assorted vehicles designed for use by the military. Their weapons mostly consisted of EMP weapons made to shut down the robotic aliens. Eventually, they decided that it would be time to improve their weapons tenfold overnight. They moved production from tanks, to mechanized assault units. They made the term HAU meaning Heavy Assault Unit. Their most recent creation is the H&A-T30. A sort of throwback to some of their original designs.
Founding Date
July, 2588
Corporation, Manufacturing


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