Tria Fortis Character in Archaios | World Anvil
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Tria Fortis

The quintessential reluctant heir, Princess Tria would prefer nothing more than to lead a life of learning, discovery, and adventure. Unfortunately for her, she is the only child of King Aurum and her late mother, Marieta and inherited the burdens of only child and heir.   Tria lives in a world of constantly opposing directives. Her homeland of Sigil is brimming with magic and wonder, but her position demands she learn the ways of statecraft and diplomacy. She is a veritable prodigy of the abjuration school, but her father feels compelled to shield her from danger from all corners. She was given servants, tutors, and guides to aid her in her growth, but she wanted nothing more than to figure it all out for herself.   This all came to a head when Tria became the lynchpin to the events that would see Requiem united under Sigil's banner and an existential threat stopped at its gates. When one of her unsanctioned solo expeditions to nearby ruins lasted longer than normal, King Aurum enlisted an adventuring party to find her and bring her home. They were successful, but the party and Tria quickly forged an alliance that would unravel a plot to awaken a destructive monster of legend.   During their adventures together, she forged a particularly strong bond with the mystic warrior, Ximon Kofler. After they saved the day, the two married; with King Aurum's blessing no less. The pair traveled for some time and explored the world at large before joining the White Tower Alliance in their desperate battle against the forces of Cataclysm.   In regards to her father, Tria and Aurum have very rarely seen eye to eye, but the two had always looked out for each other. Recently, however, Tria has become increasingly wary of her father's ambition has he seeks to expand his so-called 2nd Haedian Empire  and feels especially resentful of his new marriage to the Queen of the city of Cognance.   After the conclusion of The Extinction War, Tria spent several years with her husband Ximon; aiding those in need and helping rebuild the world. She cautiously watched and listened for word on what her father was doing with his new Empire, and when it became clear that his ambition had cooled, the two of them reconciled. When Aurum felt he was no longer fit to rule, he abdicated his crown to Tria who maintained an era of peace for Requiem that has lasted for centuries.   As of 1590, her dynasty remains strong, with her descendant Hera Fortis overseeing both the Empire of Requiem and their colonial venture in The Talhani Isles.
1198 1305 107 years old
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