The Night's Song Organization in Archaios | World Anvil
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The Night's Song

What is a humble peasant to do when his livestock is ripped apart by an angry manticore or the local well is haunted by a vengeful specter? The average man is no match for the monstrosities and horrors that stalk the wilderness just beyond their sturdy town walls.   Fortunately for them, there is an organization that specializes in dealing with the supernatural; for a price of course. The investment is worthwhile of course; after all, these guys have been plying their trade in one form or another since time immemorable.   The Night's Song is a shadow organization that has stood for a thousand years as a vanguard against demons, devils, undead, and all manners of monstrosities. The organization formed when monster hunters came across the manifesto of the long-vanished Archmage Lonelei Goldpetal which boiled down to "men must never know how close they stand to the edge of oblivion" and picked up where his Night Blades had left off. While the Night's Song has changed considerably over the years, this core credo has stayed the same for a millennia.   Its insignia, while changing along with its name and structure, has always incorporated an owl. Currently, their emblem is an owl's face.   Over the course of its long existence, the Night's Song has gone through many names and organizational transformations.
  • Originally, it was referred to as simply "the Night's Vigil". Back then, it was little more than a shadowy cabal of monster hunters who swore solemn vows to dedicate their lives to eradicating dangers from the mortal plane.
  • Around the time of the Second Abyssal War, the group reorganized and rebranded itself as the Nightguard, taking a more public role after organizing the counterstrike against the demons that poured from the abyss
  • Centuries after that event, the heroics of the Nightguard faded from public memory, and they could no longer support themselves on the charity of a grateful population. Thus, they reorganized into essentially a group of mercenaries who fought monsters for coin. They called themselves Vigilant Knights.
  • Many years later, the city of Crucible hired a large contingent of Vigilant to quietly deal with a vampire incursion. While the public never really caught wind of what happened, the crown agreed to keep them on as a permanent counter agency to supernatural threats. During this time, they had no organizational name as they were folded into Crucible's army. Though unofficially, they were referred to as Songbirds, a sort of dig at their melancholy and macabre nature.
  • After Renaren's line was ousted from Crucible and the House of Phantoms came into prominence, the Songbirds were officially decommissioned. However, their reputation had flourished over the past century, and many other kingdoms had come to rely on their services. So the organization reorganized once more into the guild it is today, branding itself the Night's Song, an independent guild that hunted the supernatural wherever they may be found.
  The Night's Song is funded by the regency of the various cities they operate in. A city or kingdom can either pay a flat fee to keep the Night's Song on a more permanent basis, or pay on a case-to-case basis. Regardless, the Night's Song keeps at least one outpost in each major province with the exception of the Sylvanlands and the Verge. Their main headquarters is located near Eodur in Kentro. Each of their outposts is connected via teleportation circles that only activate for someone bearing a Night's Song insignia.   The Night's Song operates by coordinating agents through a network of contacts. To this end, they are more akin to a spy agency than a standing army, preferring to keep their numbers low to avoid drawing suspicion. Each major outpost will have approximately 20 highly trained agents that take on missions either alone or in small groups. They also keep a small contingent of men-at-arms to serve as security and shock troops if needed; usually to deal with situations like small clusters of demons, outbreaks of undead, or larger creatures like dragons or giants that simply require numbers to take down effectively.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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