Master Smith Rank/Title in Archaeon | World Anvil
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Master Smith


The Master Smith must have completed their apprenticeship, and be able to prove that their forgecraft is the best of their generation of smiths, and they must complete the rites of passage of the clerics of Moradin in the Great Forge.


The candidates for the position of Master Smith must complete a rigorous competition held in the Forge; they must be nominated to the competition by the lord of their place of business and at least two other dwarven craftsmen of recognized skill.


The Master Smith must ensure the continuation of the honorable craft of smithing, and enable its teaching to new generations of smiths. The Master Smith must also test and approve new smithing techniques before they are put into widespread use. The Master Smith must also ensure that the armor and weapons of the King Under the Mountain, his lords, and his chosen warriors are the best that can be made within the dwarven lands.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Master Smith carries a hammer said to have been granted to the first mortal smith by Moradin himself.

Cultural Significance

The Master Smith is held up as the paragon of dwarven smiths, and is responsible for creating or repairing many important dwarven artifacts.
Religious, Special
Source of Authority
The King Under the Mountains, and Moradin
Length of Term
The position of Master Smith is held for life.
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