King Under the Mountains Rank/Title in Archaeon | World Anvil
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King Under the Mountains


The King Under the Mountains must be a dwarf of good standing with the Council of Lords, and have the necessary skills when it comes to running a government.


The King Under the Mountains must be approved by the Council of Lords.


The King Under the Mountain is responsible for seeing to the safety and prosperity of the dwarven race.


The King Under the Mountain is considered the Lord of Forgehome, and therefore has the responsibilities of that rank, as well as the responsibility of leading the military and approving laws.


The King Under the Mountain has access to a great deal of wealth.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The King Under the Mountain bears the Crown of Peaks, said to have been created by Moradin himself at the dawn of the dwarven race.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The King Under the Mountain can only be dismissed by their own accord or by the Council of Lords.
Nobility, Hereditary
Equates to
Emperor of Argive
Source of Authority
The Council of Lords and the Blessing of Moradin
Length of Term
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