Forgeheim Settlement in Archaeon | World Anvil
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The majority of the population of Forgeheim are dwarves; there are humans in the city, as well as smaller numbers of some of the other races, but no elves.


Forgeheim is ruled by the King Under the Mountains, who also rules the Dwarven Holds.


Forgeheim has districts built aboveground, and they are extraordinarily well defended. The majority of the city is built belowground in massive caverns, making them difficult to attack by air, but vulnerable to infiltration through underground tunnels.

Industry & Trade

Forgeheim is a major production center for crafted goods. It is especially well known for its filigree work, as well as for the quality of its metal goods.


Forgeheim has thousands of forges and connects to several mineshafts operated by the dwarves. Much of the machinery is powered through steam, magic, or some combination of both.


Forgeheim has access to some of the most productive mines in the Spikes.

Guilds and Factions

The Smith's Guild is a very important part of the culture and economy of Forgeheim.


Most of Forgehome is built out of the stone of the Spikes, or out of metal forged by dwarven smiths. Walkways between structures are built out of iron, steel, or bronze with filigree detailing, and soar high above the cavern floors.


The majority of Forgeheim lies beneath the peaks of the Spikes, constructed out of the stalagmites and stalactites of a large network of caverns. These caverns have been drastically different expanded upon over the years, allowing for the construction of new buildings.

Natural Resources

Forgeheim's mineshafts give it access to a wealth of minerals, such as iron, gold, silver, and a variety of gemstones.
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