Guardian of the Tower Rank/Title in Archaeon | World Anvil
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Guardian of the Tower


The Guardian of the Tower must have combat training, both mystical and physical, and be judged to be of sound mind and pure of heart.


It's unclear how the Guardian of the Grey Tower is named; for most of recorded history, it has been Arim.


The Guardian is responsible for defending the Grey Tower, those who live in it, and the artifacts it holds from those who would do them ill.


The Guardian, while responsible for defending the Tower against many external threats, is also responsible for seeing to the well-being of those who call the Tower home.

Cultural Significance

The Guardian is second to only the Archmage in the Tower hierarchy, especially in matters concerning the defense of the Order of the Grey Mages from its enemies.
Magical, Professional
Alternative Naming
Length of Term
It's presumed that one is Guardian for life, as that seems to be the case with Arim.
Current Holders
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