Arim Character in Archaeon | World Anvil
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Guardian Arim

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

While in human form, Arim is most easily recognizable for his silvery-gray eyes.

Physical quirks

Arim walks with a much jauntier step than most people of his apparent age while in human form.

Special abilities

Arim is well-trained in the martial arts, and is almost as dangerous in human form as he is as a dragon.

Apparel & Accessories

Arim typically wears a light gray robe while in human form, and he carries no weapons.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before the Grey Tower fell to the legions of Argos, Arim did not often talk about his past- but when he did, it was almost unbelievable. Many of his tales were so outlandish that most of the older Grey Mages simply accepted them as good fiction, and left it at that. Arim has been at the Grey Tower for as long as anyone can remember, and it didn't seem like he was planning to leave anytime soon. When the forces of Argos attacked the Grey Tower, Arim revealed his true form to the people he protected for the first time in millennia- that of an ancient silver dragon. Why, exactly, Arim has spent so much time masquerading as a mortal in order to protect the Tower is unclear, but his allegiance clearly remains with the surviving Grey Mages.

Gender Identity

Male- he/him/his




Arim is the Guardian of the Grey Tower, meaning that he is responsible for the protection of both the structure and the people and knowledge contained within it.

Intellectual Characteristics

Generous, humorous, philosophical

Morality & Philosophy

Arim believes that there is the potential for good in all beings, no matter how unlikely. His beliefs will likely be tested after the capture of the Grey Tower by what is now the Empire of Argos.

Personality Characteristics


Arim cares deeply for the people around him, and most things he does are focused on protecting them, or helping them to reach their fulllest potential.

Virtues & Personality perks

Arim has time for anyone who needs to talk, and always has some good tea and wisdom to share.


Arim is fairly meticulous in his cleaning regimen.


Contacts & Relations

Arim has known Archmage Makaria Therum since she arrived at the Grey Tower, and they have been friends since shortly afterwards.

Family Ties

Arim has occasionally spoken about his family in the East, but has resisted centuries of attempts to wheedle more information out of him by inquisitive knights and initiates.

Religious Views

Arim is a follower of both Bahamut and Ioun.


Arim always bows his head at those he passes in the corridors of the Tower.


Arim speaks in a rich baritone.


Archmage Makaria Therum

Romantic Partner (Important)

Towards Arim




Romantic Partner (Important)

Towards Archmage Makaria Therum




Arim was at the Grey Tower when Makaria first arrived when she was younger, and the disguised dragon quickly became one of her closest friends and confidants, and Arim grew fond of the young mage. As Makaria grew older, she began developing feelings for Arim, which he felt conflicted about. They eventually came to and understanding, and have only become closer as he years have passed.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The protection of the Order of Grey Mages.

Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Guardian of the Grey Tower
Currently Held Titles
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish

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