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The world of Arcanum is a large world of five dominate spheres of influence, each ruled by different factions whit different ideals and world views. The world had been divided by 5 ancient dragons that later ascended to the rank of gods in there own right. After a thousand years these 5 dragons with the urging of the rest of the pantheon that slowly arose from there realms convinced them that the world should be reunited together. Now many different people, of many races now find there world even larger than they could have ever imagined.   The first is Treah, a diverse land of many feudal nations that have come to a general sense of peace after decades of war and political turmoil. But now after 70 years of relative peace several factions have risen to shatter this peace and to create a new world. Luen, a nation of knights and a land of chivalry has been given to a new evil and corrupt king that wishes to sow destruction across the land and subjugate all under his banner. The central continent has been ruled by the Galliceans for almost a millennia but with a weak and vacillating king what will happen to his kingdom?   Reath Is a land that is named for a group of adventures one thousand years ago, that after there exploits each founded a country a large continent that is separated by a massive, magical forest know as the Evercloud. Each month the Evercloud forest is surrounded by a deep fogy mist and after the night ends the forest Interior shifts, even bringing different places and planes into the forest. By law the only ones that can enter the forest are the Conquerors. A guild of warriors that guards the edges of the forest and adventures in to gather resources and fight unusual creatures within.   Ather is a land dominated by a massive desert to the north called the Desert of the Crimson Dunes a land of nomads and oasis, filled to the brim with monsters. To the south lays a land of arid savanna, which is fought over by numerous tribes of warriors that guard precious resources and the ancient traditions of each tribe.   Ethra is a land that lies on the other side of the Barrens from Treah. The north is a vast icy tundra that is not inhabited by any sentient creatures. the south is a diverse land of five warrior tribes that have a shaky peace.   Last is Hetra A land dominated by a large rock desert that is uninhabitable if not for the domed cities, each of the cities is unique and connected via Lighting rail. The people of Hetra are of almost every race and creed but most practice the magic of artificing. Making Hetra the most technologically advanced place in Arcanum. The domed cities all work together for the greater good and with

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