Wanderer's Tales Tradition / Ritual in Arcanerra (Defunct) | World Anvil
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Wanderer's Tales

Wanderer's Tales is a popular parlor game best played with a group of people, but can also be played alone. The game consists of two types of cards: art cards and text cards; sometimes these cards are just called 'pictures' and 'words'. The art cards are split into three types: beginning, middle, and end which are distinguishable from the back of the cards. When the stories have been presented, players vote on the winner of the round and put the story away in the "storybook", often a box or some other equipment.   The goal of the game is for player's to create a story to correspond with the art cards presented. There is no real 'win' condition for the game only awards the stories should be given such as "Best Overall", "Most Ridiculous", and "Most Comedic", but players are welcome to set a win condition beforehand.   

How To Play: 

  1. Shuffle both the art cards and text cards. Leave the art cards on the center of the playing table or surface.
  2. Deal six text cards between all players and set the remaining text cards next to the art cards
  3. A player must draw one art card from each of the three art card decks and present them in the center. 
  4. Each player must play one card to go with each of the images and read the story aloud. After all players have presented a tale, the players vote on which story will be put in the storybook. 
  5. The game continues for the rounds determined by the players and all most vote on which tale belongs in which awards category. 
  With the rules for Wanderer's Tales only requiring that players have art and text, many people take to making their own decks; This is a large contribution as to why the game is popular around the globe.


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