Bianca Aurilius Character in Arcadia | World Anvil
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Bianca Aurilius

Bianca Aurilius (a.k.a. Bee)

May and Grant sat at Yew and shared tea. Grey found his seat at oak, chin buried in his arms. He poked measly at a plate of hash and eggs. The three shared varying levels of company, but the bird receded away to toil in her kitchen for some time before delivering a basket of hot bread. Then she brought cheese and tomatoes, hand cut. “How’d you sleep?” Asked the bird, the owner. “Fine,” replied May. “Well,” said Grant.” “And you?” “Just great.” Answered the bird. “Everything is great.” In her voice lingered a sincerity that could not be mistaken. For the first time in almost centuries, this was the genuine truth. The bird smiled on and retreated to the kitchen to eat her own breakfast, which included only sunflower seeds and a few large, chilled crab legs. Comfort food. And it cost a pittance compared to the flour for bread, or to pork. They raised only beef in North Bend. Beef and fowl. And fish. Any kind of fish that could be procured from this endless sea, which stretched beyond the town and its cliffs for hundreds of miles.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bianca has always had a rather healthy figure. She's been overweight at one or two points in her life, usually heavy hipped. But being Clayborn, her figure generally doesn't waver too much across her many years of living. In her later years, many folks would agree that age was kind to her body. Just over two decades of abuse, and forty of healing, the woman has lost most of her scarring.

Body Features

Before a vain suicide attempt, Bianca possessed a pair of crows' wings, given to her by her mother, who sculpted her.

Identifying Characteristics

Her dark hair and matching wings are her most blatant features, and many accredit them to a large portion of her natural beauty. After losing her wings, she seemed to have lost a great deal of confidence in herself. Regardless, all in town know her as the Lightkeeper's daughter. A lighthouse watcher is a well respected position in such a small village. Though she's far from famous, most know her as a kind, gentle person.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Later in life, Bianca recoups from her two decades of failed marriage, and takes in a few new friends and one new lover. Firstly, the publisher Fin befriends her and encourages her to open up. This is the first of many who come to enjoy Bianca as a friend. Ives Wynfel comes second; a colleague of Fin's, who's baby daughter seems attached by the hip to Bianca. They visit her frequently, and Bianca is able to displace much of the care she could not give to her daughter, to Ives' child, Pragram. Her final and most trusted companion is a witch, driven out of her hometown of Ranier by angered citizens. Bound to a wheelchair, the witch Sybil lands in North Bend by way of caravan, who, for free, carried her far northwest to be away from those who drove her away from her birth home. Bianca noticed that the woman was homeless, and in need of a caretaker. She volunteered immediately, though Sybil was wary of her at first... After a few months of staying in Bianca's bed and breakfast, she decided she would move in permanently. Since then, they have been happily married.


Bianca is asexual, as are quite a large number of clayborn people.


Bianca's only education is from her father. She was taught to make charts of passing ships, and how to keep ledgers on their small but partially active port. She helped him manage imports, and taxing sailors for their goods.
Her mother taught her hospitality, and how to care for the few shipmen that stayed in their spare rooms to rest after months at sea. Bianca quickly became an excellent cook, and an excellent handy-woman. She soon learns a very versatile set of skills that she can apply to the rest of her life.


Bianca has not had any more of a job than maintaining her estate with the help of her parents while they are living, and her husband while they are married. Her entire life has been dedicated to the upkeep of the lighthouse tower and attached family home: a place that she has experienced everything in. Her home is not necessarily a fond memory, but one that is too profound for her to ignore.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Bianca is known to have mapped much of her township's land, as well as a few miles out into sea. The lighthouse sits at the highest point within North Bend, and as an affect, Bianca can see over all the town, and for miles over the vast northern sea. Her handiness allowed her a great spacial awareness, which she used to replicate the town orthographically on paper.

Failures & Embarrassments

Do not bring up Fiona. The loss of a first child is hard enough on a normal parent. To have lost hers to sickness in her utmost time of need was an event so devastating for her, that she quivers at the mention of even her name. The memory of her ever having been pregnant is entirely repressed. She refuses to even consider herself a proper mother.

Mental Trauma

Bianca's early life was kind and uneventful. It yielded a brilliant, kind young girl, who had a vast enthusiasm for the world she was learning about and coming to discover.
Her first marriage ended this.
She entered courtship fairly young, but seemed interested in taking her time with the engagement. Seldom did she imagine that this match was not perfect -- that she'd met someone who would evolve into her worst nightmare. She engaged some three years later, and quickly settled with him in her family home. The same two story bed and breakfast her mother ran, the same lighthouse her father upkept. The responsibility was now hers. And hers alone.
The newlywed Matthew was compassionate at first, for many years. He kissed her goodnight, helped with the upkeep of the home, and remained an affectionate staple of her goodwill and conscience. For the first few years, she thought she was genuinely happy.
Apathy set in almost a decade later, and much turned sour. It appeared that the housework was now her responsibility, while Matthew lounged about in thoughtful self discovery; a painless but false solution to his dissatisfaction. Soon he decided he wanted a child. And this new mindset, of wanting to be a parent, was forced inexplicably upon Bianca.
She adored the idea. Having a child to pamper, to direct this misplaced sense of care onto. And she agreed quickly, again, vowing her trust to her apathetic husband.
Bianca assumed that this would be done the way her own parents had done, through sculpture and a naming ceremony. Sex was foreign to the girl, but impressed upon her nonetheless. Though it hurt, and she could dash the few memories from her mind, something within changed. The one who was once inspired and loving was now reserved, indecisive, and defeated. Nine months passed quickly.
Fiona was born, sick, but breathing, crying, kicking. Bianca felt she could ignore much of her hurt with this new gift. The little dove became her favorite thing, and nothing, it felt, could hurt anymore. Have you, the reader, ever held an infant in your arms? Have you known what it feels like to lose that?
The next five years felt short, almost numb. Fiona soon proved that she would not survive past being a toddler. Matthew became violent, blaming Bianca for their child's sickness. Beatings persisted while he tried to impregnate her again. After the young girl's death, he promptly left her. And now, Bianca could truly process the past two decades. The retrospection hurt. Terribly. And it has touched her permanently.

Intellectual Characteristics

As referenced before, Bianca is acutely spatially aware. She's masterful with her hands, and is known by many to be a skilled cook, tailor, artist, and handy-woman in general.


Religious Views

Bianca has never been religious.


Bianca Aurilius

Wife (Vital)

Towards Sibylline Mercer



Sibylline Mercer

Wife (Vital)

Towards Bianca Aurilius




The pair married in Bianca's later years, though Sybil was a great deal younger. They remain married for the rest of their lives, and die together.

Nicknames & Petnames

Most everybody who's close to Bianca calls her Bee, including Sybil. In fact she uses her full first name with a sense of reverence.

Relationship Reasoning

To be frank, Sybil's disabilities do not allow her to survive without a caretaker, or at least a basic level of assistance. She's had to persist on her own for some time, as has Bianca -- who has a maternal sense of care that she never got to show to her daughter. As such, Sybil's need for a caretaker, and Bianca's need to be a caretaker is what caused them to latch onto each other so quickly.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both are quiet folks, and enjoy time to themselves. Both are avid readers, avid students. Despite their age they still believe that there is much to learn about the world.

Legal Status

The pair are married legally. Marriage is not recognized on a federal level, though, so most folks generally

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Bianca is sometimes called Crow of The Bend. Her birdlike features made her distinct from most anybody else in town, and those who knew her refer to her as a crow fondly.
Circumstances of Birth
The memory of her parents is buried by a highly traumatic early life, for which they were mostly absent. Bianca was fathered by North Bend's lighthouse keeper, and has lived in the tower and its attached estate for her entire life.
Circumstances of Death
Alzheimer's. The bird passes without recollection of anything besides some of her happiest moments.
North Bend
Current Residence
North Bend
Clayborn are single sexed. Bianca identifies as female.
The color of her eyes is hidden by the shyest of demeanors. Most people can't get close enough to glimpse any more than a dark almond brown.
Blackish curls that appear brown in the daylight.
Known Languages
Bianca speaks only Arcadian Common.
Ruled Locations

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Cover image: by Greg Rutkowski
Character Portrait image: Crow of Hellrot by Alice Ventura


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