Clayborn Species in Arcadia | World Anvil
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The first denizen rose from the muds of Origin, where the Eluae bury their dead and mourn. She was pristine, untouched, yet kissed by sun and wind. Alos learned to sculpt from the Eluae, studying from their artisans for the first centuries of her life. The girl was quite different from those she lived with -- easily twice their height. She to be mortal as well, but her longevity was rather inspired by that of the Eluae.   Alos was taught by the Eluae how to weave. She made for herself long, gracious linens that she draped over her body, and she learned how to sculpt, taking clay from the riversides and forming the masses into shapes. She learned how to love, and raised many of the halflings in her time there as well. Very early on she found that she was meant to be a creator—she was an artist, a worker, a maker, a builder, and she worked vicariously to make it the truth.   Alos studied from her own body. She brought to life hundreds of those who looked rather like her, until she built Tel: the heaving woman.   She was hulking. That dull clay form stood an entire three or four heads above Alos, forcing her to stand atop a loft to sculpt her hair and cheeks. The woman forged wires with which she propped up 6 heaving arms. Her fat biceps were chained for no purpose other than to give her clothing to wear—though it was all she wore. Her breasts hung and rested peacefully above a buxom tummy, nipples pierced with a bull’s iron ring. Tel's effigy grinned so brightly it seemed that she couldn't have a care in the world; as if she knew she was about to come alive. She was brought to life under the first sun of that summer.   And Alos was bewildered so delightfully by the existence of another denizen just like herself. She had brought to life a person in the same way she was born. She gleefully called her ‘sister’. Tel was someone so unlike herself—wistful, childlike, infatuated with everything she saw and touched. She loved her so dearly. But it was with this revelation, this ability, that she sculpted more Denizens of Arcadia, more people she could love. She became infatuated with their differences, and the Eluae too. Alos rose from the mud. Tel was sculpted from mire in the river bed and baked under the red sun. Acedia was set in the mild wind, dripping with water. Arcana was molded from tin, and set in the coldest winds of Nocturn.
Denizens cover

Basic Information


Clayborn are humanoid creatures with varying animal traits, such as wings, claws, horns, tails, and extra eyes. They are tall, and David-esque in physique and stature (in reference to the classical David), and boast incredible life-spans. Due to the nature of their birth, denizens are typically very beautiful. Continued in Genetics and Reprodution.   Denizens are fully capable of falling ill. They are biological creatures in the purest sense after being brought to life, and as a result are able to contract illnesses and ailments, as well as mental disabilities, physical illnesses, etc.   Denizens, regardless of how they were birthed, are capable of returning to a stone form at will. Regardless of medium, they turn into a very, very solid slate, that is nowhere near as malleable as what they were made from.

Genetics and Reproduction

REPRODUCTION THROUGH SCULPTURE (see Mahdka Kalit ) Denizens are organic creatures, but can be produced by other denizens via clay sculpture. Organic, sexual reproduction is an option, but many opt to sculpt their offspring. As a result of the artistic training and the classical culture surrounding the craft, Denizens tend to be very beautiful. They are mortal, but don't age like other organics do. Grey hair is acquired only at birth. Skin is the most prominent sign of age, i.e. wrinkles, freckles, sores, moles, etc.   Denizens that are born from clay typically mature much quicker, since they are not made to look like children very often. The ritual itself involves gathering clay from Origin (for those near enough to the temples. Origin lies within the province Elvask), or seeking out other deposits of the special clay that are closer by. This material is not required for the process, but is traditionally an affirmation of a couple's strength and love for the offspring they will make. A common alternative is marble. The finished sculpture is to be left out for 8 days, in full sun. Large celebrations take place during the wait, and many people leave offerings around the effigy to help guide wanting souls to it. These celebrations are referred to as Naming Ceremonies, where the parents begin developing the name that will give their child life. On the 8th day, the statue finally comes to life, limp, numb, and nearly blind to the new world.   REPRODUCTION THROUGH TRADITIONAL MEANS All Denizens, whether sculpted or birthed traditionally, have both a male and female set of reproductive organs. It is possible for a single Denizen to have offspring with itself, making a more or less similar child based off the genomes. The body gently mutates chromosomes in reproductive fluid so that a single Denizen does not make an exact copy of itself. Secondly, Denizens can mate with another of their kind and have traditional offspring the way we know it. Adolescence is considered to end at age 50, but adulthood does not officially start until the age of 80. Regardless, the culture surrounding age and maturity fluctuates so often that there is no real standard.     So, generally, Denizens consider sexual acts to be for pleasure, and not reproduction, although they do understand that it's an option.

Ecology and Habitats

Denizens can be found in every corner of the world. They occupy every continent, and hold total power in the moon's only government. Despite this, they are rather considerate of their neighboring races and treat the world kindly. They are VERY ecocentric, and tend to prioritize the health of their world over anything else. Their legislation reflects this.   Denizens prefer wooded areas for the sake of replenishable resources, and water gathering. The level of technology varies per region as well, so some cities/towns/villages/etc have different levels of resiliency to the environment.   Denizens are also well equipped to survive in the wild due to their strength, and are notorious for living in very remote places.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Denizens are omnivores, and share a diet with humans. They are known for cooking incredible meals and distilling powerful alcohol -- so in a way they are quite resilient to certain foods that could make a human or Eluae sick. Besides this, there is nothing especially noteworthy about their diet.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Denizens tend to be very beautiful. They have typical human facial features, but with slightly more extreme variations in features due to the nature of their creation. Denizens generally have two eyes, two ears, a nose and mouth, etc, but some who are Clayborn are sculpted with extra eyes. Extra ears/mouths are generally not considered beautiful and so they are traditionally ignored or not modified. The same goes for removing features as well.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Denizens live in every known continent.

Average Intelligence

Denizens are highly intelligent, and very metacognitive. They have very good reasoning skills, but are generally less sapient than homunculi (for frame of reference).

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Denizens see the world very similarly to humans and Eluae. If a Denizen has extra eyes, they typically only gain a wider range of vision (in degrees, not gamut). They have a strong sense of smell and sight, but are not extremely proficient with their senses.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Denizens are symbiotic with Eluae and Homunculi. Eluae revere Denizens, as they were present during their creation at Origin, and in return, Denizens use their much larger, stronger figures to act as protectors for the elusive half drow. Likewise, Homunculi are regarded by Denizens very openly as the best builders alive, and source their work to create some of the most well known architectural works on the moon -- such as the Marxian spire in Castletown, Vidalia.   Denizens are regarded as a friendly, gentle race. They welcome travelers with ease, and seem to be consistently grateful for the gift of life and their presence on the world. This is not to say that all Denizens are good people, but the culture they have developed over thousands of years of life tends to be very healthy, versus destructive or prohibitive.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

First names (referred to as given names or birth names) are kept without exception through a Denizen's life. The name is part of what imbues a Denizen with life. Names are not hidden or kept secret. They give no power to another person, but it is disgraceful to be ashamed of your name.   Family names however are originated from a Denizen's occupation, and can change quite frequently. Denizens lack a gendered language period, so people are referred to in third person by an occupational pronoun (which is not always a person's surname). Denizens typically adopt the name their parents had, regardless of their occupation, but have the decision to use their occupational name instead. Such as Mercer, for a trader, or Fahrrad for an archer.   Denizen names are not especially consistent, since they are enthusiastic about learning other cultures. Parents living in Origin tend to give their children Eluae names, which are short. Eluae do not have family names, but hail to a certain tribe.

Major Organizations

In Suhs, Nadar, Denizens control a rebel organization called the Order of the Thread, Thread referring to a type of kinetic magic that is banned in the region by elitist, classist religious dictators. The Marxis family is revered as the leader of Arcadia's first and largest empire, a gentle, socialist state simply referred to as the Marxian Kingdom. The system was put in place to strengthen relationships between provincial regions, and to manage economics in a manner that treats less civilized provinces (who still barter) fairly. The Marxian Kingdom is headed by a monarch, always a female presenting Denizen who selects one or many consorts as a partner. Their consort holds almost no political power, but are still considered quite important.   Sigma stood alone as a socialist state for many centuries, until its complete eradication in the second epoch's cataclysm. The continent has been in a feral state ever since.

Beauty Ideals

Denizens generally view the body in a very classic renaissance way. Their artwork especially emphasizes the beauty and accuracy of the body, as well as an elegance and stylized story-telling, which is what separates it from actual human-era classicist art. Denizens highly regard the mythical human David (see Michelangelo's David) and hold him as a kind of icon regarding beauty. In that same sense, athletes are generally considered very beautiful, and their practice is considered a fine art. Such as track and field, hand to hand combat or stylized martial arts. Even some forms of farming are considered art, such as fishing. Denizens, naturally, are huge fans of sculpture, but are very enthusiastic about virtually all kinds of craft. It is very common for a denizen to dedicate their life to one or many kinds of building, crafting, or creating. So, when crafting, Denizens tend to consider both aesthetic and function as important. Unlike Homunculi, Denizens feel that a good quality item is something designed to be beautiful, and functional. That blend is what they strive for in their craft. As a result, clothing that has function and aesthetic tends to be quite popular. Such as aprons, things with pockets, pants with storage (pockets!!!), etc.

Gender Ideals

Denizens simply do not have a gendered language, nor a binary. Since they have one (1) set of sexual organs and are hermaphrodites, they tend to identify along a spectrum, using the Eluae's binary as a point of reference (and solely for the purpose of defining different means of expression, not oppressing them). Child rearing is done as a community, which is exactly how Eluae and Homunculus family systems work. Partners take roles based off the work they prefer doing, not based off expression. Obviously, people still tend to be categorized by expression -- it just does not work how it does in human culture. Denizens take no offence to being referred to as male or female, or nonbinary, because they understand (Typically) that other languages and cultures DO posses a binary, and that its something that is hard to ignore.

Courtship Ideals

Royal Court is considered one of the finest institutions to find a partner at. The event is held three times a year (in each season except Nocturn), in three capitols of the world: The Brimstone Steppes, Vidalia, and Epsilon. The event is a massive ball sponsored by the current monarch. This actual event is difficult to attend, and is more available to those with the resources to travel. Ironically, this does not correlate directly to wealth. Say, someone who lives in Elvask and has the resources, although primitive, to travel, can make it to Court. Someone who works for coin in a more civilized area may not be able to afford the resources. Someone who is very wealthy most likely can. The ball is generally regarded as a good experience to have if you are able to go, but it is not required. During the same season, local areas hold their own court that serves the exact same purpose.   The events at a local level are quaint celebrations with plenty of food and people. People of all ages mingle in an attempt to flirt and find someone to actually formally court.   The idea of courtship is not consistent throughout the world either. In some places it is acceptable to date very informally and be married rather quickly. In others, its almost essential to attend Court and speak with other families there.

Relationship Ideals

Marriage specifically is the only federally sanctioned or recognized relationship. There are no actual federal benefits, but spouse-ship is considered a great achievement. This is largely because of the process. Denizen weddings generally involve the whole or majority of both families. During courtship, if the families agree that the relationship is strong, they will agree to build the couple a home. This is considered engagement. When the home is complete, the wedding is held inside the new building, and both families celebrate for three days. To complete the ceremony, the pair are given a quest by an oracle, which they must complete with both of their hands bound to one another by elaborate tapestries. These fabrics are embroidered with depictions of family history. Each pair of arms is tied with a tapestry from each family. If the quest is failed, the couple cannot be married and the house is destroyed. The tremendous pressure is not thought of as a road block though -- instead it is encouragement. Many weddings are successful.   Informal marriage is very common from families who do not have the resources for that kind of ceremony. It involves a simple quest from an oracle, and the wrist ties, and that alone.   Alternatively, some families marry entirely informally, or not at all, and are joined by the personal agreement that they are meant for one another.   All forms of this are acceptable throughout the moon, and generally depends on resources.   Courtship can take as long as a century, or be as short as just a few months.

Average Technological Level

Denizens are incredibly unique in this area. Due to the nature of their birth, they have a metacognitive awareness of their place in the world. They understand that the world's health is a function of their behavior and actions, and that life is very, very fragile. Their theology entails that carelessness towards one's environment is a terrible vice, and a fatal sin. As a result, Denizen legislation, local law, basically their entire culture, is based on the philosophical concept of ecocentrism. This is where the species values the health of their environment over almost everything else, and ethical decisions are formulated on that basis. As a result, Denizens intentionally stunt their technological growth in the fear that they will suffer an end that the human homeworld did. Denizens, at the most advanced, have basic film cameras, very simple record players and recording devices, and approximately 3 steam engines... They are countable. And used in only locomotives. Simple mechanical devices can be used to generate electrical currents through electrical magnets, but the technology requires federal approval. It is free for those who choose to use it. Operators are paid amply by the local government. It's an accommodation they can afford because it is not widely used, and because the fuel is kinetic (physical labor) and not something like coal or oil. To elaborate further, mining past a set depth is banned in all but two provinces, where the ground is barren of life.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common Tongue is the more colloquial name for Arcadian Standard, a slightly more flashy name for a language developed primarily by the first Denizens of Sum Origin. Many others also speak Spanish or French, which was adopted by human immigrants.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Polite gestures consist of simple phrases and bringing small gifts. A common practice is to bring a small bushel of food when being invited to someone else's home. Items are hand picked and not cooked. Bringing cooked food is reserved for celebration, but tidings like this only include ingredients. Bread, wine, cheese, and garden vegetables are very common. Speaking of gardens, virtually all family homes have large, beautifully lush gardens. Denizens are infamous for being self sufficient. Community meals are also seen as a very respectful type of thing -- as in organizing the gathering of much of a village to eat and cook and socialize.

Common Taboos

Denizens frown upon incest, murder, and trickery. Their theology describes a few sets of morals that should influence how one acts, such as virtues and vices. Again, these are inspired majorly by their ecocentric nature.

Historical Figures

Nix, the first ruler of the Marxian kingdom; Queen Quara, Queen Hema, Queen Amidatty, Queen Amaya. Reina, Shepherdess of the Brimstone Steppes. Alos, Acedia, Arcana, and Tel, sisters of the first woman. Insidia, Lai Kin, etc. Just lots of people that are poorly developed.

Common Myths and Legends

Origin is the colloquial name for the Denizen's creation myth, although it is not fictional.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

It is acceptable for Denizens to marry into families of other species such as humans, but they are the ONLY race on the moon who are permitted to marry into an Eluae family. Denizens are respected and regarded as a friendly, tolerant race.

Scientific Name
Inca Esse Lutum
Clayborn, though quite different, are related very closely to the Eluae because of their history together.
650-875 cycles (About 551 years but as long as 1200 cycles (750 years)
Average Height
8 ft 6 in. Up to 10'2"
Average Weight
450-650 lbs. Obesity is rare for Denizens. Malnutrition, however, is not.
Average Physique
All members of the race are quite healthily built. Since they are produced as sculptures, they tend to be rather sturdy.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Denizens share skin tones with humans, having warm colored skin, sometimes with dark melanin. The amount of melanin or darkness of the skin is generally determined by the climate. Denizens do not have a concept of race within their own species. Skin color is indeterminate, cultural, and nothing else. It is not ignored, but its largely not regarded as very important. Denizens are capable of freckled complexions, scars and gashes, vitiglio, and other such nuances.

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Nov 17, 2017 07:38 by World Anvil

This article is awesome! The Gods approve