Arc sagas 01.01- Tomb of the Forgotten Creator: The God's Dilemma

01.01- Tomb of the Forgotten Creator: The God's Dilemma

Life, Supernatural


The Ley Anima holds a hidden sanctum, known as the Tomb of the Forgotten Creator. Amede wept as she gathered the ascended soul of the maimed Oah. Despite the Warden of Souls intervention, both were bound by Natural Law to the Ley Anima. Both deities awaited a Miracle for the future of All- Life.


*** Author's Note ***

Timeline Dates are WIP and are representative of the flow of time and events, rather than a literal list of dated events. "The Cosmic Pantheon" is an attempt to organize those events and to provide an interesting narrative flow. Enjoy! : D


Oah, wounded in battle by the Galaxia Loci, drift into the Ley Anima, where he was guided by a host of Anima spirits to a lush, ethereal garden next to a burial site marking the Tomb of the Forgotten Creator. Amede, the "Warden of Souls", greeted Oah into her arms. His presence within the Anima was the beginning of their descension into the Tomb, where they would finally rest eternal.

Amede and Oah were bound to the same fate- where Oah is concerned with the domain of the Ley Corpus, where spirit is housed in physical matter, Amede protects the transitive souls that travel the Ley Anima, or Astral Plane. With nowhere to go, the souls of the dead were driven to Oblivion, where the divine souls of the Old Gods had become warped and twisted entities. The birth of Oblivion was the end of all things- though they try to escape it, Amede and Oah were now as close to suffering the same fate as the fallen Old Gods.

The Cosmos was in a state of teetering between "Perfect Chaos" and "Absolute Zero." Trapped between these positions were Oah and Amede, trapped inside the slowly fading Ley Anima. However, Oah was slowly prevented from fully ascending. Oah's Heart had been fragmented and scattered to 5 Worlds beyond, and as they remain there, Oah's essence clutched to Life outside the Ley Corpus. Like beacons in the void, the deities watched the spectral lights of Oah's Heart pulsing from beyond dead stars. If the fragments of Oah's Heart could be made whole once more, Oah could be healed and returned to the Throne of Aeon, where his presence would ensure the health of cosmic cycles. Until each severed piece was returned, Oah lay in a state between Life and Death.

As the Warden of Souls gathered Oah into her lap, Amede wept for the maimed sage; she knew that as long as his Heart still beat outside Amede's domain, there would still be hope for the New Worlds. In his dying torpor, Oah prophecied his expectations of the Life to come after the Silent Millenia. Listening, she continued to cry as her tears became beautiful radiant flowers which bloomed into the darkness of the Aether.

At the beginning of the Cataclysm, Oblivion had engulfed the domains of the lost Gods, leaving it as the only dimension beyond the Ley Anima. With the death of the Old Gods, there was the birth of a new God. Amede eventually felt the presence of an emergant Goddess who slept within a cocoon of carnage. The realm began to shape around her, becoming something new as well. The lost souls that drifted there became a part of that chaotic realm.

Amede was attended by the Avatar, (a group of collective, animistic souls of animals, insects and plants), who had come to attend the gardens and groves. While the Avatar aided the wandering and restless spirits, her most powerful attendants were concerned with securing the dimension against the incoming threat from Overworld. Amede's power kept Oah from dying, but her realm was diminishing. The Avatar were disappearing in large numbers.

Amede's tear drops became ethereal flowers, blooming with glistening dew beneath the golden Light of the newborn Sun. A new realm opened between the borders of the Ley Anima and the Ley Corpus, the transient Realms of Light and Shadow. The shadow cast was from a being who had escaped the collapse of Oblivion; the Nameless King emerged as a pure entity, guided through the Realm of Light and Shadow by the trail of flowers blooming at the threshold.

The volatility of those realms would endanger lesser souls, however, the Nameless King's presence at the Tomb of the Forgotten Creator was a miracle. The Nameless King was once a bearer of divine power; as the survivor of Oblivion, he could once more recieve the Aureole, or divine soul. If the Nameless King could survive the Ley Corpus and return with Oah's Heart Stones, then Oah could be restored to his vigil at the Throne of Aeon.

Otherwise, if the Nameless King failed and his soul was once more sealed to Oblivion, then Oah would truly die, leaving the Corpus in a state of suspension. Without Oah's presence, the Cosmos doesn't move. The flow of Space- Time between the Ley Realms and other spiritual dimensions was already distorted by Oah's absence; Time spent in the spiritual dimensions is much more than Time spent in the Corpus ordinarilly. However, as Oah continued to perish, the time dilation increases. Until each fragment can be made whole, the impending fate of the New Worlds would be decided by the Nameless King's actions.

As a Clear Soul, (a Soul without any Host spirit or spirits) the Nameless King was granted a new name and spirit born of the deities divine will. With Life and form, this new entity could travel between the physical and spiritual realms. In return, Oah agreed to pass on the rites of Creation, marking the Nameless King as the inheritor of the New Aeon. Thus, the Nameless King was sacrificed and the new entity was given the name, Hoqon.
As the new Champion of the Gods, Hoqon was gifted with vestments woven of golden light. Oah blessed Hoqon with 8 Stars, advising Hoqon that these Stars would protect him from the physical Worlds that he'd encounter. Oah and Amede also warned Hoqon- the forming Worlds were possessed of vital souls, known as the Loci. They materialize as physical projections throughout each World. Though the Gods had invested power to Hoqon, he could still be injured or slain by the Loci.
Their presence was necessary for those worlds; without the presence of the Loci, planets become unstable. They start to draw restless souls and spirits into their core, becoming places for Sebut Sekt or others to corrupt the natural order of the Corpus and Anima of that space. Strange worlds born without Loci were being possessed by the supernatural power growing from the dark heart of Oblivion. With this admonition, Hoqon was bestowed Oah's 8 Stars, his proof of protection to the Champion.

Meanwhile, another entity had escaped from Oblivion at the birth of the Sun, Ao. During this infantile stage, the newborn sun Ao's mind and spirit wandered into the empty spaces where his Light passed. He was able to see all that the Light fell upon. Once Ao had examined the planets and learned of the Loci's ambitions, Ao continued to explore both the Corpus and the Anima.

Ao learned much during this time, including the plight faced by the Gods as well as Sebut Sekt's ascension in Oblivion. While exploring the cosmos, Ao found the threshold to the Throne of Aeon. Ao wasted no time in exploring the confines. Inside the labrynthine halls, Ao found the Universal Codex, a magical text which defines the Natural Laws of Divinity, Reality, Souls and Magic, written by the Forgotten Creator and preserved by Oah.

Infantile Ao was left alone with the Universal Codex- myths suggest that a part of Ao still lingers in the infinite halls of Oah's space. It took Ao countless centuries to comprehend not only it's nature as a divine being but to understand the meaning of the Universal Codex. Changing any of the Laws affected the Corpus and the transient realms beyond. Infinite knowledge and time to explore the Universal Codex made Ao the warden of Oah's space for some time. Eventually, Ao learned how to cast itself from that space, where Ao found Hoqon on his journey to the first planet, Eigan.

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