Myth- X the Story Teller Character in Arc Sagas | World Anvil

Myth- X the Story Teller


Hello! My name is Myth Crossing; Myth Cross or Myth X, if you prefer! I'm an aspiring writer working on developing the world setting, Pathon, for a variety of different medias. You're invited to join me on this journey! The purpose of this article is to introduce myself and hopefully introduce you to an exciting world of fantasy and magic! I appreciate your interest and hope this article finds you well!


P.S. Periodically, I will add links to this page; you can use these as quick references or guides to other articles! Please feel free to explore the available content!

Mental characteristics

Personal history

"Myth- X" was born this year, 2023. I joined World Anvil in January under one of my common alias, "Rock Harvey". I've found the tools and resorurces provided by World Anvil to be the exact thing I needed to compile the information for my series.

I've always wanted to be a Writer- but I will not consider myself successful until I've published my first novel. The Pathon Series is my attempt at building not only a fantasy world but a place where people's dreams can flourish also. I want to introduce this big, enormous world and let other people tell their own stories within the setting. By the time I finish writing the book series, I'll hopefully have achieved more of my financial goals for the project and will move into other forms of visual medias, such as comics and games.

Speaking of, the Pathon Series will span across 18 books- each book follows the adventure of an individual protagonist and works to include the stories and content from the previous book. The idea is a story with interwoven plot points that culminates by the end of the series to a spectacular finish! I'd like to introduce a group of characters that fit in with other popular culture icons, as well as tell engaging stories with substance and depth. I'm excited for what this project will look like in the future! : D

I made the decision to be a Writer when I was young, but I didn't think I'd be dedicating my Life to writing. I've given it long consideration. Honestly, if something were to happen to me tomorrow, I'd be content with where I'm at right now. Sometimes, it isn't the destination but the journey. I implore others to find something in their Life that gives them purpose and helps them to get out of the bed in the morning. Life is much more fulfilling when you move through it with some kind of purpose.

I believe in my Dreams; I want others to realize their Dreams and potential too. I hope that my stories will find people and give them what they need- be it entertainment or inspiration. If I can, I'd like to help others by being a source of information, a fair critic, and a safe place to discuss ideas.

This is a good segue way into a bit of wisdom I ran across when I was younger. In a Library, I found an enchanted book on writing which included an essay letter sent to a correspondence of E.A. Poe's. Strangely, in my adult years, I have NEVER came across that essay again. However, in it, E. A. Poe made an excellent point about the short story; he said, paraphrased, that "people didn't have enough time in those days to sit down and digest long format stories." How vexing! Think of how much more true that is now.

That said, now people have less time for literature AND less attention span. In a way, it's somewhat discouraging. Yet I still feel that there are some intrinsic things about humanity that will keep stories alive. Fact is, the story or myth is not going anywhere; it's just changed. In my humble opinion, you have superheroes instead of Gods and Goddesses and super powers or abilities over phenomenon. Visual media have become much more popular, including comic books and video games. I foresee a future where my project will have visual elements, as I plan on developing a Table Top RPG system similar to "Dungeons & Dragons", as well as a light Video Game I've been developing using RPG MAKER software.

As mentioned, stories aren't going anywhere. I think now more than ever, moral stories are necessary. As we loose substance to sensationalism, I find that there doesn't have to be a loss for either! Since my project isn't a corporate project, I can take my time for now and have many liberties over how I want to tell my stories. From a bright- eyed empath who loves to help others to a somber and world - wreary veteran, I want to tell a large range of stories.

I love Fantasy as a genre- you can tell ANY kind of story within a Fantasy setting. It can be an Action story or a Mystery, Romance, Comedy- all of these fit within Fantasy!

Imagination is the Limitation!

The purpose of this Article is to introduce myself and my goals, but it's also to make your acquaintance! If you are a Writer who would like an Ally in your own quest, please consider reaching out! I provide feedback or will make time to discuss your own ideas, if you're interested! You don't have to be alone!

You can occasionally find me on Discord! I'll include the link in the sidebars. Say "Hey" if you see me! : D

If you made it this far, Congratulations! If you're looking for more content or updates, I use the "Pathon Development ChangeLog" to keep a Journal of Updates and Blogs. I post changes and additional Articles in Updates while Blog is an ongoing Journal with various Log Entries. Please, Like & Comment, Subscribe if you want to be a part of the Story-Teller's Saga Let's meet again! : D


Full Time Thinker
Part Time Developer
Neutral Good
Current Status
Dreaming of a Fantasy World of Myth & Magic
Circumstances of Birth
Born on a Cusp
Mt. Calm
He/ Him
Light Grey
Wavy Brown Curls
5' 11"
130 lbs.
Arc Sagas DevLog/ 23


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