Dead Eye Spell in Arc Sagas | World Anvil

Dead Eye

"I've got my eye on you."
— a Necromancer

"In an act too horrifying to describe, the Caster completes the grisly spell. A small, bloody orb rolls away into the shadows."
— a casting of Dead Eye

The Dead Eye spell uses the Caster's eye as a tool for scouting. It is able to roll and float at eye level, be dropped from a height, and remedy the effect of an afflicted condition to the eye- or cause someone else's eye to fall out, causing confusion.


Dead Eye is a gruesome spell that transforms the Caster's eye into a magical sensor for the duration of the spell. Effectively, the Caster doesn't have to remove the eye. As a magic sensor, the Caster can use it for the purposes of Divination magic.

If the Caster chooses to remove their eye, it can be commanded to move with 1 Action or 1 Move Action, as the Caster prefers. If the eye has been removed and it isn't in the same line of sight as the Caster or of any subjects targeting the Caster, then the Caster suffers -2 penalty on attack rolls and Proficiency checks involving sight until those subjects are once more in the combined sight of the sensor and the Caster.

Otherwise, if the eye is destroyed or passes the range of the spell (60 ft. radius, Personal), then the Caster's eye regrows. The Caster takes no damage from losing the eye or from casting this spell. If the Caster was half- blind or blinded before casting the spell, then the eye is renewed by the end of the duration. The eye can float above the ground at the same height that the Caster is normally, regardless of their current size.

Side/Secondary Effects

This spell can be cast on another subject to make their eye fall out. Much like the standard effect, there is no damage dealt if the eye is lost or destroyed nor is there damage dealt as part of this spell. The eye is returned should it be destroyed. However, the eye is at the control of the Caster, and can be made to turn against the owner. The same penalty for being half- blinded applies to the subject of Dead Eye. This spell can remove the half-blinded affliction if the subject was suffering those effects.


The Caster turns their back in polite company and removes their eye. In the dark recesses of the mind, something represses the haunting squelches of those sounds.


Source (Undeath)

Material Components
Caster's Eye
Gestures & Ritual
Caster removes the Eye.
Related School
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 Action
60ft. Radius, Caster
0- Cantrip
Applied Restriction
Amongst Necromancers, Dead Eye is seen as a novelty; like the joke one would pull at a cousin's wedding. Amongst others, it's seen as a dreaful and gruesome spell.


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