Conjuror's Magemark Spell in Arc Sagas | World Anvil

Conjuror's Magemark

" Take this rune and I'll be by your side!"
— a Caster preparing to cast a Conjuror's Magemark spell

A Conjuror's Magemark is a special crest, glyph or insignia chosen to represent the Caster. This special mark can be used as a symbol to represent the Caster's status or as a piece of cosmetic decorum or it can be imparted to a Subject or an Object as an enchantment.

The Caster chooses to appear at the side of the Subject, or switches places completely, leaving the Subject in the designated spot where the Caster originated when the spell was activated.


Conjuror's Magemark is cast either as 1 Action or 1 Full Action. Depending upon the way it is cast determines the results.

The Conjuror's Magemark can be used to replace other Magemarks. This allows the Caster to remove a rival Magemark from a Positive or Negative Spell-Stack.

In addition, applying the Magemark has one of two benefits, chosen when casting the spell. Either it can be applied as a decorum, which will stay upon an item or Subject as if it were ink, or it can be applied as a Condition, which will affect both the Caster and Subject's Spell- Stack. Resistant to errosion, it takes 1 Action to remove a Magemark. Dispel magic effects or the spell Erasure entirely removes a Magemark.

The Caster may cast Conjuror's Magemark as 1 Full Action. Doing so provides the Caster with the ability to enchant the Magemark. This also applies the "Conjuror's Magemark" both to the Subject or Object and the Caster's Spell-Stacks as a Positive Condition.
Cast as 1 Full Action, Conjuror's Magemark has a duration of 1 minute per Caster's Psyche Modifier and requires an ATTUNEMENT Proficiency check (DC: 10+ Subject's Grace). Caster's don't lose this spell from their pool if it results in spell failure.

Once the spell is in effect, the Magemark allows the Caster to either switch places with the marked Subject or appear at their side, in the closest empty space next to them. If there is no available space, the Action fails, but may be attempted again (nothing happens).

Once the Caster has switched places or teleported once with a Subject or Object within the spell's duration, the spell ends, removing the condition from both Spell- Stacks. It's up to the Caster whether the inert Magemark remains on the Subject thereafter.

Side/Secondary Effects

Magemarks can't be placed on multiple Subjects or Objects; a Caster can only have 1 Conjuror's Magemark (or any Magemark) active at one time. If another Magemark is cast on the Caster or Subject, the prior effect disappear from their Spell- Stacks.


" The Caster spends about a half a minute, constructing a perfect insignia on the sword. To test it, the Caster threw the sword, and before it could strike the wall, he appeared, catching the blade by the grip."
— a caster successfully demonstrates an application of a Conjuror's Magemark


Source (Realm)

Material Components
Special inks may increase effect durations.
Gestures & Ritual
Caster draws the insignia.
Seals w/ an Invocation.
Related School
Effect Duration
1 Minute p PSY MOD
Effect Casting Time
1 Action (1 Full Action)
Line of Sight
1- Initiate
Applied Restriction
This spell doesn't cross planar boundaries.

Multiple Magemarks can't affect a single Subject or an Object they possess (unless this spell is cast as "Decorum"). Essentially, a Subject can't be under the effect of multiple Magemarks. A new Magemark replaces the old one instantly.
Magemarks are often used to distinguish certain Caster from others. Groups of Casters may share a common Magemark.


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