Beast Empathy Spell in Arc Sagas | World Anvil

Beast Empathy

" The feral mountain cat charged with ferocious speed, ready to tear the flesh from the Caster, when a verdant pulse escaped the Caster's mouth. The cougar, pausing in its tracks, turned to retreat. When it returned, it revelaed the kitten that it protected.
— a Casting of a Beast Empathy spell

A Beast Empathy spell communicates to Animals through a pulse of forceful will and empathy. The pulse between the Caster and the animal allows the Caster to influence and understand the attitudes of animal's in their vicinity.


A Beast Empathy spell requires 1 Action to cast and its effect imparts instantaneously. When the Caster of the Beast Empathy spell speaks the final words of the spell, a vibration releases in a 20ft. radius spread from the Caster. Any animal in the vicinity can make a Grace Proficiency Save of DC 10+ the Caster's Psyche Modifier. If the result is a failure, the Beast Empathy spell allows the Caster to monitor the surface emotions and conditions of an animal or beast.

This can provide the Caster with information, such as the status of the creature as well as it's current thought mode. It can provide the Caster with details about why the beast could be acting in a certain manner or it can reveal conditions that could be affecting the creature's hostilities.

This spell doesn't grant the ability to speak with animals; only to learn and understand them better. This spell last for a number of rounds equal to the Caster's Psyche Modifier. This spell affects its subjects indirectly and doesn't appear on the spell stack.

Concentrating on a different animal within this spell's area of effect requires 1 Action.

Side/Secondary Effects

As a secondary affect, the Caster can attempt to change the behavior of an animal once the status has been revealed (through 1 round of study). Simple command words can be used to attempt to sway the beast's behavior. Roll a PERSUASION attempt vs DC10+ the creature's HD. If the check is successful, the beast may follow the Caster's direction. Each new command is another attempt at PERSUASION. Anytime this result is unsuccessful, the spell is broken immediately.


The Caster draws circles with their hands until their hands meet their mouths, at which point they blow a green verdant pulse that bursts and lingers in the Aura of animals around the Caster. Growling ceases as the beasts begin to calm."
— a casting of a Beast Empathy spell


Source (Nature)

Gestures & Ritual
Small spinning circles with hands or body.
A resonant chant, released.
Related School
Effect Duration
1 Round per PSY MOD
Effect Casting Time
1 Action
20ft. Burst (Caster)
0- Cantrip
Applied Restriction
Zoos and other areas of conservation may use Beast Empathy spells to affect animals, but if an outside Verdamancer is found influencing the Zoo's exhibits, there could be fines or penalties.


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