Aura Visualizer Spell in Arc Sagas | World Anvil

Aura Visualizer

"This is one of the first things you must learn as an Initiate. If you can't see it, then let me show you the colors of your own Soul."
— a Sage to an Adept, casting of Aura Visualizer

Aura Visualizer not only makes it to where a Caster can read a person or object's Aura, but it causes the Aura to glow visibly so that others may see the Aura as well. An Auramancer learns valuable information about a subject through their Aura- often without their detection.


Aura Visualizer has several effects, depending upon the subject and it's condition. This spell is cast upon one subject or object.

The Caster may roll a SUBTERFUGE Proficiency check as part of this spell. The Subject rolls a Spirit or PERCEPTION check; the higher result succeeds. If the Caster is successful (and they were casting from "Hidden" to begin with), their spell-casting remains undetected.

The Subject also receives a Grace saving throw vs the spell's effect (DC10+ Caster's Psyche modifier). If successful, the spell fails. If the result of the check is over half of the Difficulty, then the spell continues but the Subject is aware that the spell is in effect and can manipulate the results to the Caster. If successful, the spell continues as described below:

The Caster views the Aura spectrum surrounding the individual. While the Caster may view the spectrum, the act of viewing an Aura through this spell doesn't inform the subject that anything is happening. The Caster continues to examine the spectrum without notice. However, at any time during the spell's duration, the Caster can choose to manifest the colors of an Aura, which then alerts the subject that magic has been and is being cast. This allows anyone nearby to see the color spectrum that appears around the individual.

As part of the spell, the Caster may choose to reveal the Aura to the subject but otherwise, this spell will not reveal the Aura to the subject it is cast upon unless the Caster decides to do so at any time.

This field appears around the subject as colorful light and conveys information about their condition. This effect doesn't blind the subject or prevent their sight in anyway. A subject that knows the spell is being cast can influence the result by making (SUBTERFUGE vs Caster's Spirit or DISCOVER Proficiency checks). Once the Caster is successful, the spell is immediately broken between the two.

This spell conveys the following information:

* Condition: This spell can reveal the current emotions of a person, as well as whether those emotions are being influenced through Magic. The Colors of the Aura tend to indicate the person's moods. In addition, this spell can be used to find or discern a subject's physical or mental condition and whether magic has been used to cause Statistic Damage.

* Magic: This spell can reveal other magical Auras that may be influencing the Target. Each House of Magic has discernible Auras and those who cast spells from those Houses may have that reflected in their Aura if they have recently cast a spell or are enchanted by the spell. Lingering traces of the Magic will be in the Target's Aura and those who specialize in those Houses of Magic are surrounded in those energies. This spell is useful in identifying Magic cast on a subject, particularly spells that may change someone's appearance.

While this spell doesn't directly tell of what effects are on a person, clever deduction by Casters may reveal more to a knowledgable Caster. If a magical Aura has been found, the Caster makes a DISCOVER check (DC:20-Level of Spell or Effect cast). If successful, the House of Magic is revealed to the Caster.

*Possession: This spell can reveal the presence of a Possession, by revealing the otherworldy Aura of the possessor. In addition, as it pertains to spells from the House of Domimancy, this can reveal not only the benefactor of a Pact or Favor, but the identity of the Deity or avatar providing the favor (LORE: RELIGION DC20). Aura Visualizer can also be used on Objects, to determine if they are magical or possessed as well.

Side/Secondary Effects

Object: Aura Visualizer can be cast on objects as well. This can provide the caster with knowledge about a magical Aura surrounding the object, or it can be used to identify those who have come into contact with the object within the last 8 hours. If the Caster has discerned another Aura through Aura Visualizer from someone else, the Caster can see their Aura within objects that they've interacted with. Otherwise, this spell works in all ways as mentioned above.

The effect duration is 1 + 1 round per Psyche Modifier and casting Aura Visualizer is 1 Full Action per round. The Caster can change the subject, which receives the opportunities to check against the spell listed in the primary effects.


The Caster hums subtly to themselves. Flashes of the Caster's Aura can be seen while activating the spell. Once released with a flick of the wrist, the Caster ceases humming but the low pitch can be picked up through Frequency or other clairaudient spells as the sound vibrates within the spell's aura of effect.



Gestures & Ritual
Hums until energy is released in a wave of the hand. Subtle.
Related School
Related Element
Effect Duration
1 round per Psyche Modifier
Effect Casting Time
1 Action
Close 30ft. Line of Sight
1- Initiate
Applied Restriction
It is considered a violation of one's privacy to manifest this spell in public or without consent.


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