Ancestral Spirit Spell in Arc Sagas | World Anvil

Ancestral Spirit

"Spirit of my Ancestor, vigilant watcher of the House, hear my cry! Aid us with your guiding light, beloved Ancestor!"
— an invocation of Ancestral Spirit

An Ancestral Spirit spell conjures a small wisp of a spirit to the Caster's side. The Ancestral Spirit doesn't speak, but its presence provides the Caster and allies with a sense of calm and clarity. The type of Ancestral Spirit summoned also defines what effects it can have while active. The benefits provided by an Ancestral Spirit are considered "Passive" and therefore aren't subject to the Law of Diminishments.


The Ancestral Spirit is summoned in the same square as the Caster. The spell effect appears as a wispy apparition that sheds a small amount of light. The Ancestral Spirit is considered to be from the same ancestral line or heritage as the Caster (the player or GM can determine the specifics of an Ancestral Spirit). While they don't speak directly, the sensations felt by the presence of an Ancestral Spirit is enough to communicate with empathy. The Ancestral Spirit floats no more than one square away from the Caster. As an immaterial being, the Ancestral Spirit can't be attacked by mundane weapons. However, a spell or magical weapon that deals more than 1 HP damage to it is enough to disperse an Ancestral Spirit.

The type of Ancestral Spirit summoned is determined by the Caster at the start of casting. The spell requires 1 Full Action to cast and lasts for 5 minute per the Caster's Psyche. The type of Ancestral Spirit determines the spell's effects.

All spirits bestow a +2 Bonus on Proficiency checks that involve sight or discovery (EXPLORE, DISCOVER, PERCEPTION). In addition, the Ancestral Spirit is able to make its own PERCEPTION checks (use the Caster's statistics to determine results). If the Ancestral Spirit perceives something, it will glow to make others aware.

Side/Secondary Effects

There are 3 different kinds of Ancestral Spirits that can be summoned:

A Heroic Ancestral Spirit provides the Caster and any allies with a +1 Bonus to Action Order and a +1 on damage rolls when a melee attack is successful.
An Elemental Ancestral Spirit provides the Caster and any allies with Resistance to a chosen element. Anytime damage is dealt from the chosen Element, prevent 1 of that damage.
A Protector Ancestral Spirit protects the Caster and any allies by providing a +1 Bonus to Armor Rating and a +1 on save checks against spells and effects.


" The Caster's hands clasp as the words of the spell are uttered. With eyes shut, the Caster continues whispering prayers into the glowing hands. As the Caster finishes speaking the words, the palms are open to reveal a small orb of spiritual flame that floats in the air above the Caster's head. A sense of calm and peace seems to fill the immediate area as the sound of small bells announces the presence of the Ancestral Spirit."
— a casting of an Ancestral Spirit spell


Source (Caster)

Gestures & Ritual
A prayer spoken into the palms of the hands.
Related School
Effect Duration
1 Mintue Per PSY MOD
Effect Casting Time
1 Full Action
0- Cantrip
Applied Restriction
Only one Ancestral Spirit spell can affect the same group at any time.


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