Lifeforce Absorption Spell in Arborterra | World Anvil
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Lifeforce Absorption

This is a hideous and disgusting arcane ritual, it allows the caster to draw out the energy and life from anything that is daubed with the correct sigils.


Over the hour of casting this ritual, the very life, soul or energy of the targets is drawn forth. Converted into arcane power that can be used to empower the caster and used for their other spells.

Side/Secondary Effects

Absorbing the lifeforce and channeling it to your own body as arcane power gives the caster the ability to give their other spells a boost but too much of this energy can cause the casters body to start to degrade, their eyes will start to take on a green glow and later, lines of this energy will appear and give off light all over the casters body, spreading as they take on more power.


When cast, the green energy flows from the target into the caster, the smell of rot and decay hangs heavy in the air as the target begins to decompose.


The spell was created, or perhaps redicovered, by the Arcane Engineers of the Gharall Empire, who use it extensivly to clear the forests from newly conquered lands and empower their machines of war.
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Material Components
A complex sigil must be daubed on each target in ink containing the blood of the caster and powered black opal, when drawn, the caster can then effect all targets within 50 feet that are correctly marked.
Gestures & Ritual
When casting, the user must speak the spell words and focus the energies through the Feltach, drawing them to the token and then to themselves.   The spell takes an hour of intense concentration and the words of the spell must be spoken every five minutes else the energies will fall out of their control. At the end of the ritural, the final words will close off the flow of energy and seal the Feltach.
Effect Casting Time
One Hour
50 Feet


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