Bolt Vehicle in Arboria | World Anvil
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  The Bolt is a new-concept small air-superiority style fighter and scouting airship designed by Taago Silat, Ziv Finnel Arz Kantor, and Surin Tan with funding, in part, provided by the Free Trade Consortium.   The design philosophy was intended to provide a means of medium-range support for large bulky commerce airships from military and/or forest-based adversaries and to provide a technological air-superiority answer to the Koryo wyverns in more direct military conflicts.   There are currently 11 Bolts, with the prototype remaining on the The Fortune's Favor, and the other 10 being distributed among the island of Lu Jing and among the larger airships of the Free Trade Consortium.

Power Generation

Solar generation on the top of the fuselage.


4x insectoid wings

Weapons & Armament

1 repeating harpoon mounted underneath.
Canopy can open for additional attacks via spells or other means.

Communication Tools & Systems

None at baseline.


None at baseline.
Used by
Creation Date
Owning Organization
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Approixmately 3 meters
1 meter fuselage, approximately 2.5 meters with landing gear
Approximately the same as a Koryo Wyvern
Complement / Crew
1 Pilot
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Very little, no more than ~ 30 kg of additional weight

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