The Fortune's Favor Vehicle in Arboria | World Anvil
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The Fortune's Favor

The party's current primary mode of transportation. The Fortune's Favor is outfitted with enough room to accommodate approximately 12 people with double rooming. Modifications and repairs to the airship have been performed, primarily by Surin Tan with assistance from Taago Silat.  
  The ship has crashed at least once while under Bade's command, shot down by Koryo forces, and ending up among the Old Trees. After crashing, the ship was patched with the help of the Old Trees and their children, resulting the the Fortune's Favor having a patchwork of magical wood, vines, and flowers augmenting the previous framework.
Owning Organization
Current location
Towards the top-end of available Freeholm airship speeds.
Complement / Crew
1x pilot (mandatory), 3-4 auxiliary crew (ideally)
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Total of 12 Passengers, including Crew to fit comfortably. Additional cargo of at least 500 kg.

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