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A land so lush and green with fields that stretch far and wide, with pine groves and oakwoods with leaves e'er so bright.
Where the Gods may watch o'er us, keep us and bestow upon us, where freedom be our right.
Where farmers work, and traders trade, where miners slave the day away,
where we all prey and obey - so is Arboria's way.
Where lords rule lands of ever green, keeper of Silver, slayer of lead. Where nothing is as it seems, where we work for our daily bread. Where Tritia has her roots dug firm in fruitful and rich lands, where she gives life to many a thing one demands. Where Liudwin rules with hammer in fist, where knowledge clears brain's fog and mist. Where Arborians will always persist, o'er land, in sky, o'er sea.   For we are true to our word, believe me have you ever heard of "Arborian genuineness", Authenticity -our great success We are no wolf in sheep's clothing.   Oh to be, to be Arborian born. Without complaint - without any scorn. See I would ne'er trade Arborian's trace, for any other race.

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