Dormant Generation Condition in Arborea | World Anvil
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Dormant Generation

Lying in wait

  The Dormant Generation refers to anyone of a young age in Wamper's Feast whose physiology was affected by the Shifting. There are several well-documented types of activated dormancies, though after the exodus of people during the Arborean War, other types may exist.

Dormant heritages

  The most common activated dormancy related to fae heritage, with the affected, previously thought to be wholly human, developing noticeable physical and spell-like traits associated with fae species. This did not include elves, whose fae heritage was already established and considered a major species deviation, but did include so-called half-eladrin, the elven sub-species native to Arborea.   Other heritages were less common but included celestial, sylvan, terran, tiefling, and even giant. Misty Marten is regarded as the most obvious of the dormant heritage activated dormancy, though its worth noting her dormancy likely exceeded what it would have been otherwise, given its likely role in combating The Kalie's gas spore poison. Misty is thus considered nearly full fae.  

Dormant powers

  Dormant powers were any capacity to cast spell or spell-like powers deriving from innate magical sources that were not present at the time of the Shifting. At times, the emerging of innate powers would coincide, or emerge because of, a dormant heritage.   Dormant powers remain the most contentious of the activated dormancies due to the early intolerance from less-endowed youth of Wamper's Feast. Whether through fear, jealousy or a combination, those with emerging powers often felt inclined to hide or down-play the extent of their powers to avoid persecution. Inevitably, this would usually result in a Incident, where their powers would flare in response to danger, leaving either themselves or others injured.   Debate also continues over the extent to which the Shifting caused individual's powers, with some fervently believing the powers would have emerged upon their home plane with the advent of puberty, subsequently occurring in Arborea. Whether accurate, or adopted as a defensive mechanism, the truth is unlikely to be known in each case. Usually however, the spontaneous emerging of innate powers would generally be considered as an activated dormancy if the familial history didn't suggest such powers were readily apparent and often hereditary.   Though an avowed enemy, The Kalie is considered an archetype of this dormancy, having been Shifted at a young age in the mountainous village Entler's Rest and co-opted by Lolastre when her innate powers activated. While The Kalie told the First Cohort her dormant powers were the reason Lolastre ordered the Shifting of Entler's Rest, the validity of this claim will likely remain untested.  

Emerging patrons

  The Shift to Arborea and the Arborean War changed the lifestyle and landscape of residents from Wamper's Feast. Most noticeably, many residents who worshipped or benefited from former deities and patrons were rendered unable to commune with the source of their powers, or found them significantly weakened. In there place however, new patrons and deities arose.   The most obvious new deity and patron was Urliant, the Eternal Shelter, those others arose, including some risen to power by the Court of Eyes, such as The Essetrex, the former Myconid Queen, or those empowered such as Tuxil, The Trinket Lord (aka The Lost Fox).  

Irregular divinations

  The least emerging and least understood are the handful of individuals who would enter an involuntary trance-like state and espouse divinations, often in the forms of predictions, visions, or occasional prophecy. Their irregularity, benevolent temperament, and general usefulness meant those individuals afflicted had little desire to investigate the source of their sudden abilitites.   Despite her undead status, Benita Goory is regarded as the most well known of the irregular divination activated dormancy, having displayed no similar abilities prior to the Shifting.

Chronic, Acquired

Ain't no time to be a dragon

  The one notable exception within Wamper's Feast's Dormant Generation was the complete lack of dragon-kin as an dormant heritage. In fact, Arborea in general shares the same exclusion despite it's healthy (and chaotic) dragon population.   This exclusion has fascinated scholars, sages and songsells since the end of the Upheaval. Prior to this, the absence of dragon-kin was unremarked upon, considered neither an abnormality nor natural abberation. It simply was, along the same like as the absence of celestials. Unlike celestials however, dragons were endemic within Arborea.   The nefarious activity of the Court of Eyes during the Upheaval raised some theories regarding the absence of dragon-kin. As the Court rounded up fae to Corrupt them, speculation has mounted that the power dragon hierarchies had done the same thing, identifying and destroying those with draconic heritage in some attempt to avoid diluting the various dragon strains. Others suggest that dragon-kin were kept in close confines, raised within the natural compounds of powerful dragons until they either were considered capable of passing as completely human or fae, or never permitted to leave.   A third theory suggests the Arborean magical climate isn't viable for dragon-kin to survive, though this theory has been largely ignored in favour of the prevailing theory: that Arborea's vibrancy permits dragons to breed more quickly and successfully, negating the need to breed with humans or fae. This theory dovetails neatly with the similar assertion that Arborean dragons simply view mating with others outside their species as distasteful, crude, and unbecoming.  

Cover image: by Tavis Newsome


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