The Darknoll Family Organization in Arbor | World Anvil
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The Darknoll Family

Synonomous with the Tree-Wrights the Darknolls have been in charge of the lumber of Arbor since the cities founding days. Originally they were one of the few families in Arbor who had any skill in working with the unusually hard wood of the The Great Tree. It being so dense that most saws and cutting implements would simply wear themseleves out on the tough Great Tree Bark before even getting to the much tougher Wood underneath.  
"When most of your city relies on a giagantic tree for food, clothing and shelter you can bet your ass somewhere on the top of the food chain is going to be a family of Carpenters" - Anonymous

Public Agenda

In Public the Darknolls have behaved as other members of the Old Families, prim proper and above it all. Though this has changed recently with their current patriarch Caesar Ninian Darknoll. He has brought a charitable and giving nature to the family endeavoring to improve the conditions of those at the very bottom of the barrel at great personal expense. In more practical terms the Darknolls run the Tree wrights ensuring a steady supply of cut lumber for use in other industries along with bespoke pieces of thinly sliced bark for use in armor and on occasion weaponry.  

Public Perception


Lower Class

Until recently the Darknolls were seen as any other aristocracy, out of touch and out of reach completely inaccessible to the wants needs or even dreams of those ordinary people. These days though the Darknolls have become synonymous with charity and giving becoming a sort of here to the downtrodden. The people are still wary of the Darknolls expecting the other shoe to drop but there is a slow tide shifting in the attitudes of those affected.  

Middle Class

For much of the middle class there is a sense of admiration for the current generation of the Darknolls in certain circles. On the one hand you have the charity work the main family is engaged in and in addition you have one of the greatest Tree Wrights the city has ever known. There is much to admire in the Darknoll family and for those in the middle class they offer up much hope.

Upper Class

In a word betrayed. The other old families and aristocracy view what the current Darknoll family is doing is something akin to heresy. From Caesar's love affair with a commoner, his adoption of Dahlia Darknoll and his charitable works he is making all of them look the fool and exposing some of their more horrible acts across the city. secret whispers of plans to remove the current head abound not just outside the family but more than a few from within.


The Darknolls history spreads all the way back to founding of the city and they have always proven to be an intergral part of it's growth. Their expertise in how to cultivate the bark and wood from the Great Tree without permanently damaging it have been some of their most important contributions to date. The Darknolls have always been in charge of the Tree Wrights and continue to do so to this day though many have recently come to question their continued leadership.  

Family Home:

Darknoll Manor  

Family Tree:



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