Blind Item in Arbor | World Anvil
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To make the pain go away most would do anything even risk their sight. That is what Blind offers for many a way to escape the ever present pain that they are subjected to at a small cost of permanent blindness...  
"Blind was a blessing and a curse. It allowed me to forget my pain, but it also took away my ability to see the beauty in life" - Anonymous Blind User

Physical Description:

Blind is a colorless, odorless liquid that is usually ingested or injected.  

Primary Effects:

The primary effect of Blind is pain relief, and it causes feelings of euphoria and sedation. It also dulls the senses and the ability to see.  

Side Effects and Withdrawal:

Long-term use of Blind can cause negative side effects, including addiction, respiratory depression, and memory loss. Prolonged use can also cause the user to lose the ability to see altogether. Withdrawal symptoms can include intense cravings, agitation, and severe physical pain.  


Blind is usually procured through illegal means, it can be found in the black market and it is often mixed with other substances and sold as a designer drug.  


Blind is created by brewing a mixture of magical herbs and chemicals, it is often infused with powerful enchantments to dull the senses and increase its effectiveness. The manufacturing process is typically done in secret, and guarded closely by those who create it.


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