Archstone Material in Aralyon | World Anvil
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Material Characteristics

An off-white solid colored stone, hard and strong like granite

Geology & Geography

Found in large quantities underneath the ground in D'yalmaar. Make up the majority of the mountains of Veror and the land of Mythiar.

Life & Expiration

Being a magical infused stone naturally, it never loses its inherent magical ability, but after being enchanted or having its own magic heightened through some empowering force, it holds that magic for upwards of ten thousand years.

History & Usage


Created by the Artisan Ainder.


The magical properties of Archstone were first discovered when it was found that the stone made up the majority of the sky continent Mythiar and the Floating Mountains of Veror. Those properties were what allowed the flying enchantment to hold those land masses in the sky for the many millennia that they existed.

Cultural Significance and Usage

The ancient Cirae built their cities only with Archstone, and can be clearly seen in the ruins.

Industrial Use

Use only extensively in D'yalmaar. Built into homes for almost purely aesthetic purposes but occasionally for bases and structural help. The inhabitants of Woodhaven use Archstone for sculpting and art and for the majority of their buildings.


When the stone is first extracted from the ground, there are very few impurities such as bits of other stone mixing with it, but it is usable for any sort of building or sculpting. Perfectionists may want to remove the impurities anyway, which isn't a hard process, but it is time-consuming, as Archstone contains so little impurities in the first place, and someone extracting those impurities must examine the stone finely so they don't remove any of the important stone itself.


Trade & Market

The raw and uncut stone is sold by people in Woodhaven and in other more western cities in D'yalmaar. It isn't a particularly rare stone, especially in D'yalmaar, and often the demand is low unless wanting to use it specifically for magical purposes.
Common State

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