Purple Clouds Physical / Metaphysical Law in Aradeia | World Anvil

Purple Clouds

Every fifteen years between the end of winter and the beginning of the new year, the sun and the moon of Aradeia reach perfect symmetry along the horizon, dipping the clouds in a pink and purple hue. It's a beloved sight that's awaited by mortals and immortals alike. Many members of the Omni plan months beforehand to travel to the coast or the mountain chains of Sithaline City to have a brilliant view of this colourful spectacle. They bring blankets and fire wood, wear cozy clothing and cook comforting foods at the places they settle in. Some even go as far as lighting up fireworks, smoking pipes or blowing giant soap bubbles into the air to give their own personal touches to the beautiful skies above them.
Some have taken the opportunity to get married or baptize their children during the purple cloud event. Proposals are especially common. In order to show one's beloved how much one wants and needs them in their life, the proposer has to collect a white-purple flower called Amora. These blossoms can be re-planted weeks after plucking them, making them a wonderful representation of growing love in every couples' first garden. Do not be fooled by the dewdrop lily, though. They look very similar to the Amora flower, but are very dangerous. Always remember: Amoras have white stripes, dewdrop lilies have speckles. Children born during the night of the purple clouds are considered especially lucky and blessed by the celestial realm. If mortal, they live particularly long and suffer from less illnesses than other mortals. If immortal, they are particularly resilient, wise and strong and carry an air of serenity with them.


The purple cloud phenomenon can be seen best from higher up places and close to the sea. Visitors are advised to book their accommodation in advance to have the best possible experience.
by femava

Cover image: by AI (artbreeder)


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