Session 8: Thunder Tree Report in Arabeth | World Anvil

Session 8: Thunder Tree

General Summary

Reidoth drew a rough map of the town for us. We know the Dragon hunts in the evening. It's currently about 8 AM.   So we investigate the building west of of the keep. Outside, this decrepit structure is a workhorse with a flag and veil. It stinks like Amanita mushrooms. Cernan sees shifting in shadows— spore zombies. We can’t leave them.


The Zombies Fight

Cernan casts turn. We pick off the 4 spore zombies.


Dragon Keep

Cita does reconnaissance around the towers. By the first tower, it smells acrid like vinegar. There are remnants of dead creatures. Footprints? No.   When Cita comes around to the open side of the first tower, she sees the dragon watching her as it eats. She retreats.   Stormy volunteers to talk with him, since she speaks Draconic. (Shimmer has to be told to stay. She's growling and ready for a fight.) The dragon, Venom Fang, demands tribute in gold.   Stormy tosses her coin pouch in trade for answers to questions. He only answers one and says the Amanita Zombies are a plague not of his concern. He wants more gold, of course, for more answers.


Dragon Fight!

Rashid casts web and grease, which made Venom Fang fall off his second story perch and gave us an advantage. We all used ranged weapons as much as possible.   Stormy had first blood. Cernan took a full blow of poison and went down for the count. But we sent Shimmer to deliver good berries to Cernan to revive him.   Venom Fang fled. Thoradin yelled that the dragon is a coward. Shimmer jumped in the air, trying to follow the green dragon, and yelled things in Draconic that Stormy wouldn’t translate. And Shimmer 'takes the credit' for scaring off Venom Fang, prancing around camp reminding us of this 'feat'.



Searching the keep reveals a small hoard. (See Group Treasure Spreadsheet) One item of interest was a Magic dwarven axe - rusty. The glowing magic runes say 'Hew.'


Ready for that Promised Stew

On the way back to Reidoth’s, something is not quite right with the axe. Thoradin tests it out. He feels uneasy when we travel through the forest. Though, Thoradin will clean it up.
Hew, the axe
Max damage when plants or wood. Great for plant zombies.
  We down the tasty stew for the evening meal. As we eat, Cernan talks to Reidoth about the world tree, holy symbol, Arabeth. Stormy follows Arabeth as a believer. She's seen enough to be convinced.   Reidoth does not understand, and he has deep wounds from losing people. He says he saw too much. Though, he wants to see the spore zombies. So, Cernan, Stormy, and Reidoth go to see the zombies. He verifies that the spore zombies are not something natural or good.   He reaches out for Cernan’s holy symbol, which glows light green. Reidoth holds the holy symbol and hands back a bronze one. A miracle. And there are more leaves on it. Arabeth is growing.   Reidoth says he knows where Wave Echo Cave is and will show us where it is. He asks us to make the people on the other side of town gone too.




Rewards Granted

XP +440

Created Content

  • Venom Fang
  • Spriggins (Amy forgot to make this species last time.)



  • Reidoth
  • Fallen Realm
  • Great Tree

  • Notes

    World Notes

    Fallen Realms - great tree was there.


    Looking at map

    Map is on Discord - but was updated with Balheim in right place.


    Characters To Do

    Apothecary shop before we leave - find the jewelry there
    We need to finish cleaning out the town. Reidoth asks us to make the people on the other side gone.  

    RPG Group To Do

    Mike GM
    share the updated world map, so it can be posted
    post map on WA
    Mike C
    update character sheet
    let Mike GM know what direction and kinds of things we'd like for our characters
    What direction do we want to take after Wave Echo Cave?
    Ideas (with a reminder from Mike GM that Carrak is there to help us):
  • Visit places in the unknown territories
  • Find clues about The Great Tree
  • Who was Indarin?
  • More on Frostgrave (Rashid would be very interested)
  • Contents

    Report Date
    08 Oct 2022
    Primary Location
    Related Characters


    Session Reports


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