Proudheart Amulet Item in Ara Hyperion | World Anvil
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Proudheart Amulet

The Proudheart Amulet is a finely crafted piece of jewelry, featuring a large gemstone heart encased in gold filigree. The amulet radiates a warm, pulsing glow, its light fluctuating with the bearers heartbeat.

Legends say it was forged by a long-forgotten deity of valor and pride, destined for warriors who dare to stand tall in the face of insurmountable odds.


Forged in the celestial fires of Mount Valor, The Proudheart Amulet was created to reward heroes whose bravery transcends mere courage, embodying the very essence of pride.

It was first worn by Sir Alden the Proud, a knight who single-handedly defended a bridge against a horde of invaders, ensuring the safety of his kingdom.

Since then, it has been passed through the hands of many heroes, each adding to its legacy.


Many who recognize the amulet react with respect and/or envy towards the bearer.

Aspire to be heroes of legend


Proud Stance

When worn, the amulet grants the bearer an aura of confidence, providing a +2 bonus to Charisma checks and saving throws. This aura extends to allies within 10 feet, granting them a +1 bonus to these checks as well.

Valor's Challenge

Once per long rest, the bearer can invoke the amulet's power to issue a challenge to an opponent deemed a worthy adversary. The challenged foe must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to focus their attacks on the bearer for 1 minute. During this time, the bearer gains a +2 bonus to AC against attacks from the challenged foe.

Pride's Fall

The amulet's power comes with a cost. Should the bearer ever flee from combat or refuse a challenge to their honor, they suffer a -2 penelty to all ability checks and saving throws for 24 hours, as the amulet's glow dims in disappointment.


The Proudheart Amulet's magic is fueled by pride and valor. If the bearer consistently avoids combat or acts in a manner deemed cowardly or dishonorable, the amulet will lose its luster and eventually its power, until the bearer redeems themselves through an act of undeniable bravery.

The bearer may feel compelled to take challenges they would normally avoid, driven by the amulet's influence.

It's said that the amulet might occasionally whisper words of encouragement or disdain to the bearer, depending on their actions.


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