Aquarius History of the Aquarian People Timeline
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History of the Aquarian People

Before the Battle of Yavin

... 0 BBY

  • Circa -4,070,000,000 BBY
    Earliest Lifeforms Evolve on Aquarius
    Geological / environmental event

  • Circa -100,000,000 BBY
    Old Aquarian Ice Age
    Geological / environmental event

    For some 50 million years, a dramatic ice age covers Aquarius in widespread and long-ranging glaciation. At times, the massive glaciers reach to the planetary equator. With only a few exceptions, the only terrestrial animalian life to survive this period is that which can adapt to life underwater, below the planet's icy surface.

  • Circa -10,000,000 BBY
    New Aquarian Ice Age Begins
    Geological / environmental event

  • Pre -700 BBY
    First contact with Kallidahins
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Kallidahins, the closest sentient neighbors of the Aquarians, establish first contact.

  • -700 BBY

    -570 BBY

    Alpha Centauri b first colonized via sleeper ship

    The Aquarians colonize their closest celestial neighbor Alpha Centauri b via sleeper ship.

    Alpha Centauri b
  • -700 BBY

    -570 BBY

    Fwatna colonized via sleeper ship

    The Aquarians colonize Fwatna via sleeper ship.

  • Circa -700 BBY
    First contact with Galactic Republic
    Discovery, Exploration

    Explorers of the Galactic Republic achieve first contact with the Aquarians.

  • Circa -570 BBY
    Handheld blaster technology developed
    Technological achievement

    The Aquarians develop hand-held blaster technology.

  • Circa -500 BBY
    Hyperspace travel developed
    Technological achievement

    The Aquarians develop hyperdrive technology.

  • -362 BBY

    Consultative Assembly established as lower house to the Council of Nobles
    Political event

    By royal decree, the Majesty's Consultative Assembly is established as a deliberative body of the United Kingdom of Aquarius. While the body is intended to be representative of the Aquarian people, it's role is purely advisory and much of the power of the United Kingdom remains with the monarchy.

  • -350 BBY

    Succession Crisis
    Political event

    Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom of Aquarius dies without an heir apparent. With the support of the Galactic Republic, Queen Victoria's nephew, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi is crowned monarch of the United Kingdom. Over the next 38 years, his rule becomes increasingly oppressive, brutal, corrupt, and extravagant. As the Aquarians begin to feel the effects of economic bottlenecks, shortages, and inflation, they grow to see Mohammad Reza Shah as a puppet of the Galactic Republic.

  • -328 BBY

    -312 BBY

    White Revolution
    Political event

    Mohammad Reza Pahlavi proposes a White Revolution to modernize and Republicanize Aquarius through the privatization of industry owned by feudal lords and the crown. Extra-planetary crown colonies are transitioned to ownership by crown-chartered companies and noble government ministers and bureaucrats are replaced by aliens.

  • -312 BBY

    312 BBY Aquarian Revolution

    Following massive populist civil resistance inspired by Ruhollah Khomeini, a coalition of constitutional monarchists and anti-monarchists in the House of Commons declare a Provisional Aquarian Republic.   @Mohammad Reza Shah and his dynasty are is forced into exile with the Galactic Republic.

  • -312 BBY

    -304 BBY

    Aquarian Civil War
    Military action

  • -312 BBY

    Aquarian Civil War Begins
    Military action

    Ruhollah Khomeini is assassinated six weeks after declaration of Provisional Aquarian Republic by an assumed Republican agent.

  • -306 BBY

    Aquarian People’s Hegemony Declared

    With the main forces of the United Kingdom of Aquarius withdrawn to Alpha Centauri b, Fwatna, the transition of the Provisional Aquarian Republic to the Aquarian People’s Hegemony is proclaimed by the Movement for Collective Aquarian Unity and its United Front.

  • -306 BBY

    -304 BBY

    Aquarian Civil War: Colonies Campaign
    Military action

    A successful United Front consolidation of power in Alpha Centauri b, Fwatna, and the other colonies. United Front attempts to crush the civil war with brutality breading colonial opposition.

  • -297 BBY

    -297 BBY

    First Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries
    Political event

    The First Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries is launched to eradicate opposition elements (especially former Royalist and Republican functionaries but also including some members of United Front) accused of undermining the new Aquarian People’s Hegemony and the spirit of the Revolution. Significant numbers of "counterrevolutionaries" are arrested, exiled, executed, or sentenced to "labor reform.” As a result, early all aliens leave Aquarius.

  • -295 BBY

    -290 BBY

    First Five-Year Plan
    Political event

    The First Five-Year Plan of the Aquarian People's Hegemony is enormously successful in nationalizing, centralizing, and stabilizing the economy and major industry. The plan breeds resentment of United Front rule in the colonies as their resources are sent to Aquarius in the name of collectivization with little return.

  • -292 BBY

    Stalin Dies
    Political event

    Stalin dies and Georgy Malenkov assumes the positions of Chair of the Movement for Collective Aquarian Unity and Primer of the State Council. One week later, Malenkov resigns from the position of Chair of the Movement for Collective Aquarium Unity under political pressure and concerns that he holding too much power. Khrushchev subsequently assumes the Chair.

  • -290 BBY

    -290 BBY

    Second Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries
    Political event

    Khrushchev replaces Malenkov as Primer of the State Council and soon denounces Stalin's use of repression and rapid economic nationalization. Khrushchev launches the Second Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries to consolidate power and suppress Stalin's supporters who had responded to his denunciation with protests and oppositionists who had taking advantage of the power struggle after Stalin’s death to express their disliking of MCAU and to call for free elections. Military force is used to repress uprisings on Fwatna and Alpha Centauri b. Under Khrushchev’s leadership, Aquarian culture is fostered through support of the arts and restrictions on the press and Aquarian isolationism are loosened.

  • -289 BBY

    -284 BBY

    Second Five-Year Plan
    Political event

    The Second Five-Year Plan begins to ambitiously collectivize yet decentralize the Aquarian economy and dismantle the giant wartime cooperatives constructed by Stalin. As the result of very poor economic planning and coordination, the plan is a miserable failure.

  • -287 BBY

    Cultural Revolution
    Political event

    The Cultural Revolution is undertaken to “preserve the revolution of Ruhollah Khomeini” and develop a cult of personality.

  • -283 BBY

    Republican Spy Ship Incident
    Military action

    Forces of the People’s Liberation Army skirmish with Republic Intelligence reconnaissance craft operating in Aquarian space. After demanding an apology from the Galactic Republic and receiving no response, Khrushchev lets the incident go.

  • -263 BBY

    -261 BBY

    Great Reformation
    Political event

    Khrushchev dies – Hua Guofeng assumes leadership in begins Great Reformation including opening to galactic market, military downsizing, successful suppression of smuggling in the region, and initial talks with Galactic Republic.

  • -261 BBY

    Hua Guofeng dies - Deng Ziaoping Assumes Leadership
    Political event

    Hua Guofeng dies. His successor Deng Ziaoping assumes leadership and continues reforms continues the reforms of his predecessor although to a less dramatic extent.