Yarda Character in Apocrypha | World Anvil
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Yarda Yon-Yorobu (a.k.a. Crow)

Yarda is a second generation citizen of Ixbaezia. Un-branded herself, but born to parents who were both branded and exiled to The Desolation. Yarda was raised in a city without formal laws, but rife with tradition.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Like many who have joined the Faceless, Yarda is very quick and agile. She relies on finesse over brute strength to overcome obstacles.

Apparel & Accessories

Yarda is never without her refined coal pendant. It is a simple brass chain that is adorned with a small refined lump of coal held by 4 brass wings folding over it. The wings are movable so the coal can be replaced regularly. The coal is often stained with blood as Yarda performs Safokang's Rite.

When doing business, Yarda will most likley don a black Cloak and her chosen mask. The mask is plain white with a small beak protruding from the front. The right side of her mask has two thin blue sickles under the eye showing her allegiance to the second head member of the faceless. From the bottom of the second sickle, a thing blue line stretches in a curved line towards the chin. The left side of the mask has a mirroring blue line that goes from the bottom of the eye to the chin. On the left side of the eye whole are two small blue dots identifying Yarda as the Protege for her group. The hilt of her ornate black kukri knives peak out from both her sides.

Specialized Equipment

Yarda typical equipment consists of her 2 kukri knives. A small bag of imbued stones. Mostly angelite imbued with sleep spells and a few pieces of fulgurite imbued with lightning spells.

Mental characteristics


She has general education up to age 26 Ixbaezian seasons (roughly 13 years) like most others. At 26 seasons, she was allowed to join one of the 5 factions and she selected the Faceless. From there she received training in coercion, espionage, assassination, impersonation, and slight of hand for the next 14 seasons.


Yarda has been a full fledged member of the Faceless since her 40th season and has completed countless tasks for the organization and her home.

Personality Characteristics


Yarda is driven by her love for the community she has been raised in. She hates that it is seen as a lawless land filled with bandits and criminals. She wants the world to see her family, all of Ixbaezia through her eyes. That love is fueled by the protection of Safokang and Yarda yearns to learn more about the faceless goddess she prays to so regularly.

Likes & Dislikes

Yarda likes being cold and slowly warming up. She enjoys sour food and drink more than anything else. Her favorite animal would be the raven.

She dislikes it when others lie poorly, if you're gonna lie make it believable.

Virtues & Personality perks

She's witty and hilarious and can dominate a room with her presence. She is extremely loyal.

Vices & Personality flaws

She does not think before she speaks and her sharp tongue has earned her a reputation. She is stubborn and has issues with tunnel visioning when focusing on certain tasks.
Current Location
Dark Brown
Medium Length, Dark brown/black
Aligned Organization

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