Session 4: Indebted Report in Apexis Peninsula | World Anvil
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Session 4: Indebted

General Summary

  1. The party was trapped inside the sermon chamber as the portcullis was shut upon them entering into the area for the fight.
  2. However a peculiar eccentric goblin released the portcullis for them.
  3. While at first treating this goblin with hostility, they soonafter learnt that this goblin was not an ally to other goblins (notably appearing to disassociate itself from other goblinkind).
  4. Before they could discern more, the goblin snapped their neck, ending its own life.
  5. Re-uniting with Rekin Tonehart, the party set out once more to return Jay Keeniak to her father, Jestin Keeniak, presiding at the Nebira Vineyard.
  6. Party members attempted to repair Onyx to no avail (arguably potentially causing more damage in the process).
  7. Nightfall came upon the party before they could reach their destination - the party decided to rest up for the rest of the journey ahead.
  8. Amidst their slumber, an fiendish orc apparition came to Zuuri - they identified themselves as Ghazat; Warchief of the Clan Omadak.
  9. She discovered that the axe that obtained from [[REDACTED]] appeared to take on sentience (however it is unclear why this is the case).
  10. Ghazat ordered (pleaded) for her to carry out further acts of violence - she obliged (gleefully).
  11. Upon daybreak, the party headed forth once again, however not before noting that Onyx appeared to have repaired itself overnight.
  12. Amidst their travels, the party was ambushed by a contingent of goblins that were lying in wait for them.
  13. However their ambush quickly went awry as no one fell victim to the pit trap laid for them.
  14. To make matters more grim for them, a mysterious priest of sort emerged from the foliage to aid the party against the ambush attempt.
  15. The Goblins were dispatched shortly after.
  16. The strange priest identified herself as 'Nephea' and expressed an unerring interest in death. It is unclear however what her motivations are beyond morbid curiosity.
  17. Seeing her as an ally by virtue of tenderising goblins, the party requested she join their mad band of eccentiric characters, to which she obliged.
  18. Eventually the party arrived at Nebira where Jay re-united with Jestin.
  19. Once at Jestin's manor, the Party was rewarded handsomely, however the reward was declined by most of the members; Lambda expressed that they have no use for such excessive wealth, Nephea noted that she had no part in the rescue of Jay and thus did not deserve a single coin, and Thorin stated that as a soldier he holds a duty of protection over his countrymen.
  20. Furthermore, Thorin gave all money retrieved at the Temple of Derdian (donation box, church coffers) to Jestin and requested these are used in service of the village.
  21. Jestin committed to seeing that the party is recognised by the village for their efforts.
  22. When the party was alone, a shifty half-elf suddenly presented himself to the party; "Agent Bartholomew Caboose - independent investigator serving the crown", as he identified himself.
  23. He had been monitoring the party and said that he is currently investigating the surge in goblin presence as of late.
  24. Lambda became uncharacteristically quiet upon Caboose identifying himself to the party.
  25. Shortly after, they excused themselves from the room and hastily exited the manor.
  26. Puzzled by this, Caboose shrugged it off, and then asked the party if they would assist him in his investigation and undermining of goblin efforts; Thorin dutifully agreed; Zuuri and Zazelle only agreed after the promise of a reward.
  27. Caboose recommended the party head to the village of Hollowmyne, which he believes to be in danger - Jay corroborated this.
  28. Thorin returned the Derdian Order mural and trinkets to Agent Caboose, requesting that it is delivered to it's rightful holders; the Derdian Order. Caboose committed to seeing its safe return to the Servants of Derdian.
  29. After Caboose took his leave, the party headed to the Vintner's Rest, except for Lambda who was still nowhere to be seen.
  30. Thorin requested an audience in private with Jestin while en-route to the Vintner's Rest.
  31. Soonafter our heroes entered the tavern, more patrons began to enter the taven, thus turning what was supposed to be an early closing night into a midnight party.
  32. The vast majority of the patrons appeared to be observing the party's actions, clearly showing that they know who they are but not quite sure if they completed their quest.
  33. While others were enjoying themselves at the tavern, Thorin spoke in private with Jestin to discuss matters of importance.
  34. Thorin later noted that Lambda was missing - he sought them out and found them by themselves.
  35. Without sharing too much, they confessed they hold no love for the Imperial Authority due to a troubled history with them.
  36. Henceforth they requested to be referred to as Jericho Roni so as to hide their true identity - Thorin obliged however he also pleaded to them, stating that, while he is indeed ultimately serving the Empire, he can be trusted.
  37. Lambda acknowledged that he has nowhere to go and that they are motivated to stay with the party simply because of the security they will have in doing so (although recognising the dycotomy of it due to association with an agent of the Empire).
  38. Drunken shenanigans, a fiery juggling display and a near death experience followed by a backflip later, the party retired to their rooms at the Vintner's Rest, provided to them free of charge.
Report Date
29 Jul 2019
Primary Location

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