Kaito "Oreson" Brinejaw Character in Aolara | World Anvil

Kaito "Oreson" Brinejaw

Kaito "Oreson" Brinejaw

Grew up in Morrowshore, in the country of Laelosia, on the Eastern side of Kasar. Direct family are a well known Dwarvish fishing and sailing clan, known as The Scaleline Sailors

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light teal/blue
5ft 3"

Session 41 - Notes
1st of Uthmix

We awake, knowing that tomorrow is a ceremony for our departure. We have today for ourselves but in the evening we have been requested to go to the Shrine of Acclaim at the top of the sister peak called Rename.   We decide to make our way to the Vagueful Poker run by Misss Spool. It costs 5000 gold worth of Jade Dust to get a +2 in Wisdom. Jade dust is incredibly rare in the southern province and is found mainly in the northern province.   I leave Raskin and Malaphor at the Vengeful Poker and buy a bouquet of flowers for Eya. I make my way back to Bangol to give her the flowers as well as my Moonstone ring. I get the idea that she likely doesn't want this to end and probably wants this to become more which works for me.   I meet up with the others on the way up to the Shrine of Acclaim. Beneath the centre is Master Xai Feng. We take our places as he then moves in front of us. "You were chosen, and were summoned here from across the world. I thank you for answering the call. You each have my eternal gratitude and respect. For you have commited to this cause, you have listened to our teachings and reconciled to oneself to the part you have played in this world if it continues to exist"   True Master Xifeng states he has chosen Ape to lead our group of the Ninefold, which no one objects.   Tonight, our final lesson, is to defeat True Master Xifeng. He says "To make this interesting, those who are still standing at the end, have their choice of something in the relic vault." I notice on his skin, there is a slight bronzey/gold colour to it. After we dealt a decent chunk of damage to them, they transformed into a gargantuan dragon, likely their true form. We manage to defeat True Master Xifeng's true form with an explosion of light at the end. Their form is gone, with no where to be seen.    

Session 40 - The Doyen's Teachings
1st of Uthwix

After all of us have finished with our 1 on 1 fights, True Master Xai Feng addresses us after saying "Today begins your journey in elemental enlightenment. You will be trained by Doyen/Masters and will refer to them as such"   A frail lady, Elder Orfarma, stands with milky eyes starts addressing the Doyen and who they are in charge of.   Doyen Amberclaw, a Leonin is Raskin's master. Amberclaw moves to the other side of the central pillar in the courtyard with Raskin, and puts his fist to the floor and a 7 foot tall fiery archway appears. Doyen Silent Mist a Tabaxi teaching Kari. A watery archway appears next to the fiery one. Doyen Pitch, an elderly human male, teaching Malaphor. A bright blue icey archway appears to the right. Doyen Salasus, an Arakocra teaching Sif. Who doesn't create an archway but picks up Sif and flies over the mountain. Doyen Truthheart, a minotaur in charge of teaching Austar. To the left, a purple swirling mist surrounding an Archway. Doyen Kilhaza, a red dragonborn. True Master Xai Feng will also be assisting in training Ape. A archway covered in lightning appears. Doyen Agrieze and Koteyn, training the elven twins. A strange archway that flickers in purple and golden light that breaks up appears. Doyen Pendacite, a well built Dwarf teaching Nentos. A brown and greenish archway appears.     A middle aged looking man, well built in simple white vest, fabric trousers and a jade pauldron on shoulder. walking towards me called Doyen Degent, my master. I notice wrapped around his wrists are glowing broken chains. Every now and then I see 1 or 2 spectral serpents sprout from his back and disappear. Along his brow and neck purple scales. "I am going to teach you how to control the most horrific form of suffering" and just enters the poisonous archway.   As I step through I'm in darkness, what looks to be a tunnel. Doyen Degent and his two disciples not in sight. Slight misted cloud of green in the air. I call out but get no response. I walk through and turn a corner into a cavern that looks like it's beneath a lake. Within the cavern are pools of water giving off a stagnant mist. I see Doyen Degent standing and looking at one. "The poison that secretes from these pools can kill a grown man in seconds, but we're ok with these". He asks if I've managed to turn my form, or parts of myself into a gas. He demonstrates doing it to his own arm and asks me to try. I try and do this to a finger but can't manage it. As I'm focusing, a spectral snake attacks from his back onto my finger. Eya, Tiefling female, apprentice to Doyen Degent. Her identical twin, Aya is a lightning apprentice. Initially stand offish with me. Harvey, a half gnome individual. Generally doesn't care about me.   I'll learn in time that the toxin I can give can be not just poison, but corrosive. I watch as he closes of his eyes, beads of green sweat from his forehead he flicks it at the ground and it sizzles and burns the stone. He tells me he wants to start by working on my reflexes, as 5 snakes appear from his back ready to strike me. The rest of my day consisted being in and out of consciousness.   We all gathered together by our residential houses before we were summoned to meet True Master Xai Feng at the top of the mountain. A shrine at the back, surrounded by all manner of graves and memorials. He tells us it's a good time to tell us what he's been made of aware off, as well as a good time to learn how to communicate with each other. Abavar's Expanse, or what Kari calls it, Sudden Space. He tells us to close our eyes and focus on each other. I hear a voice in my head "Just focus, focus, how do I focus" and I know it's Ape's voice that I'm hearing. After a while, in the centre of this moonlit plinth, a swirling mass of colour and energy growing that each of us feel a part of us being pulled towards it. A blinking moment, we then find ourselves in Sudden Space. Kari starts to speak and we are thrusted out. True Master Xai Feng said we'll meet every evening to grow our connection.   He says that the basic understanding of their purpose, is that they are trying to keep tabs on Aolara to see what events might require us to step in and help as the Ninefold. Mentions the war in Murath, but also mentions something spreading and decaying in the far north in Bricor, as well as something dark occurring in Varleska.   Training Months Arcanist Sishan A few months into training, Arcanist Sishan sent me a message requesting information on Chankata, and that he's aware that I'm here. Unsure what to do, I sought out the guidance of Master Xai Feng on how to proceed, also knowing that Sishan is a powerful wizard who no doubt has ways to spy on me, similar to my Scrying spell, with Xai Feng says spells of that type are blocked from the temple. A week after the first message from Sishan which I had ignored I managed to seek out Xai Feng for advice. He didn't seem bothered or annoyed and seems to be using this as a teaching moment. Later that night, I sit on what Xai Feng said and reply to Sishan the next night about bare bones information like cultural differences between Chankata and Laelosia. He does ask about a week later about the population and their strength which I say I don't know much as I've been marooned at the temple.   Another month or so goes by and he messages again asking if we're still planning on going to Varleska as we initially said. I reply I don't know, maybe but it depends on what is in store for us after training. Sishan lets me know that King Laelos didn't go to the peace talks with Varleska at our recommendation. Sishan mentioned he's had no contact with any of his spies in Varleska, as well as the Favoured Few being asked to go there.   At some point during the training I would have messaged Gadem Bask but when I do, I feel the spell fail and I manage to push through but instead of being able to talk, I just hear a loud high pitched train like tone for about 5 seconds. I also would have messaged Etcher but I didn't get a response, as well as failing my scrying spell on him.   Wodric A month into training I succeed a scrying spell on Wodric, very blurry but his form strapped to something up high, with ground about 90 feet below. I then instantly try to use Divine Intervention which I manage to get to work 6 days later. I try to scry on him after the intervention but I don't manage to get through. I do the Commune spell to find out if he's safe which I get an unsure answer. I then ask if the Divine Intervention helped or not, which I got a "yes". For the remaining months I send a message to Wodric to see if it goes through. I feel the spell connect, but I never get a response.   Thoda Brinejaw I scry on my mother to see how she's doing, and she's on the docks just working, but looks well. Sadly there's no way for me to send stuff to her from Chankata.   Eya During the 7 months of training, myself and Eya get quite close. Initially she's stand offish but still helps me with tasks. We end up in a relationship together. I don't hold information from her and tell about my past, as well as my current worries. Doyen Degent doesn't approve of our relationship.   Doyen Gabe Degent He never really opened up to me but I do learn he has a few titles. One is the Serpent of Devarg. Devarg, is a city in Sumara in the northern region. Gained his name through an event that happened. Essentially at a younger age, he was meddling in strange elemental magics that he shouldn't have been, he ended up killing 30 people with a horrendous poison explosion, and fled to Chankata for assistance and or sanctuary. That's just rumours and Chinese whispers. Supposedly his golden chains were placed there by Master Xai Feng as a way to help contain what he had done.   Malaphor Malaphor asks me to try and scry on his family. He casts Dream on me and shows me his childhood town, his family and himself through my dreams. In the dream I also see him and another younger child getting beaten, as well as them in tubes. Unfortunately my scry spell doesn't take hold on either his mum or dad. Leading us to believe they have sadly died.   True Master Xai Feng I gave the Unknown Codex to Xai Feng which he gladly takes to lock away. Says it's extremely cursed and likely from the Far Realm and of Aberrant design. I told him how we acquired it and knew it was dangerous from casting Legend Lore on it.   Learn of a place called Buldahr, in the Southern Province, but near the top there is talks of doors into the mountain that belonged to a Dwarven Clan that has since long been forgotten. Called the Doors of Buldahr. To get there need to go through The Night Wilds which is a no no. Stories in history books of tunnels that connect the mountain range here to the ruins of Badagat in Sansura.   We manage to make it through the 7 months of training. It is now Uthmix, Ape has lost his dad bod and is now rocking an 8 pack. Malaphor is looking toned. Raskin has patches of orange in his feathers. Austar not as pale as he was. Myself, I'm still as broad, but much more definition to my body now. From what we've been told, today is the last day under our respective Doyens. We've been told to travel to the peak of Wujun, the sister peak that was split in half to go to the Shrine of Acclaim.

Session 39 - Asgorath's Chosen United
7th of Yoweth

As we arrive in port. I get some pressure build up behind my eyes and a ringing starts and suddenly a flash of white appears. We hear the crowd below at the port gasp. We look down with worry and see everyone bowing down to us.   We all notice a prismatic glow to each one of us that's now fading. Then hear a voice at the back trying to come through the crowd with a cart being pulled by two oxen creatures with 4 horns. He introduces himself to us as Barnabus Puddle, a Water Genasi like myself but of human heritage. He seems a bit nervous but also in a rush to not get in trouble at Bongal, the Temple of Change where we will meet Master Xiao Feng and train there. He tells us that he's from Eltera and had trouble in Casterfell before leaving and has been at the temple for a year or so training under Doyen Silent Mist.   On our way up the mountainous pillar which has the Temple of Change at the top, I activate the Curio Seeker ability of my Master Smith Hammer when on the South Eastern side. The line leads out in the same direction but from my higher perspective it doesn't seem like the line leads down but straight across, most likely to Lanali.   We arrive about halfway up the pillar we enter a gate into an immense courtyard with designs of huge dragons, multicoloured spectrums. Everything around is built with Asgorath in mind, multi coloured.   As we step out of the cart, Barnabus makes his way to the gate of the temple and ushers us to follow. Raskin asks him why he's so nervous and he opens up that this is the first time he's been told to do something by himself and he doesn't want to disappoint his elders. Out of the corner of my eye I notice a figure in a hood by one of the pagoda like structures looking at us, as I look back the figure is gone.   At the top by the open doors is another individual which Barnabus calls Sentir Lukem Jafarm. A handsome human man, dark tanned skin. Well built with a big leather shoulder pad on one side and a half cloak around him and typical monk like robe. Set of very defined abs. Asked us how much do we know about the Temple. Sentir known to some as Xiaoshan's Hero.   We weave through the gardens being led by Sentir and he points out a third residential building where he says they've laid out 5 bed rolls for us. He walks off and not long after we hear footsteps rushing towards a door of the second residential building and it opens and we see a young girl open the door. Small 5ft, reddish/brown messy hair, freckled face, blue eyes, wearing robes likely given to her while she's been here. Introduces herself as Kari who we've met in Sudden Space.   We go to our rooms in the residential building and head to bed for the night as we're up in the morning for a ceremony of some kind before our training begins. I'm sitting on my bed, and I hear a popping noise in the room beside me. I look and see standing there a young looking man in a blueish over coat, curly brown hair brushing dirt off him. Has furry legs with inverted knees. This is Sif. Young looking but his demeanour was that of an adult at 5ft 5". Has power of Air. He asks me not to tell anyone he was there and he'll see me in the morning.   In the morning as I step out of my room I see Sentir standing in the door. Asks us to put some robes on for the ceremony which I do but I keep my Words of Moradin on me. He leads us to a waterfall section and as he steps on the stepping stones the water parts revealing an archway behind it. We end up in a anti chamber which has a door at the end which he said Master Xaifeng will come through.   The doors slide open slowly and looking in we can see another room further in. We walk in and the room is much larger than we thought, hollowed out within the mountainous pillar. Standing in semi circles, row after row are statues. They go back a long way as there's a lot of them. One of the statues is off a Dragonborn figure with a blade at the end of his tail like in the basement of The Storyteller. A voice behind us says "that was Daycaryin, previous champion of lightning". Stepping out in red robes, an elderly man with long white hair in a bun and a beard. His distinctive feature are his eyes which are glowing beacons of yellow light. Met with an overwhelming sense of pressure and power coming from him. I notice my allies subconsciously subvert their gaze and heads. The glowing of his eyes lessen as he gets closer.   True Master Xaifeng, trained many generations of monks, as well as several groups of Ninefold Chosen. It's his duty to ready us the best he can, as it is our given path, destiny, to protect Aolara from destruction. We'll find out what our weak point is and what can be improved during our training here. The main goal to create a cohesive team that is capable of protecting everyone. We have a choice in if we want to do this or not.   Ape asked him about Edwin, and Edwin nods at Xaifeng and he says he's a being who could be a great ally to us, but won't reveal him to us and will leave it for Edwin to decide when to do that.   Said all the statues we see are of previous Ninefold teams since the beginning. True Master Xaifeng reverses the aging that Malaphor went through with the cursed amulet back in Laelosia.   He tells us they will want to see what we're capable off in combat without reliance on magical items. We head back to the residential area and see Kari doing warmups and Nentons with her.   After donning my armour and grabbing my stuff, we head to the courtyard, in the centre we see a large stone statue of a lizard like entity. We also see a lot of people, likely everyone has come out to see what we're capable off individually.   We see the Elven twins in darker attire, one male and one female. Naturally snooty but likely comes with the royal heritage Kari said they were from. True Master Xaifeng already there and talking to an elderly looking person in a chair. Various unique figures in the crowd, just to our left a humanoid figure with deep blueish/grey skin that stands at the same height as Nentos. Standing beside a beautiful, very muscular panther coloured Tabaxi. Further back another Verapan (Pandafolk), larger than others we've seen at 8ft tall. See some fire monks, wearing red and one likely a Fire Genasi. We see infront, in golden armour and a long sharpened spear like weapon, a lionman with a big orange mane, the tips of which flow back into fire. I notice at the back in the shadows, a hooded figure with similar physique and build that I saw the previous night.   Austar takes the first fight and wins with ease. Ape goes second and also wins. Sif wins his fight. Nentos fought a close fight but won in the end. As I step into the ring I see three figures on the top left section of the stadium stand to attention. The man at the front in his fifties, and 4 spectral serpents coming off him. I manage to win my fight. Kari impresses us in her fight, fighting with vigour, manages to win her fight as well. The Twins then go in fighting a creature that can split itself in two to fight. The male twin falls unconscious but the female manages to defeat the creature. Malaphor wins his battle with ease. Raskin wins the last battle.   Master Xaifeng says that Asgorath has a gift for us that he's been instructed to give to us. The rocks in the arena all have specific elements within them. But what we do see are egg shapes, all of the colour of our gifts. The eggs are our companions. This wasn't just a test, but to take down the entities in front of us and to allow rebirth as companions to us. As I hold the egg, a bipedal rocky creature with green eyes and a green gem sticking out of it's back and head with acidic dribble coming out of it's mouth.

Session 38 - Sailing the seas and Chankata
6th of Yoweth

As we wake, we hear bells ringing out around the port which indicates a ship coming in to dock. The ship coming in has black sails. Hopefully the Charlock Carrion captained by Rosie Zeryl.   As the ship is coming in, we can see some scrapes and breakages on the prow of the ship, and we can see a Dragonborn individual frantically running around with a bucket bailing water. It bumps a bit into the docks and a rope ladder is dropped off the side.   A thin woman with brown hair pulled to one side covering part of her face comes down and starts walking off to the quartermaster. Over left eye is a faded deep scar. I shout after her hoping it's Rosie and she turns around. Said to give her 30 minutes but with an air of doesn't have time for this in her voice.   While waiting I hear a deep voice shout out "You, green skinned one, what did you want with our captain?" A green dragonborn was asking off the boat towards myself and Malaphor. Not the first mate so I didn't delve our information. I did spot a blonde haired man giving out instructions who was the first mate. I asked if they wanted me to help with repairs by making panels for them. He asked to wait for Rosie.   Top deck of the Charlock Carrion has 6 cannons with blue glowing runes, 3 on each side.   Rosie stood at the front and asked us to say it out loud where we wanted to go, hoping she was wrong about our destination. She said the price would depend if we'd be crew or passengers. Brought out a naval map and pointed out swirls around Xiaoshan. Said they're good natural defences and why no one sails there.   She initially said 20,000 gold but we managed to get her down to 15,000 gold and 2 crates of Moonpool Sake.   Drissit who would do most of the repairs on the ship. Large green Dragonborn.   First mate Benny Loom, blonde haired human and has a long curved tip rapier type sword.   Mayrik, loose fitting attire with a nice looking bow and leathery cloth over one of his eyes. He drops 60 feet above us down on to us and a piece of cloth floats down like a feather fall spell.   Acery, Dwarven Woman, salt and peppery hair.   Jax, a dark skinned human, tattoo over his face and has two hand made looking pistols and a cutlass.   Lucy, seems like a shifter like Ape, long claws and canine like teeth.   Rosie Zeryl said it would probably be only 2 days of travel if nothing sets us off course. Likely to run into trouble of any kind, be it naturally occurring or monsters/pirates. I set out to help Drissit with the repairs using Fabricate and Creation spells. As I'm mending the ship I get a message from Etcher saying he's been trying to get to Trentsigrad to investigate the orb at the tree but he's been stopped by Arcanist Mera. Said he'll still try and look into it as he's interested. I finish repairs on the ship at around 1am and head to bed in the crew sleeping area, knowing I'll be up later than others to catch up on sleep.   As I wake up I cast Legend Lore on the Unknown Codex that we picked up in the basement of the Manor in Trentsigrad. I discover it is of legendary of importance. From past, from beyond the stars, past light, past breath past life. Codex of when, where or why. Reading will benefit your mind, proficiencies abundant. To broaden ones knowledge, this codex is key. For it's untapped potential, is a mystery. There is danger within these pages. Such power, such capability that will cease not for this age. Seems to be beyond what is known. Does improve you intellectually (proficiencies, spells, intellect can go up) but comes with a cost. Dangerous, deadly but has a vast font of forbidden knowledge which you can ask it for a price.   Notice the cannons have crates of gems that are very much reminiscing of the blue crystals I have. The ship probably has around 24 cannons around the ship, very much kitted out for a fight if there is one.   Our first day of travel goes by without any trouble but on our second day, we get attacked by creatures in control of sharks. I create trenches in the water with Control Water which gets rid of quite a few of the sharks and it's riders. The leader is a purple skinned creature with tentacles on it's chin.   We make it through the fight with no casualties and some use of my control water spell by creating sudden trenches in the ocean to drop the attackers down. Rosie estimates we're3 hours away from the Storm Mourning section of the naval map.   Ape told us that he thinks the Burrowing Terror was breaking out of his Menagerie Box so he decided to let it out in the ocean to avoid it breaking out in civilization.   We manage to cross Storm Mourning without much difficulty thanks to my use of Control Water and Acery's use of a another water based spell. We see in the distance the mouth of a river which likely leads us to Xiaoshan.   As we're travelling up the river, I notice large figures at the top of the cliffs and cliffsides at either side of the river. I catch a glimpse of one. I see a large heavy set furred individual. In big green and silver armour with a spear before stepping back with unnatural speed. Looks very much like a panda. Rosie asks Merrik to launch the flare which they were given last time they came with Ody.   The mouth of the river opens up into the most scenic, beautiful lake surrounded by architecture alien to us. Huge towers, bridges off of over rivers, large waterfalls. Smaller fishing boats. Jungle backdrop and pillar like mountains with buildings spiralling up with a large temple at the top.   People dressed in red velvet style robes and loose fitting garbs all awaiting the ship to dock. Individuals with large jade spears keeping an eye out on us. Among them are three 7 foot tall Panda like men.   We all can't help but look at the temple at the top of a nearby mountain, as if something is looking back at us from there.

Session 37 - Triumphant Winnings
3rd of Yoweth

In the morning I give the Bracelet of the Shattered Aegis to Malaphor. Across from the Shaded Face Inn is a hexagonal building which has signs above it saying:   Mideline Bazaar Auction Today   Clik's Battle Stage - Sign Up   I find a jewellery shop called The Eye of Ignalius, run by an Eleven man named Ignalius. I buy some diamond dust off him and sell him a gold sapphire necklace and a silver one. I ask him to appraise my Dwarven Circlet and he recoils back in shock, and says he can't appraise it as it is a priceless heirloom of Dwarven creation. Told me to be careful who I show this to.   We go back to the Bazaar and sign up for the Battle Stage, which if we won we'd got 16,000 gold and a bag of Aquamarine.   We then sit down for the auction and wait for it to start. Ape, Raskin and Austar practically clear out the auction and make a name for ourselves as wealthy strangers.   Esteem, a Tiefling who is close to the Halfesh (Sultan) and popular was at the auction was got into bidding wars with Raskin and Austar a few times, as well as the Halfesh. Seems quite good at hiding things if needs to. I notice there is a slight raising of his eyes and his pupils dilates when Raskin mentioned Titan's Bane, making me think he knows us, or at least our name. Said if we're looking for work come see him at the Evenings Rent by dockside.   We then enter the Battle Stage. I enter first against a Goblin and manage to use his momentum to throw him out winning the first round. The second round Malaphor expertly uses his cold powers against a Minotaur and knocks him out by freezing his hooves so he lost grip. Ape then enters the final round against a muscled Kobold and throws him out with ease.   After our win we collect our winnings (16,000 gold and a bag of Aquamarine) we head to the Hal'Fesh's Menagerie, which Ape then showcases his own menagerie.   We then head down towards the docks. We pass by a few ships on the docks and the names on the side are "The Alcastron", another ship with blue sails called "The Bellasaurus", dark sails "The Green Callabasht".   I notice onboard "The Green Callabasht" I see Esteem having a conversation with what I assume is the captain.   Raskin sets up the Tiny Hut so we can sleep safely while we await morning to speak to Rosie when she arrives.   I message Etcher to see if he's got any updates, said will be looking into it shortly.   I also message Holly Lusterkin to check up on the manor renovation, said there was flooding issue and might cost bit more but can discuss when she next sees us.   My last message is to Lucinda Marguant on if she's well and how the Alistan Preen problem is? She said he's been quiet and she's doing business in Pentareach. Reiterated to not trust Alistan Preen but we knew that already.

Session 36 - Malaphor's True Self
2nd of Yoweth

I asked Malaphor if he's ok, and he brushed it off as just exhaustion from the earlier fight and tiredness. He did at some point suddenly sit up straight and start sweating before relaxing.   On our journey, Malaphor is looking incredibly rough. I cast Lesser Restoration on him as we slow and as I pull away I see a flash of 2 white beacon eyes, and 2 more below open up. At the end of my fingers are what look like could be a form of necrosis. Malaphor then says out loud to Ape, "Kill me" and he crumples to the floor and then stands back up, his eyes no longer red but white, resembling the eyes I saw earlier. He tries to play it off as him feeling ok but I know it's not him. He says "It's been fun travelling with you, but Malaphor's job is nearly done" and he reaches into the ground and the sand around us begins to fall and drags us into old ruins of a lost civilization.   We start fighting Malaphor, and after Raskin hits him, Malaphor responds "Well, you just killed your friend" and black smoke appears out of him and coalesces into a black cloaked figure with 4 beacons of white light in a diamond shape. The figure takes control of Ape during the fight and uses him against us, knocking Raskin down and nearly knocking me out. We take Ape down, and the creature as it moves past me and Malaphor, we manage to deal a hefty blow to it but it merges with it's summoned creature.   The newly transformed creature bites down on Austar, and his Cloak of Displacement was destroyed due to the bite. Ape manages to get up, and hands me the purple potion that Vallo from the Concocted Chaos gave us, I pour it into my Chalice to increase it's potency and Ape drinks the potion. Purple mushrooms grow on his head and he heals a decent amount. After an epic battle, where Malaphor allowed Asgorath back in and regained his cold power, on top of his magic powers back he dealt the killing blow to the creature that once resided within him.   I find a ropey twine bracelet, a reddish gem in the centre, marble/glass like with lines of brighter orange in it in a chest behind a collapsed door. On the other side of the room we fell into is another door, and behind here I here skittering and we decide to ignore it and get out and start our journey back to Midelina.   Austar casts Fly on Ape and he carries us back up the sinkhole and we then journey towards Midelina. We arrive atop a dune and we're looking down towards our destination, and the ocean which is a calming view for me. There's a large estate like building at the back of the Midelina, and further back from that we see ruins not of the same archaeology.   We find our way to The Wandering Prince and find a table. Austar starts playing with the band but overwhelms them and they leave. Raskin gets a room and I buy a house special for Ape, which if he manages to drink it without passing out, our drinks are free for the night. Ape managed to drink it and we have free drinks for the night. We find out the last person to have drank it was Carcan, from the Storyteller.   Malaphor mentioned burying a spherical like object of dark essence at the base of the Oak Tree in Trentsigrad. I sent a message to Etcher and let him know about this object and he said he'll look into it.   The bar keep has striking resemblance to the same grey coloured Orc that Raskin killed on the ship that we commandeered and scuttled. He also told us that Rosie does frequent The Wandering Prince but hasn't been in for a few days.   We then head to the Shaded Face Inn to get more rooms for the night. I get a balcony room, enjoy the ocean view and breeze and then head to bed.

Session 35 - Demonic Beast and Desert Travels
2nd of Yoweth

In the morning we awake and I cast Speak with Dead on Silan.   My first question: What were you going to say when Titan's Bane was mentioned? "I know that name"   My second question: How do you know the name Titan's Bane? I see an instinctual twitch of the eyelid at the question, then it says "Titan's Bane are known to some in Laelosia".   My third question: Did you work for Alistan Preen? After a long pause he responded with "I work for a dangerous man with deep pockets and a quick temper". The pause made me think he didn't want us to know.   My fourth question: How far does the Rhukta Syndicates influence reach out of Hashal. "The syndicates reach is most of Sansura"   My fifth question: Are there people hunting Titan's Bane? "Yes" with a whispering breeze.   After that, I start my hour ritual to create a chisel made of a harder metal than the sealed box with scratching coming from inside using my Channel Divinity. I then chisel a small hole into the box and Ape's look in to find a small white furred creature, about the size of a squirrel. As I'm making the holes with the chisel, the creature is slowly getting closer to the holes. It then jumps out of the hole and attacks.   It latches onto Ape and stuns him, then attacks Malaphor and instantly downs him, and his shoulder starts turning to ash. I banish the creature and start tending to Malaphor's wound; at the edge of the open wound as it starts to close are black tendrils of wispy smoke coming off of Malaphor.   We start our journey towards Midelina to find Rosie Zeryl and try and convince her to take us to Chankata.   Unfortunately for us, it's the middle of summer and we're approaching the hottest time of the year, while in a desert. We finally get to Jarda and cross the large bridge to get to it.   On the right, is a tower just off to the right of the town, same design as the one we saw near Osmo, with a golden domed roof.   As we get in to town, we see no one around, but we do hear some rumbling further in, and hear a loud female voice, but not loud enough to know what she's saying, as well as her speaking Sansuran. We estimate there's about 100 or so buildings within Jarda.   As we step into the town square, we're met with a dusty cloud of footsteps and movement. Seeing market stalls, but clearly there's a commotion. In the middle, next to a golden gazebo like structure. A middle aged woman wearing purple and whites, custom armour, heavy looking gem on her forehead. Flanked by two blue and white matching leather armour holding polearms.   We notice that the gazebo looks entirely made of metal, and in the centre, knelt down is a man, hands behind his back and covered in dust with a guard standing next to him pressing his polearm into the mans back. We get the gist that this is likely a punishment or a trial. Group of women beside the gazebo crying and pleading. A guy in the crowd in front of us turns round and told us that the man in the gazebo is on trial but he doesn't know why.   The guard next to the man pulls a lever, and we hear pulleys and gears, as the man and guard disappear down out of sight. A short time later and the platform comes back up and just the guard comes back up. The man that was knelt is no longer there, the crowd then starts to disperse.   Looking around the square I notice a sign on a building that says "Baheer's Mundane Magics". The other bit is a few tents with some individuals sitting around, currently over a big pot throwing leaves into it. I trade my Circlet of Concentration for a Portal Wand which I give to Ape.   We go to a tavern called The Passionless Lyrer to spend a few hours until late afternoon to then make our way towards Midelina.   Malaphor goes to rest and after he comes back down, he buys some drinks and Ape and myself notice he looks very unwell.

Session 34 - An Exotic Rescue
1st of Yoweth

We managed to catch up and overtake the boat on our Momoko's and got far enough ahead to hatch a plan. We decide on flying onto the ship and attack. I get brought into Ape's menagerie box and when he's on the ship he'll let me out. Everyone else flies on using the Copper Cuirass' that we found in Odror Partha.   The battle on the ship wasn't as difficult as we had feared and we managed to save all the animals. Most of the crew were let go by telling them to jump off the edge, but Raskin did practically execute one of them as he pleaded for his life.   As Ape puts the final blow to Silan, his eyes widened as Ape mentioned Titans Bane and before he died he said "He's co...". I asked Ape to grab his body as I want to cast Speak with Dead on him to find out what he was going to say.   We kill the rest of the Rhukta Syndicate members on the ship and find more creatures for Ape to save. We then grab Silan's body and jump off the ship which is now beached. We travel 20 or so minutes away on Momoko and set up for the night in the Tiny Hut.   Ape also found in the ship, an iron box that had scratching sounds coming from it, but no way to open the box as it looked like it had been welded shut. I have an idea to create a chisel made of stronger metal than iron to slowly chip away at the seam in the morning with my Channel Divinity, as well as casting Speak with Dead on Silan to find out what he knows about us and what he was going to say before dying.  

Session 33 - Asgorath Revelations & Beast Rescues
1st of Yoweth

As I wake up I cast Scrying and focus on Uncle Wodric. As I'm in the process of the spell, I feel a block, either of an arcane or divine nature, but I manage to push through and get a glimpse of Wodrics hands and shoulders, wielding a hand axe cutting down on manacles around another Dwarf I'm not familiar with.   Carved into the white stone above the large double doors at The Storyteller is a symbol that looks like an eight pointed start, but not sure. As I knock, the door is flung open and Oddy, the Grung is waiting for us. He invited us in, ahead of us is big spiral staircase leading upwards. To the side of the staircase is another set of large doors that lead into a corridor towards the central tower. We're led down the corridor and notice various portraits of people in heroic poses, all of them have the same eight pointed star above each one. We arrive in the main room, and in the middle is as we expected, a large tree trunk through the middle going up, appearing from below. By the tree is a piece of metalwork that the symbol we've seen is actually a compass. The compass is painted to replicate a rainbow type effect, maybe a nod to Asgorath?   Ody said he hadn't told Morgrim that we're here. He said that Morgrim can be grumpy. Through the doors we hear "What the fuck do you think you're doing" and we then just hear shouting at Ody, and something breaking. Standing at 3 1/2 feet tall, wearing heavy chain mail, a morning star to their side, a badger like creature, striding towards us with intense purpose. Morgrim is angrily demanding why we're here and Ody mentions that Ape used lightning in our fight. We tell him that our powers are innate and he asks us to prove it to him. We use ours powers and the compass around the tree, glows as well as a crackle of energy that appeared around us which we've never seen before, probably due to us using them together. He calms and mentions it was good for Ody to tell us to come and lead us towards the garden. He takes us to the trunk of the tree, where we see 2 beautiful 11 foot tall statues of two individuals. One a Dragonborn, one horn missing the other curled upwards, carved with armour and tail ends with a wicked axe end. The other statue, a human woman with long hair reaching down to her waist, carved in robes, the robes torn, a pink petal flower sprouting from her hand. The two people, are the founding members of The Paragon 250/60 years ago. Feldris Kilhazra, Dayhana Cloudfell. Part of a group of individuals called Breath of the Ninefold. Once they had finished what they were doing they founded The Paragon. Morgrim has knowledge on Asgorath, and is asking what we know and where we're headed. The last time these powers appeared was 250 years ago.   Ody knows someone who he trusts who can take us to Chankata. Rosie Zeryl, Captain of the Charlock Carrion. Good friend and sailor, has helped Ody a few times but will need persuasion to go to Chankata.   Ody said to find the Dijou Inn if we find ourselves in need of respite from Master Xaifeng's teaching.   We made our way to an alleyway to allow for Austar's Seeming spell to be cast without onlookers. Ape and Raskin then make their way to The Cheap Buckler and head down towards the Undertrade to try and rescue the Steel Monarch. Myself, Austar and Malaphor wait nearby just in case we're needed to go down and help.   Not long after they've been down in the Undertrade, I get a message through the sending stone that they need help from Raskin. As we get down there, I see Raskin suddenly disappear followed by shouting "FIND THEM". I tell the Austar and Malaphor they got out and we head back up.   We group up with Raskin and Ape in an alley and drop our disguises. As we're leaving a guy walks past us with purpose looking for our disguised selves. Coming out of a boathouse near The Cheap Buckler is a sloop with a cage on it that Ape notices is the same cage as the one below that housed the Gore Rhino. We decide to try and intercept the boat further up the river as Morgrim told us it would be quicker to get to the coast by Momoko.   We stop by the Beastkeepers and let Im'Shal know that we saved the Steel Monarch and are on our way out of the city. We head out the main gate we entered from in the South and got on our Momoko's and headed West following the river. Not long after we found the boat that had the other creature Ape told us about.  

Session 32 - Odror's Sentinel VS The Paragon
1st of Yoweth

Austar comes back from talking to the figure, and drops the bombshell that he's been told he's the son of the Raven Queen and Mhyros. Mhyros being the god of the Abyss, corrupted by it and turned evil. Sealed away in a cage crafted by Moradin. A group of demons trying to free him somehow?   Austar mentioned to us that the figure called Archangel Telentis said that there is a demon among us. Likely insinuating Malaphor.   While waiting for Ape and Malaphor to change their Copper Cuirass', I feel rumbling at my feet. I go to the top of the mound and I see, coming from Hashal, an army of the Sanctified making their way to the ruins of Odror Partha. Leading them is one riding a lizard of some kind, and above, two ships in the sky.   We make the decision to go towards Hashal. On our way we feel a rush of sand going past us, towards Odror Partha. Within the sand, we see 3 figures rushing past, the Firbolg and Grung from the other day in Hashal and a lizard like creature all running past, at an incredible speed, way quicker than Momoko's.   We discuss going back to help. Austar and myself are outnumbered in our vote to help, but Austar turns anyway, I follow and shortly after the rest come with us.   As we get there, in the centre is a sight. Screaming Sanctified, some pummelled, others shouting commands. The three individuals we saw running past are in combat with the giant golem that chased us out of Odror Partha.   The three people from The Storyteller were mighty and incredibly powerful. After the fight the Firbolg asked Ape about his lightning powers, and when told that it was innate and given to us, the Grung and Firbolg were incredibly interested. Said their boss will want to speak to us and to come to The Storyteller later.   The Kobold is called Uggy.   The Firbolg is called Carcan Glass-storm.   The Grung is called Oysseus the Living Weapon.   Their boss is called Morgrim.   The Sanctified that was riding the Rock Drake approaches us, called General Divha'Ap , said a reward could be discussed if we stop by the Pasyn Bastion   We headed back to Hashal and stopped by the Pasyn Bastion and we were given 100 gold.   The rest of the day was spent just killing time. I went to the Eager Crown and had my sunstone implanted into a pendant for my Dawn spell. I got a crystal ball from Jem Core for my Scrying spell. I couldn't find a golden reliquary for my Summon Celestial spell yet.   We head back to The Little Courtesan to spend the night before going to The Storyteller to speak to Morgrim. I plan in the morning to cast Scrying to see if I can find Uncle Wodric. We also need to figure out the Malaphor problem.

Session 31 - Odror Partha's Fall
24th of Morne Yowa

The tower we're standing on is the tallest within this section of the city that's flown up. Surrounding the tower below are a few dozen other buildings, all tower like in design.   Huge bronze metal like fans span around hundred feet wide on the edges of the city.   We go into Ape's box so Raskin can use Dimension Door to get himself and Ape down to the ground.   The Master Smith's Hammer ability to locate the Word of Moradin points towards the central tower we were on, but it points slightly downwards. I also notice various corpses littered around, as well as cannon like structures. I also notice on the floor and wall stonework of black scorch marks. The large stone doors to the central tower are closed with old Dwarven written above it in stone which translates roughly to:   "Partha, institute of inquiry".   I also notice that the ever present humming that surrounds us, we can hear louder humming from inside this tower. I manage to open the door, and having a listen, I hear the sound of thousands of mechanisms whirring and clicking together.   As Ape, Austar and Malaphor approach, the whole city seems to tilt at a brief angle before slowly righting itself. Something doesn't seem right with it, likely due to millennia of being buried under the sand dunes.   In the centre of the tower is a large mechanism, similar to what we found in the Sol and Lu'un Partha ruins, but more intricately designed which rises up to the top of the tower. With a spiral staircase leading up and then down. We decide to head downwards towards both the Word of Moradin and the mechanical screeching sound we heard below. At the bottom is a small chamber with two passageways going left and right with writing above the left passageway which translates to:   "Engineering Department   At the back of the chamber is a stone mural, which has a carving very reminiscent of the hound creature that we encountered, and a number of corpses and scorch marks.   We make our way to the Engineering Department which as we make our way, the construction becomes more mechanical. We get to a closed door at the end of a passage which also leads to the right. In front of the door is a large machine face down, maybe 7 feet tall when standing, but missing a leg that is down the hallway to the right. I open the door behind this metal figure. The room looks similar to an engineers workshop, large tables, strange mechanical devices, pulleys and pipes going places. I notice on the right hand side, on hooks fixed to one side are breastplates with folded wings. There are notes on the tables. I try to read them and I manage to read some but it doesn't make sense. "The eyes are working in unison correctly, helping to assist the suspension core" "The wing sentries have been malfunction but are up and running again" Talking about a set of cuirass that have been altered for longer flight.   There are some notes that are filed away in scrolls. The first 2 break away but Raskin manages to open another which unfortunately looks like equations, but it does look like it's inter-twinned with arcane runes. A merging of arcane and mechanical together. Another note talks about calibrating the lens matrix to make sure sandstorms won't affect Odror Partha.   Another note opened successfully. This one seems to be a lot of meaningless information regarding various other panels and how the wiring works with the ores. It does mention moonstone and sunstone in a lot of their devices.   Another note opened which talks about trade with Badegat of Opalizite for Mithril.   The last scroll talks as though it is common knowledge, like it's not a magical event. Speaks about discussion with the Archon, and how to keep the eyes charged for longer. Archon I've heard about in stories, more religious pieces in regard to Moradin. Archon is a type of angel, powerful individuals that work amongst the gods.   We continue down the passageway to a closed door. We open the door and we come to a large metallic floored room. With more skeletons. They look Dwarvish in nature, one with an outline of scorch around them. The other corpse has skin still and is mummified. At the back of this room, a large central lever on the floor, behind it attached to the wall and hanging limp, is another armoured individual like the one by the door. I find one large fan that when spinning, it gets stuck and stutters. Looking above I see a walkway, but the walkway has been severed through, and a line of wreckage that is hitting a piston mechanism. I know how to replicate with my metal work, whatever was in that spot, I have no idea. Littering the floor and the railings there are bits of old metal. Ape manages to pull away the walkway which unfortunately then lands on the lever which then activates the big golem at the back. It scans the room, then scans me and it's eye glows green. It then scans Malaphor and its eye goes red and it attacks. I manage to charm it with my Master Smith's Hammer and get it to power down. There's another chamber at the back with more mummified corpses and workbenches but nothing else of note.   We make our way back down the passageway from the Engineering Department, We go through the right passageway with no writing above it and descent downwards, less of a spiral staircase and more of a ramp. At the bottom we come to a set of large closed wooden and stone doors. The doors open, and ahead of us is a large room with a marble stone flooring. Big pillars, similar to a ornate ballroom. Covered in corpses, mixture of skeletons in armour, non armour, covered in scorch marks and some mummified. Some have big sections of earth rock on their rooms.   At the back is a small throne, which my Curio Seeker ability leads me to when looking for the Word of Moradin. The back wall has more murals of the hound like creatures working together with dwarves.   The figure in the throne has a circlet on their head. lined with various gems inlayed in it which I take.   At the back where the Curio Seeker ability leads me to, is a metal door with writing above it in Old Dwarven, and as I'm looking at it, it changes into normal Dwarvish. It reads: "If you are true, whether be by stone or sky, entry is but a push. I place my hand on the door, immediately the door begins to pull away, very reminiscent of the big dense spheres when we put the Orbs within them. I see the colour of my skin changing to a pink fleshy skin colour. My allies see my form change to that more of a dwarf, with jet black hair, stubble growing. As I step into a large chamber, braziers start to light in the room magically. As the door closes my skin returns to normal as does my hair. In this room, a staircase that goes down left and right leading to a platform. At the back of a platform is a drop. Two immense stone statues 100 feet tall of Dwarves with blades facing down. Immense large throne at the back, in front of it, piles of gold, silver, gems, shields, weapons. In the centre, at the front, is a very large 20 foot tall statue with marble colouration with a big helmet with it's back towards us looking at the gold. In the large throne, embedded into it, is a large handle of a hammer. I make my way down the stairs and start making my way through the piles of gold to get to the throne at the end. Once I get there, the first thing I notice is the hammer is shoved into the throne. The throne has purple arcane runes around the throne. My boots also start to vibrate slightly. I manage to pull the hammer from the throne which as I wield it, is quite top heavy. I make my way back to the group and open the door which Austar and Malaphor go through. Before Austar leaves, he gives the bag of holding to Raskin and says if gold means that much to you, then go for it. Raskin then goes down and starts scooping gold up. The huge statue's arms move slightly, and Raskin notices the eyes are glowing a yellow white. We run out and as we're leaving the main throne room, the metal doorway parts for the statue and it's chasing after us.   We find our way back at the entrance in the courtyard and the statue bursts through and attacks us. Ape pulls me into his Menagerie Box and next thing I know I'm pulled out into the sand dunes, beneath Odror Partha which we see explosion pieces.   Malaphor lands next to us with his bag glowing green. He slides out a green glowing dodecahedron shaped object. I try to identify it where I'm met with flashes of large black mountainous landscape that pushes me away. I do know the dodecahedron is extremely magical, and has abjuration, illusion and divination schools of magic attached to it but it pushes me away from knowing what it is. I give it to Austar to try and see if he can gleam what it might do.   I used the Curio Seeker ability to find the next Word of Moradin which pointed me in a South Eastern direction, maybe towards Chankata?   We then travel away from where Odror Partha came out from and then rested inside Raskins Tiny Hut spell to regain our strength before heading back into Hashal.

Session 30 - Partha's Mystery
24th of Morne Yowa

The first large white skinned beast that climbed onto the bridge got instantly knocked down by the statue trap. The second beast jumps over from the cavern edge but it is quickly dealt with but not before it seems to poison Ape and inject some worms into him which we discovered after I used Lesser Restoration on him.   During the battle I turned the sconces on either side of the door so the flame touches the metal rim. It glows quickly and after the battle I manage to push the door open.   In the centre of this room is a large long stone table lined with stone chairs. A few arched open doorways leading left and right of the chamber. At the back of this chamber is closed door, made of metal. Above it, built into the stone is another small golden rimmed lens like the others. I also notice there are artistic stone tapestry carvings along both walls of the chamber. In a number of chairs and slumped against walls, there are half a dozen skeletons. Some of the skeletons are bare with no clothing. A couple are wearing armour sets that haven't weathered.   The metal door at the back looks like it's sealed shut. With my knowledge, looks like the door is made of pure adamantine. I notice on the front, there is no detailing/writing but there is a indented circle in the centre of the door. Above it, a sentence: "Druvov Colt" which I don't know but Colt means "core".   At the head of the table there is a skeleton in a set of ornate armour, they have on their skull a circlet, a band of silver in a zig zag design. In the centre lines of gold and purple (amethyst), thick ring on their finger, a top of the ring is a light orange gem with cloudy spots of darker orange. Fairly certain this is an "Urnabaun Gem", there are a few of these, I know it means a puzzle/mystery gem. The colouration of this gem makes me think this is sunstone. Sunstone has a sibling gem, being "moonstone". In Dwarven culture there are talismans made of sunstones that act as wards of undead.   The left tapestry: Depicts a forest of tall trees and high hills. Line of Dwarven figures mining in the hills and building structures. Tallest hill has Dwarves climbing up on one side, and the other has other creatures with dog like heads. At the top, a Dwarf and one of the creatures hand clasped, as if they're exchanging something.   The Right Tapestry More forest and hills. Two of the hills have towers on them. Between them a dog faced creature, touching either tower. Above the head of the creature is a crown of tall pillars, that have gold on them. Dwarves on the hills with the towers.   Intrinsic level of magic from the sunstone ring, but not imbued with magic. Only magical because of the "Urnabaun" nature of it.   In the passageways either side are living quarters, communal areas, kitchen, large oval room like a training ring. Also find an armoury. End of one passage opens up into a large cavern that goes down out of sight, and a wooden platform on a pulley system that likely goes down into mine shafts.   The armoury is filled with weapons and armours, most of the weapons are made of with an adamantine blend. Looking over these weapons, very much adamantine but something is off about them, realising that these are made of a blend of adamantine and opalazite. I grab myself a set of the plate armour as it's better made than what Norman made for me.   We go back to the main chamber, and I place the Sunstone gem into the recess, and there is a light orange light coming from the door. I trace the indented groove with the gem and it starts to glow the same colour. We feel a shudder, and the glow brightens and it then splinters off that begin to look like the sun. We hear various clicks and clunks from the door and finally, the large metal door slowly swings open.   In front of us, past the door is another chamber, about 100 feet long. Weird source-less light within. At the entrance, more skeletons. Floor is made of cut stone same as before, but organized in a way to be a mosaic pattern of suns and sun rays/beams. Standing in the centre of the room is a large mechanical circular machine, similar to that found at the top of the ruins but more intricately designed. Centre looks like a closed flower bud. Sits upon a circular platform cut of black stone with various symbols and runes around it.   Machine is likely made of various metals, but more importantly, of sunstone which gives it it's strange orange/brown tint. As I step into the room, the flower bud structure starts to open up in 4 sections. Within the bud, a thick dense looking sphere with the same bronze colouration. Submerged in a pool of dark brown/oily bubbling liquid. Room filled with a gentle mechanical humming noise.   At the back of the room, 4 large golden Dwarven statues and an altar at the back in between 2 statues. Atop the altar, is a smiths hammer. Etched into the front edge of the altar are more runes and sigils similar to the platform the machine is on. There is a barrier that one of Austar's skeletons pass through but it disintegrates. I gingerly pass my arm through and nothing happens to me. I walk in and Ape tries to run through but crashes into the barrier and can't get past. Carved into the altar, is another set of dark coloured runes. Into the face beneath the hammer, is a phrase written in old Dwarvish mixed with something else. The other language seems to be celestial. Austar manages to interpret the phrase based on the celestial part of it. He interprets it to say "The price of truth, weighs heaviest when closed" I place my hand upon the hammer, and as I pick it up, the glyphs glow purple and as I step back there is a large figure, topless, golden bands and necklaces, the face that of a jackal. Purple lightning like energy coming off them. It points it's hand towards me and says:   “Stranger who wields the tool of the Master Smith. Your scent unsettles me. The blood in your veins is both friend and foe.” He sniffs again, “And another, older much older, such power they gift. What makes you worthy of such an item?”   I try to convince the creature of my intention of finding the Words of Moradin's due to the vision I received from Moradin himself. The creature doesn't believe me and says:   “My sentiment clouds my judgement. I do not know whether you intend to mend what is broken. Or shatter what remains, as your kind did here a millennia ago.” "You words intend to comfort, yet I do not feel at ease around you. This hammer is dangerous in the hands of one such as yourself.”   He unleashes a flurry of attacks against me that easily get past my usually good defences and hurts me quite badly. I respond by placing the hammer on the floor in front of me and I plead with the creature that my intention is true, and I've put the hammer down as proof of this.   “Partha’s fate lies with you young soul. Do not fail its legacy.”   The part of my blood he was worried about, was to do with my elemental blood.   As the creature steps back towards the altar, it looks at Austar and before leaving says "It's good to see you my lord" before disappearing.   The hammer seems to be the hammer that Obabim mentioned to me all those weeks ago.   At the central mechanism there is a small heavy set lever under the base. Malaphor leans the gold orb he found in the palm of one of the skeletons closer to the central opaque sphere which opens up to show a place for the orb. As it's placed, the machine hums louder and the glyphs surrounding the contraption glow orange. I hear a clicking noise near where the lever was. I pull the lever and we now hear various clicking noises. The central sphere begins to turn clockwise, getting faster and faster. Beside the lever, I see 2 glass tubes that are filling gradually with an orange glow. The liquid within the contraption is rising into a whirlpool effect while the tubes fill slowly.   As the tubes fill, the humming grows louder and the spinning of the sphere is at it's maximum speed. The hairs on our arms stand up. The sphere suddenly just stops, but the liquid keeps spinning. The runes start to glow more, before turning green. The centre of the sphere opens up which emits a glowing yellow light. A noise growing as the yellow light brightens. A concentrated beam of yellow energy slams into the glass lens above the door.   We hurry back to the first opening room we entered into Sol'Partha following the energy line. The energy is being fed directly into the contraption. Looking up, the energy climbs up and has encircled the golden rim of the lens that's lifted up out the tower. The lens is facing a different way to where we had it set to, as if the energy beam has righted itself to face the correct direction. It's also pointing the same direction that the Word of Moradin is located as per my new hammers ability. We get on our Momoko's and follow where this energy source is leading us to. Surrounded by nothing, it's hitting a spot in the sand. We dig away and find a large 40 foot stone platform. At the centre, a large round orb made of a mixture of gold and silver material, similar to the orb that was placed in the contraption, but larger. Around the edges, there are more black arcane runes and sigils that we uncovered. The energy is hitting this orb, half the runes are lit up yellow. We make the assumption that we need to go to Lu'un Partha and activate a similar device.   Within the initial chamber, is a near identical contraption as in Sol'Partha. I crank the wheel and lift the lens up into the tower, and this time instead of the lens being in gold trim, it is wrapped in a silver trim. We follow the hallway down to the right instead of left as in Sol'Partha. Making our way through Lu'un Partha in a similar design of Sol'Partha but there is no bridge. We see a metal door made of silver it seems, closed with blue stripes on it, On our way to this door, managing to avoid various traps that are still active. Austar manages to open the door by casting Ray of Frost in the centre. We step into another room, we get the idea that Lu'un Partha is smaller than it's counter part. One thing that catches our eye, is there are 2 dog like creatures, both presenting something to the Dwarves, and in their hand is a spherical shape. The majority of the passageways from this room tend to lead to large mine shafts. On this table, in the centre is some parchment that is still intact. Unfortunately it crumbles as I try to read it. It speaks of a manifesto listing mineshaft levels, one particular thing is "Urnabaun" veins which sunstone and moonstone are made from. The second parchment is unfurled and keeps it's form.   This one talks about trade with Badegat to acquire more opalazite, as well as other merchant lists of ores trade with Aza'Kish (Old Hashal) as well as a place called Odror Partha, Partha seems to be a play on words of Path, which means people. I believe it's an older take on the word "heart".   On the vault door, there is another groove, but of a crescent moon shape. I find on the left hand of one of the skeletons, another ring with a moonstone atop it. Clouded white colour with spots and swirls of light blue. By their hand is also a beautifully made hand-axe that is off to the side, the blade an upside down crescent moon. I identify the axe and it's called "Dusk Cleaver".   I trace the moonstone ring along the groove of the metal door, which glows green and within the room, at the back is a similar device. Either side there are 2 large silver and black dwarven statues. The orb is within the contraption already. I make my way to the base of the contraption to pull the lever but the eyes of the statue on the left glow and I get hit by a lightning bolt. Austar mage hands the lever to pull it and a similar bolt of energy, this time purple in colour.   We arrive back at the stone platform where the beams of energy lead to, but nothing is happening, I notice the orb that is receiving the beams, has a fracture in it. I repair it using mending through the Master Smith's Hammer, and a gong noise is heard and it pushes us all back apart from me. The orb starts to spin, and everything around us start to rumble. 60 feet away, the sand is tremoring like an earthquake. About 100 feet away, a large section of desert sand turns into a whirlpool going down. We count 6 of these whirlpools. The stonework beneath us begins to rise. As it rises it's clear to use we're standing at the top of a tower. We see more structures in the distance rising, a city of some sort being uncovered after centuries hidden beneath the sands. We are now 120 or so feet up into the air, as we look around we see giant mechanical circles that pull up which reveals huge rotary fans. This whole structure is pulling away up from the sand, rising up into the sky, the desert below us. We notice a large black peaked building with a raven atop it. In the far distance I just about make out Hashal, knowing we are hundreds of feet up into the sky.

Session 29 - Sol'Partha
24th of Morne Yowa

A very tall, muscular grey skinned Firbolg with big heavy banded bracers, no shirt, large threaded red cord around forearms, and large stone shin-pads on their legs standing at the top of the stairs to the Storyteller. Green skinned, yellow eyes Grung with the Firbolg. Has armoured shoulder pads and has a blade sheathed behind his back. Magnet Taharja, Sapphire Lynx are taverns recommended to go to in the Papava District. Malaphor for whatever reason wants to go to the Sacred Court district as it's richer and will somehow have less thievery? Suddenly concerned with thievery here than other places we've been to. We head to the Little Courtesan tavern/inn. As we arrive, I notice coming from the palace behind the walls, there is light coming up like beams stretching in to the skyline. As night settles in, the light beams are a lot more prominent as the sun has set.   Halfling male called Mr Clementine manning the front desk of the Little Courtesan.   We get rooms for the night and in the morning we make our to The Eager Crown and the Concocted Chaos to buy some healing potions before making our way out of Hashal to the North to go to the Partha Ruins.   Concocted Chaos run by Vallo Bitterspit, a short red coloured Kobold.   After our errands we head out through the Northern part of the city and make our way towards The Shifting Sands which is incredibly gusty and we're being constantly peppered by sand. We cover our faces best we can to avoid being hindered too much by it.   Thankfully I manage to guide our way, and a while later. We see a tall slightly slanted, grey sand stoned mottled tower. In front of this tower, we see two lines facing each other, very weathered sand burned statues that are likely of Dwarves, but details have been grinded away over the centuries. We get closer, and atop a dune while looking down at it, it looks very much like the same entrance that I saw in a vision given to me by Moradin.   Near one of the statues, Austar points out that he detected an enemy with his wand. We move to the left of the statues to avoid the mound we saw on the right but unfortunately see another mound on the left. We go back to the left and get an initial attack on the Titanus Centipede and we start our first battle. They have a flame based power when hitting in melee, and a strange fire based thing that hits from a distance.   On the door of the ruins, I see the familiar Moradin symbol that I saw in my vision, but as a backdrop to it I see strange jagged wings that I'm unfamiliar with.   In the central chamber of the old Dwarven civilization of Sol'Partha. Large chamber, not quite circular that seems to be the top of the structure we entered. Above us is an additional floor with a staircase leading to it. In the centre of the room, is a raised pedastal made of a strange contraption made of various metals. At the top is a large six feet across, 5 feet tall, oval piece of inch thick dusted glass rimmed in thick heavy gold.   One of the walls there is a large gap that is missing something, which my guess is the large Moradin symbol taken and is now in display at the Gratius Centre of Discovery.   On the left hand side opposite the spiral staircase going up, there is a dipped down partially buried in sand hallway.   Going up the spiral stairs, the hole in the middle perfectly aligns with the central mechanism. Looking at the top, I notice in stonework, lines of metal that are within the cracks on the roof section of the ceiling.   At the front of the contraption, there are a number of levers and strange switches. Seem to be connected deep within this creation. Either side of it, there are two wheels with handles, more like a big piece of metal and a lip at the front to get my hand in. Myself and Malaphor start to crank the wheels. As we're twisting, the top section begins to turn gradually, as well as rising up towards the ceiling. As it gets to the ceiling, the very top of the tower opens up to allow this glass lens to go out off the tower, now sitting 10 feet above the tower. As I take a step away, I see various different pipes, coils of metals that make up most of it. At the bottom I see a smaller golden rimmed piece of glass. It seems to be pointing towards down a corridor and see another oval piece of class. The glass lens in the hallway I initially turn to face down towards the door, but I realise it was set up so if anything were to reflect off it, it would go towards the door, and back up the hallway towards the main room we entered from.   I push the door open and we see more mechanical contraptions but as I step in I step on a stone slab that lowers. In the room we see 2 skeletons plastered in arrows so I keep my foot down on the stone slap. I get brought into Ape's Menagarie Box and he tells me nothing happened. Heard a whirring like a trap trying to activate. The skeletons have the simples of the Gratius Centre on their clothing. Smaller mechanical contraption similar to the first room. Peering down the contraption, a gap in the floor goes down. There is another glass lens in the centre, which I at an angle to point towards the door we came through, and back down into the hole beneath it. We go to the spiral staircase going down, which we travel down for 10 minutes, which we then arrive into a room. We see another mechanical pedestal with another piece of glass, above it I see a hole in the ceiling that goes up where the one from the previous room is. On the left hand side of this room, is an open archway going to another room with a breeze coming from it. I point it towards the piece of glass above the arch.   Walking out of the archway, is a very large cavernous room, 80 feet in length. This part of the ruins has been build into an existing cave system. Ahead is a long bridge, on the right, dwarven statues holding blades. On the left of the passage is a deep chasm, about 30 feet away rocky wall of the cave. Braziers along the bridge burst to light magically one after another. A large double door at the end of the bridge, lit by two smaller sconces. Above the door, another glass oval built into the wall. The statues come forward as we step in front of them. We activate them with mage hand and go through.   "Struck from the rock and the metal she wrought, she brings life to ruined blade. By hosts and bandits alike she is greeted with open palms, though none dare embrace her. Who is she?" appear in old Dwarven on the door after I touched it, which heated up but I pulled away before being hurt by it.   The answer is seemingly "fire" but nothing we try seems to work when opening the door. We then keep hearing loud screeching noises and coming from below the bridge, is a large white skinned beast.

Session 28 - Hashal's Rift Ki
23rd of Morne Yowa

On our way back to The Guilded Quarter we try to find a building that we can do some research in, we find one called the Altalba Library.   As we walk in the front doors which were open, we arrive into a small room, scuttling past us, 6 feet in length, 8 legged brass and bronze mechanical creature, very praying mantis like. On it's back is various books and scrolls. We assume it is a library worker. An old male Halfling called Quinsire said to not mind the creature as it is harmless. Said he calls it a Cog Worker. It's an automaton which was pulled from the ruins of Nef-Kley.   The Altalba Library is smaller than the Gratius Centre of Discovery, a bit of a museum and library combined.   Crossing a free standing bridge heading back to The Guilded Quarter, I notice there are a lot more Elves in Hashal. As I see the boats move through the river, the ripples give off a slight glow, that's a sea green colour which shimmers and disappears back into the river.   As we're walking through The Guilded Quarter there's so many stalls set up with people trying to sell their items as well standalone shops available.   Quinsire said the Scribes of the Archive, Forge Delvers, and the archaeology department from the Gratius Centre of Discovery might be better suited for questions on the creatures found in the Partha ruins, specifically rock drakes, titanus centipedes, lurking salamanders. Forge Delvers are a group of 3 Warforged, quite honest but not as possible.   The Altaba Library didn't have much on the Partha ruins, but I did find one about the Dwarven Lords of Sansura. (See Research Journal)   The Desecration of Sansura (See Research Journal)   We leave The Altalba Library and split up. Myself and Austar go to the Gratius Centre of Discovery. Behind the front desk is a young spritely slightly quiet looking Elven woman with black hear in a cloak with a blue gem necklace and amber colour eyes called Devrin Culeth. Doctor Pewart. The elven woman asks a "Finchley" to go find Pewart and behind her, a flying red panda flies off behind her to go find Pewart. Austar hears Finchley say that Dr Pewart is drunk again and told him to leave.   We go to the oddities section of the Gratius Centre of Discovery and we see a few things on the sides, and at the back is a large stone Moradin face statue. The description is "Ancient Moradin symbol, collected by the Scribe of the Archives".   An old stone tablet in a glass display case. Long deadly looking glaive, looks useable still. Set of golden fur lined bracers. Beside the Moradin symbol is a Dwarven suit of armour. Looks to be made of a number of materials. A lot of the joints and little details of moveable and detachable sections made of golden material. The whole body is made of adamantine, and I see a faint blue tinge along some of the side lines of this armour that is reminiscent of the blue anvil that Volkan used, made of opalizite. Still unknown if opalizite was created or mined. Beneath the armour it says "Power Guard Exo Skeleton".   In the bestiary section, we see a large 9 foot long, fire/red centipede, the Titanus Centipede. Hard skin, hunting patterns of waiting in the sands and ambushing unsuspecting travellers. It talks about them having a weakness to cold based damage.   Exhibit on Rock Drakes, not a full one on display but part of a wing with a peddle/rock like texture. In the past has been tamed and ridden by a number of individuals within Sansura. Has to be hatched to be tamed. They generally hunt in packs, usually attack from above or disguise themselves as rocks/boulders. Recurring theme of these creatures is a strong, hardy skin to protect them against the heat. Hard to pierce.   We leave the Gratius Centre of Discovery and make our way to the Scribes of the Archive. As we get there, the door is closed with a large set of chains wrapped around them. We ask a Sanctified why it's chained, and they assume that they are likely on an excavation so no one is there. We make our way to The Storyteller where we had agreed to all meet up there once running our errands.   Austar and myself see Ape and Malaphor as we're about to leave The Storyteller to go to Rift Ki's. Ape and Malaphor mention to us about the Undertrade, the under belly of the city. Ape was asked by a man who had various beasts that he could maybe rescue the smuggled beasts there as they are mistreated quite badly.   Austar and I head towards Rift Ki's[/i, on our way my eye catches a particular blade that a vendor is selling. I find out it is a ]Time Piercer rapier - +2 to attack and damage. Can also use an action to cast haste or slow spell DC16 save. Need long rest once either spell is used.   I arrive at Rift Ki's and meet Rift Ki himself. He mentions have I met Valo? Said he might be able to concoct a temporary strength potion but nothing temporary at the moment.   The Eager Crown, a specialist shop that sells gemstones and flora. A fellow called Hulius that runs it. A small, gnome sized rotund Tabaxi behind the counter, working on something with 2 robotic arms on him helping him. He said we could go to "Dasta'Veer", the Jewelled Kingdom ruins to the North, where apparently gems grow on bodies, but it is quite dangerous. Jade gems are native to Chankata.   After our mini shopping trip, we head back to The Storyteller to meet up with Ape, Austar and Raskin. While outside discussing our plans, a male tabaxi gets kicked down the stairs of The Storyteller and he looks badly beaten. Tells us he was cocky and lost to a green Grung.  

Session 27 - Hashal and Partha
23rd of Morne Yowa

After an afternoon of travelling after our journey through Leira's riddle temple, I notice an outline of a brown object of some kind about 100 feet away in a sand dune. Myself and Austar go and investigate and we find mostly buried in the sand, is a carriage on it's side. I start to dig away at the side and open the side door, but in the process breaking in. On it's side covered in robes and cloaks, is a form moving. Austar moves the cloak with his mage hand and see a skeletal face and shoulder rocking back and fourth. As Austar pokes it hundreds of scarab beetle's crawl out of it and it stops moving. I notice tied around it's waist a belt, with a purple pouch. Inside is rolled up parchment, and underneath a piece of cloth are 2 diamonds about 100 gold worth each. The parchment look like they are letters from children to a parent. I put them back and make way back to our camp and rest for the night. During Ape's watch, we're awoken by a loud explosion type sound and see the head of a gargantuan desert worm type creature, with large mandibles and multiple mouths within themselves, and Ape running out and somehow managing to capture the creature in his new Menagerie Box.   During my watch, I don't see anything but I decide to cast "Divination" and ask "Will I find your hammer in the Sul'Partha ruins" and I just get a cold feeling at the back of my neck. Maybe I should have asked if I would find a Word instead of the hammer, as my vision definitely had some importance to it so I still have hope.   In our 4th day of travel there's more variation in the scenery, more boulders lying around, cacti about. We notice on a large rock formation, bipedal bird like creatures that look like Momoko's from a distance. As we get closer we see they have hooked beaks, 2 large scythe like claws and we see 4 of them jump down and run to intercept us. I cast a wall of fire to try and deter them. 2 run through the wall of fire and the other runs around it. The last one we saw run up a rock and away from us.   Unfortunately mine and Raskin's Momoko's were killed by the beasts in the battle. They were hardy creatures and hard to hit with our weapons. Myself and Austar get brought into Ape's box for the journey as we're down 2 Momoko's. The room I get pulled in to, starts mimicking how Wodric's Forge looked like.   I get pulled out of Ape's Box and I'm standing outside one of the main gates of Hashal alongside the rest of my allies. Above us we feel a swooshing feeling of the wind, we see people sitting cross legged on flying carpets.   A red Tiefling appeared next to us called Lim, is a scribe for the Mouwern's Gullet which is in the Guilded Quarter, where most of the tradesfolk and shopping district of Hashal. Most Inns and Taverns would be in the Papava District.   The biggest thing we notice is how open Sansura is to magic. We notice as Lim walks through the front gate he stops and speaks to 2 guards. Guards wearing a loose fitting blue robe like material, heads covered in hoods all wearing identical golden genderless human face masks. As Lim walks in, he places something in one of their hands which not everyone that has walked through the doors has done. Off to the side is a Momoko pen, I approach a man who seems Dwarvish at first, but he's a bit too small and doesn't have the right features. Called Oz. We bought 2 Momoko's, but brighter in colour for 40 gold each.   We hear a deep heavy bell chime from one of the Palace towers in the centre of Hashal. Everyone stops moving around us and stop talking. Everyone places on hand on their eyes. On the 4th chime it stops. Everyone removes their hands from their eyes and start chatting again as if nothing happened. We asked a passerby and he told us it's a sign of respect for the "Synod", their rulers. One of the rules to give thanks. Told to not see but listen which is why they cover an eye. Synod means God Kings in common, there are 4 of them, the Palace has 4 towers.   We see a large 6 story high tavern like building called "The Storyteller". We see a tattoo like shop called "Ink Kread". Map makers shop called "Mib's Maps".   Mib's Maps run by Mib, who we thought was a goblin, but an elderly man came out from the back and shooed him off. Mib shows an old map of Sansura and on that map I see the Partha ruins there which are more detailed than what Isra gave me and the location was slightly different.   "Ink Kread" run by a Grey Half-Orcish woman. Does magical tattoos that can improve our inner strength. To improve Wisdom was Jade dust which I'm not sure of where to find so will need to look this up. Would be roughly 4400 gold to improve Wisdom by +2.   We make our way through the Guilded Quarter and turn left into The Amber Eye District and go to the Mouwern's Gullet guild. We knock on the door and a human man opens the door slightly. Lim behind the wall asks "Def" to let us in as we were the ones he talked to them about. Lim said Sorkin hasn't been here. Def said he's out doing reconnaissance on a group that found some items. Def said that the Partha ruins haven't been explored in a while. The Partha Ruins are known to be quite dangerous. A group down the road called the Black and Whites went in a decade or so ago, and the impression is that they lost quite a few people and had to re-recruit. Some talk about big "titanus" centipedes, rock drakes, lurking salamanders. Rift Ki's is usually a good shop to go to for magic items.   The Sul'Partha civilization were known for their technological advancements and creations. There are 3 mains ruins relating to Partha, Sul, Lune and Sky. Sky'Partha has never been found.   We found out the guards in Hashal are known as the Sanctified.

Session 26 - Manor Gains and Desert Travels
22nd of Morne Yowa

We arrive back in to Trentsigrad and we tell Minstraa Lusterkin that we dealt with the Drummen Manor mystery. Minstraa Lusterkin agreed to give us the manor to us as thanks for solving and dealing with the mystery.   I went to Silverman's Jewels and purchased another diamond worth 300 gold to replace the one spent on reviving Austar earlier in the day.   We then spend the rest of the day at the Passage House. We are joined briefly by Volcon who stays for some drinks before taking mine and Ape's armour to adourn the dragon skulls to. We'll meet him in the morning to pick up our armour. We also agree on our next plans, in the morning we'll do a once over our Manor and make sure there's nothing else we left behind and then head to Sansura and to the Sul'Partha ruins.   In the night, all of us appear within Sudden Space again apart from Malaphor. Kari said she spoke to Master Xaifeng and that he was ok with us not coming directly, which she thought was strange. Lost contact with the Twins coming from Sumara. Master Xaifeng told Kari to let everyone she can get in contact with that they have 1 month to arrive. Said Relvie arrived and someone from the Fey Wild arrived as well. Kari told us if we're coming by boat, come up the Sheng Dao River towards Xiaoshan. They no longer think the Murath War is connected to the evil deity they are trying to stop.   In the morning I sent a message to Arcanist Sishan about the weird fleshy spellbook we found. He said he's ok for now dealing with the last thing we gave him. The book also says whispers and when I thought that Isra might be a good recipient of the book, it whispered his name. Went to Isra and he wanted nothing to do with it. Mentioned an island in the Jastim Sea that might have the magic to deal with the book.   We do a once over on our manor, and I find a box of letters that Isaiac had written about people in town, and I also find a gold necklace with a sapphire gem in it which isn't magical.   I message Norman regarding Raskin's armour, said he can meet us by Beverman Bridge but it'll cost us. We go to the Trentsigrad Stables to get some horses to make our travel quicker and I'll message Norman again to organise when to meet.   Overall, after leaving Trentsigrad. it takes us 4 days to go from Trentsigrad back towards the capital, and then towards Sabre's Peak. As we arrive, in the distance we see a keep in the distance, a top the arching bridge we see four Peryton Guard guarding the border between Laelos and Sansura.   Once we're in Sansura, it gets suddenly much hotter. The earthy road now a packed sand. Of the path slightly we see a small hamlet, and off to the side a paddock, with half a dozen camels and some Momoko's, the desert beast that we were told about by Dayrin Lane which are used for travel. A feathered bird type creature.   We get off our horses and speak to a man who we trade our horses for Momoko's which are much quicker than horses, and specialised for the desert.   During our second day of travel we pass by a small tent, half buried in the sand. Austar uses his Wand of Enemy Detection which pings an enemy in the tent so we decide to leave. During these days I'm getting very uncomfortable in my armour so I start to cast create water and shape it to go in my armour and freeze it to keep me cool.   In our 3rd day of travel, we notice 60 feet off to the side, a small stone structure, similar to a temple but uninhabited. Looks about 30 feet tall, front is sunken to one side with an open archway with 2 pillars at the front. Both have a bronze plate, and carved on them is the face of a smiling woman. The god Leira, known for Illusions and Riddles. We head in the entrance into a small chamber. The back wall on the stone bricks there is a sentence that is carved into the stonework: "I cover cities and destroy mountains, I make men blind yet help them see".   Raskin figured out the answer was "Sand", he picks some up and throws it at the riddle which then changes the shape of the room, closing off the entrance behind us and revealing a passageway in front of us. We end up in another room, and the passageway closes behind us. The wall in front of us has another sentence, which looks like it's being written in real time. We also notice the word "Wisdom" is written on the ceiling. The sentence reads: "Two halves have I, though both joined in one, the more I stand still the faster I run". The answer was "Hourglass", which Raskin draws on the wall and another passageway opens up.   In the second room, another sentence on the wall, the ceiling still has "Wisdom" on it. The sentence is: "What takes many knocks, but never cries? The answer is "Doors".   A third room, the sentence says: "I get cut but I never bleed, I have teeth but I don't bite, I get put on a ring but I'm not a diamond". The answer was "A Key".   A fourth room, this sentence says: "With sharp edged wit, and pointed poise, can settle disputes without making a noise". Answer was "Dagger"   A fifth room, another sentence: "Alive as you but without breath, as cold in my life as in my death. Never a thirst thigh I always drink, dressed in a mail but never a clink". Answer was "Fish"   The sixth room is different and larger. Room is probably about 60 feet length and width. See a passage leading off the other end. Stone statues of knights in armour on either side of entrance and exit. On the floor, dozens of tiles with different shapes on them. In the ceiling it says "Memory". We figure out we need to jump on the symbols relating to the answers of the riddles, and we have to go on them in order otherwise the tiles break away and fall. Ape manages to jump across and reads some books on the other side but they only say "memory" over and over again. Raskin attempts to make it over but falls, but with rope attached he gets pulled up. Malaphor makes it across himself. I try and fall at the second jump and Ape pulls me up. Austar goes next and stands on the knight symbol, but 4 harpoons go flying out, and Austar get's impaled by one, which takes him to the other side, but he does go unconscious with the damage dealt but my healing potion brings him back. Unfortunately the room caused magic to be ineffective.   We go through the tunnel at the end into another room, but smaller like the riddle rooms. The back wall is one large clean mirror, showing our reflections. We all feel apart of us has come back as we step into this room, magic being able to be cast again. The ceiling says "sacrifice". I notice in the mirror a difference. Behind us in the mirror, there is a severed hand, and Ape in the mirror is missing his right hand. Austar creates an illusion of Ape, missing his hand, and the hand on the floor and the mirror disappears into a hallway.   The next room is a octagonal shape, with torches around it. In the centre of the room on pedestals are 6 chests, and the ceiling word says "reason". The door has 3 keyholes, one of the left, middle and right. The chests all have symbols on it. Top Left - Lock, Top Middle - Door. Top Right - Hourglass. Bottom Left - Sword. Bottom Middle - Fish. Bottom Right - Key. We collected keys from the Top left, top middle and bottom right. We turned all the keys at the same time in the locks and I was forced back with damage. We tried opening the locks in the order of the riddle answers, which was Door, Key, Lock. The door descended down and lead into a passageway.   In the next room, a semi circular pool of a deep dark blue water, about 5 foot back, 5 feet long and 10 feet wide. A sentence in the room "Wisdom, Memory, Sacrifice, Reason, if you believe you are deserving, reach for it". Raskin steps forward and reaches into the pool of water. He pulls out a pair of slippers, made of a silky silver material. As he puts the slippers on his feet, the silvery grey colouration changes to red, around the ankles and heels there are flames threaded in like a design. I step up and reach my hand in, I feel something sturdy, like it's metallic. I run my fingers over it and it feels uneven, the top is smoothed. I pull out a goblet/chalice. The cup itself is made of a beautiful clouded sapphire glass with a golden rim. The stem/neck and base resemble that of a tree, a knot of moss covered roots twisting up around it. I also notice a tiny crack on the side of the sapphire glass. I identify the chalice and find out it's "The Living Chalice". Ape pulls out a box from the pool. Austar pulls out a gilded ring, with 5 different sized blue gems placed around the ring. Malaphor pulls from the pool what looks like a rifle, resembles a large slab of wood, bound with metal strips and cylinders. The stock itself is the hilt of a longsword. The box that Ape pulled out, he says a phrase and it grows to the size of a door, and he opens it and below is a ladder going down 30 feet. Down the bottom is a table, lots of parchment on it, ash on the floor and a dagger half sunken in it, and some spectacles on the side. We spend some time and pull ourselves up through the crack in the ceiling and appear back out in the desert, behind the initial structure we saw, we go to the front and see our Momoko's still there. We saddle back up and carry on our way towards Hashal.


Sir Archibald Gruff
  • Male Purple Dragonborn standing at 6ft 5" tall, has purple gems that circulate around his head, and his skin is purple and smooth instead of scaly.
  • Wealthiest person in Marselv.
  • Connoisseur and collector of rare stones and gems.
  • The Gruff Estate is located on the North-East side of Marselv.
  • Put fliers around looking for people to go to Wera's Barrow and retrieve a rare gem from it. This is how Titan's Bane met.
  • Devrin Ironjaw
  • Dwarven male, red hair and beard.
  • Part of the Ironjaw family. A high ranking clan within Dwarven society. An Ironjaw is the current lord of Khulbors Summit.
  • Devrin has cut ties with most of his family.
  • No longer a follower of Moradin.
  • Advised I should go to the Stone Archives in Khulbors Summit to find out more about the Words of Moradin.
  • Runs the Adventurers Crossroad tavern.
  • Lucinda Margaunt
  • Tiefling Woman, deep purple skin, elf like ears, glowing green eyes, black hair braided that goes along her horns and down her back.
  • Callmaster, Head Judicial Voice of Pentareach.
  • Collected the bounty for the Flab Giant at the bottom of Blacktop Pass.
  • Looking into our claims about Alistan Preen kidnapping us and running illegal fighting tournaments of some kind. Told us that he was childhood friends with the King of Laelos.
  • Previously unveiled corruption within the capital, and investigating corruption is one of her specialities.
  • Younger sister of Selena who owns the Round Archers Inn.
  • Samuel
  • Human male, cheerful and rotund, bald head.
  • Gets nervous and anxious around Lucinda Margaunt.
  • Adler Dusklark
  • A humanoid Barn Owl looking person, standing at 5ft 6" tall.
  • Wears a black and gold robe over one shoulder, and a brown and gold pauldron on the other. Has symbols tattoed or painted on his wing.
  • Curator and Tome Keeper of the Savantir Library.
  • Told myself and Austar that to gain access to The Lorden Athaneium, we need permission from someone in authority in the capital, Laelos.
  • The Favoured Few
  • Human male is called Gadem Bask. Gadem is from Korshala Lanali. Seemed like the leader.
  • Half-Orc female is called Zaetar, grey skinned and standing at 7 foot tall.
  • Human woman is called Vavona.
  • Large purple skinned Tiefling with shaved down horns and black dreadlocks is called Krunna, worships Torm (Clenched fist gauntlet symbol)
  • Halfing called Osace.
  • Tortle called Nizo, the druid of the group and also from K0rshala Lanali.
  • Norman Laive
  • Dwarf and old friend to Wodric, used to be a forgeman in Osterforge, now a forgeman in Laelos.
  • I've met him previously when I was much younger.
  • Runs the Pinch of Forge in Laelos.
  • Can create Shrapnel Bolts.
  • Arcanist Damian Sishan
  • Half-Elven male, slender and elegant. Wore purple and black robes with a deep green trim, wrists covered in bangles. Platinum blonde hair and clean shaven.
  • Member of the Phidoctri Cabinet.
  • Had asked us to become an Ancora team called "Unit 0". Wanted us to investigate Varleska and report back anything we find out and to look out for Arch Ancora Shadorass an elven female, reddish ginger hair shaved on one side. Goes down past shoulder. Big burn mark on her shaved head, and scar on her lip. Has made no contact and no one can reach her after she infiltrated Varleska.
  • Will pay us 3000 gold each and give us an Arcane License each if we do this. Have 1 month to do this, before King Laelos travels to Varleska as the invitation asked. - We found out information from Kari Dalmer about our powers and an evil deity. Sishan has relieved us of this duty so we can go to Chankata.   Etcher
  • Male Warforged.
  • Member of the Phidoctri Cabinet? Works with Arcanist Damian Sishan.
  • Helped teleport us to near Vellsten.
  • Curtana
  • Female. Human?. Has pale white skin. Short shoulder length black hair, fringe blocking left eye from sight. Crescent moon shape arcane runes around her right eye. One of her ears are missing.
  • Member of the Phidoctri Cabinet? Works with Arcanist Damian Sishan.
  • Has a flying carpet.
  • Dayrin Lane
  • Tabaxi male with a mountain lion look.
  • Owns the Singing Opal shop in Kraya in the North West of Sansura.
  • Asked us to stop by when we can to browse his shop, which sells some magic items.
  • Told me about Sorkin, a dwarven man based in Hashal. Is a deep delver and delves into various caverns/dungeons in search of various items. Works closely with Dayrin who sells Sorkin's items for him.
  • Minstra Houdine Jumblewood
  • Minstra of Vellsten.
  • Eternally grateful to us, Titans Bane, for saving Vellsten and returning the villagers who had been kidnapped.
  • Master Xaifeng
  • Located in Xiao Shan.
  • Training people with Asgorath's power.
  • Won't train anyone further until all of those with Asgorath's power are at the temple according to Kari Dalmor
  • Kari Dalmor
  • Human female from Lanali, seemed quite child like in attitude and size.
  • 5ft tall, reddish brown hair, blue eyes and freckles on face. 16 years old.
  • Can freely enter the "Sudden Space", a way to communicate with other people who have been gifted powers by Asgorath.
  • Power of water
  • Nentos
  • Male Loxodon, roughly 8 foot tall.
  • Learning to speak common.
  • Can freely enter the "Sudden Space", a way to communicate with other people who have been gifted powers by Asgorath.
  • Power of earth.
  • Sif
  • Satyr (half goat fey race) with a youngish look to him, but carries himself as someone wiser and older.
  • Curly brown hair, inverted knees and goat legs with fur and hooves.
  • Appeared in my room suddenly.
  • Power of Air.
  • Averim
  • Averim is someone who I worked with back in Osterforge alongside Wodric.
  • I tried to message Wodric but I couldn't get through so messaged Averim who told me that Wodric took the Dura Lane Passage to the Underdark a few days ago. The Duergar and Drow have occasional conflict with the Dwarves of Osterforge.
  • Rosie Zeryl
  • A thin woman with brown hair pulled to one side covering part of her face. Over left eye is a faded deep scar.
  • Captain of the Charlock Carrion in Midelina.
  • Good friend to Ody from the Storyteller and has helped him out a few times.
  • Charged us 15,000 gold and 2 crates of Moonpool Sake to take us to Xiaoshan.
  • Barnabus Puddle
  • A 6 ft tall well built Water Genasi.
  • Originally from Eltera, had some trouble in Casterfell before leaving.
  • Apprentice at Bangol, the Temple of Change studying under Doyen Silent Mist. Has been here for about 1 year.
  • Places of Interest

    Osterforge Pyrecore
  • Location of where the Master Smiths are within Osterforge
  • Marselv Tumblehill Tavern
  • Run by Ol' Humphrey, a 3ft tall elderly grey Harengon (Rabbitfolk)
  • Preen's Laughterhouse
  • Owned by Alistan Preen.
  • Dingy tavern which hosts some sort of event every week without the local authorities knowing.
  • Adventurers Crossroad
  • Large tavern with a stable yard along The Royal Road.
  • New bounties get delivered here and put on the bounty board. Only one bounty is allowed to be taken per group.
  • The Dancing Bear
  • Located in Kard.
  • Simple tavern, main feature is a large billboard with 200 names on it. Titled "Lorger's Ledger.
  • Run by Hazel Thernlaw, who is now the proud owner of Lorger's head after we killed him as part of the Lorger's Ledger.
  • Pentareach The Lords Lavish
  • Found in the Merchant's Hold district of Pentareach.
  • Run by an overweight Halfling male called Brada.
  • Brada was nowhere to be seen when we went back after being kidnapped, our horse and cart also missing.
  • Savantir Library
  • Library located in The Middling Grounds in Pentareach.
  • Curator and Tome Keeper is Adler Dusklark.
  • Fathom Jewellery
  • Run by a male Gnome who was wearing a nice outfit and a tall hate.
  • Located in The Shining Thoroughfare in Pentareach.
  • Divine Jewellery
  • Run by Marquise, a short Human male with a large moustache, he had a rare glowing pearl and wanted 2000 gold for it.
  • Located in The Shining Thoroughfare in Pentareach.
  • Mantlestar
  • Run by a very tall, spindly, elderly Half-elven woman.
  • Bought my first diamond from her, and she gave me a 300 gold diamond for 180 gold under the pre-tense that we only go to Mantlestar for our needs in the future.
  • Located in The Shining Thoroughfare in Pentareach.
  • Bottleden
  • Town located near the Alabasta Pass
  • We have free lodging there if Han is around as I helped cure his daughter of her illness.
  • Morgan
  • A long lost logging town in the Besansir Woods. The location of a long lost Raven Queen temple.
  • Laelos Obabim Sanctum
  • Old man met outside of The Adventurers Crossroad told me to meet him here when in Laelos.
  • Owner is called Obabim, an elderly human looking male with white/grey short beard down to his jaw.
  • Obabim has been long dead, and the "Obabim" we met was a devil in disguise.
  • Round Archers Inn
  • Selena Marguant runs the Inn and is Lucinda's older sister.
  • Selena is also a Tiefling, with sea green/purple skin.
  • Mentioned that Lucinda has been helping people for a while, even more so with corruption.
  • Lucinda asked us to go here and ask for Selena and request the Flower Garden.
  • Pinch of Forge
  • Run by Normal Laive. An extremely thick Dwarf, stockier than I've ever seen. Head of greying hair, no beard, flat nose pushed to one side, clearly broken before.
  • Norman is an old friend of Wodric, although when speaking to Norman he didn't give me the impression they were still friendly.
  • Can create Shrapnel Bolts.
  • Vellsten
  • We brought back the captured townsfolk and we're now hailed as heroes within Vellsten, with the townsfolk chanting Titan's Bane. We likely have a welcome place to stay in Vellsten in the future if we need it.
  • Olive Gord Inn
  • Located in Vellsten.
  • Run by Benjin, gave us information on the disappearances within Vellsten.
  • Trentsigrad
  • Large town located on the Western side of Laelosia up against the Umbora Line mountain range.
  • Minstra Holly Lusterkin, an elderly human woman and current Magistraa of Trentsigrad.
  • The Passage House
  • Has a bounty billboard outside.
  • Bar is run by Magdi Kandara.
  • Magdi Kandara, a dark skinned human in his forties, salt and pepper beard and dreadlocked hair, faded tattoos of waves on his forearms.
  • Leena Harper, a pretty blonde woman with noticeable 'x' shaped scars on her cheeks as a barmaid.
  • Silent Wyrm
  • Isra, a male Aasimar and current guild master of the Silent Wyrm guild.
  • Isra gave me a map indicating where the "Partha" ruins can be found in Sansura. I paid him 100 gold for the map.
  • Goes into the Cineri Deadlands with the guild to explore ruins.
  • Burners Forge
  • Run by Volcon, a half-giant fire Genasi standing at over 7 feet tall.
  • Fiery read spiky hair and a beard.
  • Treating the fire and ice dragon heads for myself and Ape to adorn onto our armour.
  • Hashal
  • The unofficial Capital city of Sansura.
  • Magic isn't restricted here. Many magic item vendors in the city and open usage of magic.
  • Altalba Library
  • Run by an old male Halfling called Quinsire.
  • Gratius Centre of Discovery
  • A large museum of sorts.
  • Front desk manned by a young Elven woman called Devrin Culeth.
  • Doctor Pewart, seemingly the leader of the archaeology team is a current drunk? Wouldn't speak to us.
  • Rift Ki's
  • A magic item shop owned by Rift Ki, a flamboyant purple Tiefling who has seemed to have taken a liking to Ape and Austar.
  • The Eager Crown
  • A gem and flora based shop owned by Hulius, a small rotund Tabaxi, with the complexion of a ginger cat.
  • Has two robotic like arms attached to his shoulders.
  • Concocted Chaos
  • A tiny, ramshackle gazebo located in an abandoned city park.
  • Owned by Vallo Bitterspit, a red scaled Kobold.
  • Sells various potions of differing effects, some effects unknown to Vallo so happily gives them away for testing purposes.
  • Ink Kreed
  • Magical Tattoo shop owned by a grey Half-Orc woman named Kula Jaz.
  • To improve Wisdom by +2 I need Jade Dust. Roughly 2200 gold in total for the tattoo.
  • The Storyteller
  • A heroes guild of somewhat, run by a Morgrim. Usually call themselves the Paragon.
  • Uggy a multicoloured Kobold, Carcan Glass-storm, a large Firbolg and Oysseus the Living Weapon, a small yet mighty Grung are members here.
  • Morgrim, a 3 and 1/2 foot tall Badger like creature, adorned in heavy armour and branch leader in Hashal of the Paragon's Alliance, founded by Feldris Kilhazra and Dayhana Cloudkill some 250/260 years ago.
  • Partha
  • Upon activating the mechanism's within Sol'Partha and Lu'un Partha, the two beams of energy that came from them beamed to a point within the Sansuran desert. The point they went to was the top of a tower of what we assume is the Partha city itself, which has the ability to fly and lifted itself hundreds of feet into the air.
  • Raven Queen temple within Partha, as well as a Word of Moradin inside the tower we are on top of.
  • Hammer of Moradin found here, Raskin woke up an Adamantine Golem which chased us out of the city after he took gold from the vault.
  • We helped the Paragon, members of The Storyteller to take down the Adamantine golem after Odror Partha crashed out of the sky.
  • Session 25 - Isaiac's Maw
    15th of Morne Yowa

    As we're about to descend down the stairs, we hear Raskin shout out for Ape from the other side of the house. As I start to follow Ape, Austar grabs me and we teleport to the main lobby. We then head to the garden greenhouse where we then see Malaphor attacking Raskin. After a few hits into Malaphor his possession is over. We regroup back in the main lobby and decide to go back to the secret door in the library and try and deal with Isaiac's ghost.   As we descend the stairs, we end up in a storage type room, and to the left behind us is an iron gate. We open up the gate and follow a long corridor into another small room with a locked iron door, which I opened with a set of keys found in the tower where the Boots of Moradin were. The door just leads out of my vision, we assume out of the manor grounds. We go up the spiral staircase which just leads to the ceiling. But I notice a slit on the slabs of the room and reach my hand into it and pressed something which slide the slab to the side, covering us in dust. I pulled myself up into the small crypt with the coffins we saw in the grounds of the manor.   We decide to walk down the man made tunnel which leads to an end, with a broken wooden ladder leading up 10 feet to some shrubs. We head back to the storage room, where I found another tile that seems interactable. I push down on it and the wall in front moves, and as I push on the wall, it opens up into a hallway. On the sides, it looks like there are cells, and at the end a metal piece of wall with a gargoyles mouth on it. We send down Austar's skeleton summon down the hallway, and as it gets halfway, a small blue object beneath a sconce discharges electricity into the skeleton. Austar and Raskin use mage hand to pull out the crystal below the sconce, when pulled out, the crystal dims from it's bright blue.   In the open mouth of the gargoyle head is a keyhole. Austar mage hands one of the keys from the set of 4 that I had. As he twists, the lower jaw clamps up, Austar wails in pain. Ape then tries a different key and the same thing happens. I then create water and freeze it in the keyhole to get a matching key, and then proceed to create a duplicate of it, but this time out of metal using my channel divinity. It thankfully works and we manage to open up the door. We appear in a room with a cell, and a desk with a skeleton sitting at it and an open book with small glowing purple runes and symbols. It shimmered and Isaiac appeared from the table and attacked us. I tried Dispel Magic on the book but it didn't do anything. I then closed the book but the front of the book has a strange metal star on it, on top of it is a large yellow eye with a vertical black slit and 4 smaller ones. Spreading from it a weird fleshy material spreading from the front to the spine of the book. As I closed the book, the large eye and smaller ones looked at me. Around the skeleton's neck is a set of keys, and a silver necklace with a sapphire in it, etched around the sapphire is the letter 'D'. As I lift the keys and necklace, Isaiac turns to look at me and hisses at me. Ape runs over and shatters the skeleton at the desk which causes Isaiac's form to look less like Isaiac and more of a amorphous form. I find a liquid vile in the chest and 50 platinum. The liquid vile I find is a half full vile of Sovereign Glue.   In the tunnel, are eyes on the walls that when hit the floor rumbles and we hear a loud screaming coming from further in the cave. We head down the cave and see a giant maw in the middle of the room, and more eyes on the walls. The maw also seems to have creatures detach from itself and come towards us. In the ensuing fight, Malaphor goes down multiple times, Austar gets sucked into the maw and cut in two. Malaphor later on in the fight also gets thrown into the maw. Ape deals the final blow and I rush to the open maw and cast Healing Word on Malaphor which worked, and we grab Austars two halves and I cast Revivify which thankfully worked.   I identify the book with eyes. It seems reminiscent to a spell book, but where it's from and it's contents are alien to me. The schools of magic are not the same as the ones I'm used to. I'm fairly confident the book is not from this plane, if not further.   In the room is a bookcase with books lining them, as we read through them we discover they're Isaiac's journals.   The last book on the table I notice there are a number of symbols laced in the sentences similar to that of the spell book. The general gist of the journal talks about a fear for what he created, an inability to stop. Not being able to stop speaking and that he must seal his lips. "My fathers sovereign glue did the trick" and "I shall wear their skin" were the last entries.   We head through another corridor where we find a secret door to a wine cellar. We go through the corridor again and end up back in the main manor lobby and make our way back to the last tower we hadn't explored.   In the base of the tower we see some sort of building with 4 cauldrons with a viscous liquid. We go upstairs and I find a document that details how to construct a teleportation circle and some schematics which match the building at the base of the tower. The document mentions manor cauldrons, the liquid being melted opalizite. If enough is given to a teleportation circle, the usage of the circle can be used without a spell slot being needed when going to another teleportation circle, but the spell would need to be known.

    Session 24 - The Manor and Word
    15th of Morne Yowa

    On our way back from the Tunset Copse, as we're walking down through the farmland, I notice a multi-coloured spiralling sphere from the top of the tallest tower on the mansion on the hill, the sphere goes into a window and from the room within, a prismatic light comes out of the window. I then find myself standing still, hands clenched and the subsiding of the element within me trying to get out, 15 feet around me, the toxin spread but didn't go further.   We decide to go and see the mansion after we pick up our bounty money.   Arriving back in to Trentsigrad, we approach the official looking building that Magistraa Lusterkin came from when she approached us outside The Passage House. We are lead into a room with a double bed, where the Magistraa was sitting at a desk. She gave us 650 platinum for killing the beast. Said we are always welcome in Trentsigrad. Magistraa Lusterkin mentioned the Drummen Manor, the manor on the hillside, abandoned for 70 years. Mentioned the Drummen Family ran the town long before the time of the Magistraa. Berondus, Lady Jesalia, and Isaiac their only child. After a few days of no contact the the Drummonds, people went in to investigate and found no trace of them. There are stories of ghosts/spectres but unsure if true. We decide to tackle the Drummen Manor tomorrow when we're rested, if Arcanist Sishan doesn't arrive in the morning to speak to us.   Myself and Ape go to the butchers next door to the Magistraa building but the butcher unfortunately couldn't help us with our request to have the heads treated. We head to the Burners Forge run by Volcon, the blacksmith. In his workshop, is a strange looking blueish anvil, unsure what it's made of.   The stone the anvil is made off, is mined in Sansura called Opalizite. Volcon said he would be able to get it done in 2 days time, he'll meet us at The Passage House for drinks and then take our armour to attach the dragon heads to them and meet us in the morning.   We headed back to The Passage House and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening drinking. I did a bit of gambling with some farmhands. At the end of the night we headed to The Floating Pillow to go to our private "executive" suite which was paid for by Austar. A giant bath is located in the room, which can fit around 20 people, warm and soapy. We also all have massages given to us.   In the morning, I wake first to sounds of birds chirping and sounds of harps, but what wakes me is Arcanist Sishan sitting in the corner of the room, waiting for us. I start to put my armour back on which wakes everyone else.   We tell Sishan what we told Curtana the previous day. He seems to believe us and has relieved us of our duty to go to Varleska. Malaphor offered us to provide some information on Chankata as an exchange for being relieve which he was interested in and requested we let him know what's going on when we get there. I suggest he ask the Favoured Few to maybe check in on Varleska which he says they had already been contacted.   After a brief downtime where some of the group went to run some errands, we meet in Sunspot Market and proceed on to the Drummen Manor.   We check out the small stone building which is found following the path left instead of going to the main manor. In the stone building, is 7 crypts. No specific iconography, the crypts are very old. On one of the crypts it says "Yocasta Drummen". We head back to the main manor and unlock the chains binding the door. As Raskin is opening the doors, I notice on the second story, a young man, short black hair, expressionless face, lips torn at the edges.   We enter the manor, and a minute or so later, the secondary front door closes itself. Malaphor opens it again and props a box next to it to stop it closing. We go to the left and find the servants quarters and while there, we hear the door trying to close on the box but failing.   Raskin disappears on us, we go back to where I left him and find a dome like structure with a small forest and pond inside. We notice Raskin's footsteps suddenly stop but no sign of him. Malaphor then goes off around the pond to investigate and he doesn't come out the other side. We walk in after him and find his footsteps suddenly disappear as well.   We make our way to the largest tower where I saw the prismatic sphere go in, as we climb the tower I see a chest. Inside I find a pair of leathery boots in a chest, as I touch them I get flashes of deep caverns, gems and ores. Millions of Dwarves building cities, the creation of Osterforge, the dwarven chair in Bricor, civilization of the Dwarven people pass my eyes in a matter of seconds. The war between the two main Dwarven families in Eltera.   As my identify finishes on the boots, they have an incredibly strong magical aura. I am finally in the possession of one of the Words of Moradin.   We carry on checking the second floor as a trio, sticking together trying to find clues. In a cellar type room above a ladder, Austar finds underneath a statue a box, and within that box a golden egg, some ruby's and diamonds. On the chest, is a egg shaped indent, upon putting the golden egg in the indent, a side compartment opens up with a parchment. The parchment discusses Lady Drummen's health and her difficulties with child birth.   We find Isaiac's room, and a journal. At the end of the journal is scribbled fantasy's about one the maids and finding somewhere hidden away enough. In the centre on one page, it says over and over again "For the maw". In a box, there are 2 smaller boxes inside. One of them is full with curled black hair. The other box has little bits of weird paper, which we know to be skin. In one of the chest of drawers by his bed, I find a ceremonial like dagger, with very old blood on it. We explore more rooms and head back down to the ground floor. We find a room and in the corner we find a skeleton huddled in the corner with a candle in between it's chest and knees.   We found a library that also led to the separated tower, and in the library Austar found a secret switch within a bookshelf, which opened up a secret door behind it, and stone stairs descending down towards the cellar.

    Session 23 - Revelations and a Chaotic Victory
    14th of Morne Yowa

    After our rest, we travel towards Trentsigrad, but because of Austar and Ape's exhaustion we don't cover as much ground as we hoped. We do notice that Malaphor's now newly reddish/brown eyes are now glowing in the night.   Malaphor takes the first watch and, near the end of his watch I'm awoken by singing and humming. Malaphor looks lost in a trance and suddenly runs out of the dome into the swamp and towards the Mossy Steeple. I tried to snap him out of it with a Lesser Restoration spell but it didn't work. I wake the others and we go after Malaphor, who we find an hour later. We double back and push through to the river, which when we cross it using Water Walk, I notice a strange feeling half once over half way across the river. I also notice the light at the top of the Mossy Steeple goes off and on depending on what side of the threshold I was on. We carry on another 30 minutes before resting again. During my rest I decide to try a Remove Curse spell on Malaphor, the spell takes hold but I don't notice any immediate change.   In the morning, no change is noticeable on Malaphor. I message Arcanist Sishan about the Mossy Steeple, he replied a few minutes later and said "Curtana will be in Trentsigrad tomorrow". Ape then asks Austar to create an illusion of his wife so I can message her, but the illusion doesn't match the description. Ape instead asks me to message Han, a man from Bottleden who I helped cure his daughter. Han indeed did run into Ape's tribe, and said they were very accommodating and well, said they miss Ape. The tribe will be between Griffinstedt and the Blacktop Pass.   We arrive into Trentsigrad where we are free to enter without any checks or identification. We notice off to the North, a large gothic style mansion on the outskirts on top of a hill, higher than the town of Trentsigrad.   "The Passage House" drawn onto the door of a three story building, which looks like a tavern. To the right side of "The Passage House" I notice a rectangular oil-stained wooden billboard. On the billboard, we see a piece of parchment asking for help dealing with the "Mossy Steeple Hags". Offering 1000 gold per head. Bring success to Magistra Lusterkim. Next job is "Rovia Delivery". Delivery of fine cloth to Rovia, go to Larks Tailoring for more information. 2 wanted posters. First one "Wanted: The Cannibal, Mars Lunnen". Skin head, basic features but not easy to identify. 1000 gold dead, 2000 gold alive. Last seen heading North West to Moivern. Other wanted poster, looks fresh. "Arsonist at large, destruction and defamation of Pentoracul. Dead or alive, 6000 gold". Crude drawing of round fur faced creature, black eyes and pointed ears. We notice the drawing resembles Sailor who travelled with us for a few days. Final job "Extremely Dangerous creature spotted North side Tunset Copse. 3000 gold for proof of kill, speak to farmer Wensel". Another three story building, this one "The Floating Pillow".   I tried to send a message to Uncle Wodric but the spell found no purchase. I messaged Averim instead who I've worked with in the past at the forge.   Averim tells me that Wodric took the Dura Lane Passage to the Underdark a few days ago. The Duergar and Drow have occasional conflict with the Dwarves of Osterforge.   I asked Magdi about Sul'Partha, he told me to speak to the Silent Wyrm Guild found just west of Trentsigrad, archaeologists of some kind, they might be able to help me. Told me to speak to Isra.   I sent a message to Gadem Bask to ask if he could try and find Wodric for me if he's ever near Osterforge. He sent a message back to me saying he's not near Osterforge and he's busy at the moment but will see what he can do, also said Etcher said hi.   In the night, I have a very vivid dream, feeling the heat and steel from a forge, floating through the stars. I then find myself standing in a circular, colourless room. 18 closed doors around the edge of the room. Large circular altar, swirling mass of movement and motion above it. Symbolic of Asgorath, the same as when we saw it in Wera's Barrow. Symbols beneath 4 doors, coloured as well, the one beneath my feet, a vivid bubbling green symbol of poison. In the room I do see silhouettes of people, no detail on them. There are 3 others in the room, they resemble that of my allies, apart from Malaphor, who's likeness isn't there. The room begins to shake, and a flash of white light in front of the other doors. Beneath them, their symbols glow into visibility. One of the people is a smaller figure, humanoid and the symbol below is a blue and white, foamy. The other person is huge, standing at over 8 feet tall, their symbol is earthen rock that moves and grows into leaves. The smaller figure looks out and says "Ah thank god it worked, hello, welcome to our Sudden Space, a space where we can contact each other". They've tried to contact us for a few days, but has been blocked. Asked if we were on our way to Xiao Shan. Master Xaifeng is mentioned. He won't train anyone until we're all there. The woman said she's spoken to 11 people so far with the power. Her name is Kari Dalmor, from Lanali. Nentos, an 8ft tall Loxodon also from Lanali.   Kari asked about us and then said "Welcome to the save the world team". Master Xaifeng won't tell her much. All chosen by Asgorath, the primal sunset of creation. They gift their power to chosen few when the world is in potential peril. Couple hundred years ago, some chosen by them, the chosen had to save the world as a large scary ice wyrm tried to breach their place of existence. This time, a really old thing, a being that absorbs planets. The Guardian Deities beat this creature but died in the process and their souls split to create the current pantheon. The evil entity might be what caused Varleska to be how it is, as well as the root of the war in Murath.   In the morning as we step out into the courtyard, we see Curtana flying down on a flying carpet. We explained to her about the previous nights dream we all collectively had, and let her know about our mysterious powers, as well as the new information we received from Kari Delmor and Nentos about an ancient evil entity that was previously sealed away by the Guardian Deities. This evil entity is the thought of the cause of the mystery surrounding Varleska as well as the war in Murath. Curtana seemed as though she believed us somewhat, even though it sounded absolutely insane. Said she will let Arcanist Sishan know, and he will likely come and talk to us himself the next day. Our overall recommendation with the information we discovered, is to not allow King Fergun Laelos II to accept the invitation and travel to Varleska.   Minstra Lusterkin, approached us to ask us to go to the Tunset Copse and investigate and deal with the strange creature attacking farm hands. It takes a few hours to get to the Tunset Copse. She offered us 6000 gold to deal with the creature and gave us 3 healing potions.   We decide to do it to kill time before the potential meeting with Arcanist Sishan. Myself and Ape head to the Silent Wyrm Guild so I can speak to Isra about Sul'Partha. Isra was the man who opened the door, he provided me with a map with the Partha ruins marked, said the old guild master had been but he hasn't himself. I gave him 100 gold for the map and we parted our ways. He did say we could go on an ruins expedition some time together.   The creature that is roaming the Tunset Copse is called a Chaos Chimera, a beast from the Cineri Deadlands. Told us to avoid getting too close, and to be careful of its tail, which is another head.   We make our way to the Tunset Copse and find extremely large foot prints, roughly 4 feet in size. We find ourselves in a natural cul-de-sac within the Umbora Line, where there is a large cave, and a dirt looking road leading to the cave which Ape deduces is scorched earth.   Ape goes into the cave to lure the creature out, which he does by throwing a javelin at it while it's sleeping. A battle that wasn't as difficult as we feared ensued, which we were victorious in, after a terrifying, yet hilarious visage, of Ape, with no hands or legs, while flying, headbutting the creature and killing it.   Within the cave, was a a passageway, opened up that, if we were to follow through, would lead us into The Cineri Deadlands . I did my best to cover up the hole using my last 4th level spell slot using Stone Shape, but I couldn't cover it completely.

    Session 22 - Raven Queen's Champion
    12th of Morne Yowa

    We enter the temple from the top of what seems a tower, which is predominantly below and surrounded by bog, we entered through where a window would have once been.   We decide to rest before venturing in as we pushed through the night. An hour into my watch I hear the sound of footfalls outside where we entered in the bog. As I listen out I deduce that the creature is hooved, with 4 sets of them based on the timing of the steps, the footfalls faded away after about 30 minutes.   In the morning, we all notice that Malaphor is ghastly white in skin tone, similar to Austar, and has reddish pupils.   We descend the spiral staircase downwards 80 feet, and arrived at a room, musty smell and has swamp shrubbery growing through the cracks in the stone, and partially flooded, with a face down corpse lying in the water.   On the back of it's rags is a faded symbol, black bird with wings folded up over it's eyes.   We move through the temple and end up at an opening of what seemed to be the central chamber. I notice on the ceiling covered in matted, patchy brown fur, clinging to the ceiling in the central chamber. Chest rising and falling, very quickly, It looks down at me, and I see a deer skull with some sinewy muscle, 2 sharp antlers, broken jaw. It scuttles away at great speed and appears behind Raskin and Austar from the corridor we came from and launches itself at Austar's skeleton he summoned.   It destroys the skeleton, paralyzes Raskin and knocks Raskin down very quickly, I banish it and it re-appears after a minute and we attack collectively again, it's still standing and manages to paralyze myself and Ape, as well as downing Austar. I notice that the chest strapped down with chains to the alter, glows more brightly as the creature begins to heal itself. A tough battle ensued, where people went down multiple times. During the battle we broke the chains holding the box, and inside was a black heart pulsing quickly in a black ooze like liquid. I stabbed the heart with my spiritual weapon and it stopped beating, and the creature wailed in pain.   After defeating the creature, we notice writing on the front of the altar holding the box. It read in elvish "Hold no pity for those who die, for death is the end of life". Austar mentions there is a missing word. It should read "Hold no pity for those who die, for death is the NATURAL end of life". Where "natural" should be is a chip in the stone which Austar presses, and the stairs descend and a small doorway is revealed. We decide to rest before going through it. Austar and I decide to go down. We only get 20 feet down, before we find ourselves in a room. At the back, is a beautiful raven statue made in deep black stone. Behind the statue attached to the wall is a stunning silver and black scythe. Handle wrapped in purple and black raven feathers, gleaming blue sapphires embedded up the handle of the staff. The scythe gives off various different schools of magic auras from my detect magic, giving a very strong aura of magic, only beat by the Fracture Fist. It's affixed to the wall by raven claws, which unfurl when Austar grabs the scythe.   The heart found in the chest is giving off a magical aura of Abjuration. We tried to destroy it but nothing worked. I then identified it and it is a Wendigo Heart. Whoever carries the heart, gains resistance to cold damage, in my identification it did cause some pain. While resting I go and explore the rest of the temple, I find a crumbled staircase which I can't climb and I head back. Malaphor goes and climbs it and comes back with a 5 headed hydra necklace, which has a magical effect to it, each head providing a different effect.   After the extremely tough battle, depleting our energy and resources we decide to take a longer rest before heading to Trentsigrad and meeting with Curtana to hand over the golden coffin we found after defeating Kurash and his cultists.

    Session 21 - Heroes of Vellsten

    The cages all have a lock on them within the door mechanism. I ask a Peryton Guard, who's in one of the cages who had the keys and he mentions the blue tiefling, Gorgarian. I run back outside and grab a set of keys from his body and head back. 2 out of the 6 keys are bent, I try to bend them back but they snap, but thankfully the other keys are all that we needed.   We're up against it trying to save everyone as the building is very unstable and is collapsing.   We asked if any of them were the "Sanguine Girl" Kurash mentioned. Eulen Steek, things that the "Sanguine Girl" was someone Kurash wanted to meet somehow, through the ritual they seemed to be preparing. Eulen's wife Molly was the first person to have disappeared.   Ape tells us that Raskin went after Kurash down the trap door he had found.   I notice the small boy who is now with his family, has a slight greenish hue to his skin, very reminiscent to myself as a child, likely another Water Genasi.   We make our way away from the temple and the fissures by going down some vines into one part of the fissure, and back up another set of vines and make our way back to the tunnel entrance that we took from Vellsten to get here, and set up camp for the night to rest before the long 9 hour trek back to Vellsten.   The Water Genasi boy's mother mentioned meeting his father in Groomba Pond, he stayed for a while then left, she then found out she was pregnant with Avan.   The scroll I opened, is a rudimentary map of Kasar, with 2 points circled. One area is very close to where we are, south of Vellsten. Another circular spot in the top left in Varleska, across the mountains from Dredgedeep.   A Tabaxi comes over, has a mountain lion look to him. Called Dayrin Lane, gave us thanks for helping. If we find ourselves in Kraya, a town in the west in Sansura. Asked us to stop by the Singing Opal shop. Sorkin, a dwarven man who's based in Hashal, a deep delver who searches for various items and works with Dayrin Lane who sells his items for him. He might be able to help with my search for the Sul'Partha temple...   The next morning, I use the spell Create Food and Water to feed the townsfolk. I send a message to Norman Laeve to let him know about the dagger.   Minstra Houdine Jumblewood thanked us again with the town and asked us to visit him in the morning for a reward.   The festivities of the night party that the Vellsten townsfolk threw for us, having saved them from potential sacrifice. I discussed with Ape our next plans and he agreed with me about my thoughts on where to go next.   The next morning, we decide against seeing Minstra Houdine Jumblewood in case he insisted on giving us money for the bounty he had put out.   Beneath the corpse in the sarcophagus, is a small hole and some text, which is glowing. The school of magic being given off is conjuration. We burn the corpse, and Malaphor is adamant he wants to keep the sarcophagus which is insane to me.   The next morning I send a message to Arcanist Sishan telling him about the sarcophagus and if he wants it. If so meet us in Trentsigrad in 3 days. Arcanist Sishan said he's interested, will send someone, possibly Curtana.   We arrive at the location of where the Raven Queen temple should be, but no temple in sight. I walk around looking and as I push through some shrubs, I hit my shin on something, and as I pull away the shrub I notice roofing of a building, seemingly sunken into the swampland. We dig around further, and find a section that has boggy mud going into and as we dig away, we find our way in and see a spiral staircase descending down further into this temple.

    Session 20 - Wear-wolves, bears and rats?

    Moss covered stone walls, deep purple roofing and bestial statues marking the front of the structure.   Kurash spoke of a "Sanguine Girl", and said the townsfolk were needed for something.   Lochlin was killed by Malaphor, rather brutally and mercilessly.   Kurash, now beast shaped, covered in silvery grey fur and standing now at 8 foot tall. Kurash howls, which is followed by many other smaller howls surrounding us, likely to be multiple wolves.   Malaphor then summons a demon looking creature. 2 blue clawed hands, sharing some resemblance to Gnolls. Stands at 6 feet tall, blue skinned, orange flame coloured fur down the back of its neck.   Beneath Malaphors feet, are purple runes, hissing as they burn into the ground. Ape steps forward, and slams his Fracture Fist into the ground, and an earthquake erupts from his location, opening up 5 fissures which we all manage to evade, but Kurash falls down.   Surrounding myself and Ape, vines start to sprout from the ground trying to grab us but we manage to avoid it. On either side, 2 massive bear type creatures with great axes run out of the tree line, one jumps the fissure and is with myself and Ape, the other knocks Malaphor down. Malaphor gets brought back up by Raskin's Healing Word. Malaphors demon, jumps down after Kurash.   An intense battle ensued, where near the end I was knocked out by Kurash, but picked up by Austar, Kurash fled into the temple with Ape chasing closely behind down the right corridor. Malaphor and I went to the left and saw multiple cages with what I assume are the townsfolk of Vellsten trapped inside, with the ruins now starting to collapse as a result of the massive earthquake Ape caused with the Fracture Fist.

    Session 19 - Vellsten and Disappearances

    With the sun setting, we decide to travel through the Sherbian Wetland only for an hour until my Water Walk spell wears off. Once it does, we rest for the rest of the night. During the night, we notice a orange glow coming from a small pond 50 feet or so away. In the morning we go take a look and as Ape pulls the object, it's revealed to us to be a bulbous golden amber, egg shaped plant of some kind.   A few hours into our first proper day of travel through the Sherbian Wetland, we walk across quick mud, which acts similar to quick sand, but thanks for Water Walk, we walk straight across it and don't sink. About 4 hours in, we see a dead looking tree, and in the tree, is a skeletal body with a rucksack on it's back.   Ape notices another orange glow, and as he reaches in, he pulls out a leech looking creature which attaches to him, and quite a few more jump out of the pond and attack us. They had a strange ability to redirect spells we used if they avoided them. During the fight, I notice each of these creatures have a aura surrounding them, and at the end of the fight, I decide to use my elemental gift and in turn, I manage to pull some of the creatures energy into me, upgrading my elemental gift.   A few more hours of travel, and we make our way around the banks of the Groomba Pond, and eventually, we arrive at Vellsten, surrounded by spiked wooden walls and no one there manning the gate. Roads are unkept, just earthy paths. As we're walking through the town, there is no one around. In the centre of Vellsten, there is an odd structure, looks like a pit of some kind with a pulley crane above it. Next to the pit, are large cube squares wrapped in a tarp. No light coming from quite a few of the houses, only some seem to have lights coming from within. Across the way from the pit, is a sloped building, looks like it's worse for wear, and a painted sign hanging outside that says "Live or I", which I assume is the Olive Gord Inn.   I approach the building, the door itself is locked, but a faint orange glow inside. I call out and ask about Kurash to deliver the dagger, and he says there is no Kurash here. He opens the door and pokes his out, a human male, he looks past us looking for something. He allows us in thankfully and offers us drinks. Salt pita/Nitre is an export of Vellsten in the mines. Mainly used by mixing with charcoal and sulphur it creates gunpowder. Urgwell Mines further east are main exporters of Nitre. The leeches that attacked us are called Nettle Drakes.   Benjin, potential owner of the Olive Gord Inn. Tells us, a month ago, a woman called Molly disappeared, most in Vellsten thought she drowned or got taken by a creature. A few days pass, Ulen then disappeared, a big guy himself. Then recounted that many others suddenly started going missing in the nights. The bounty we picked up before going to Laelos was for disappearances in Vellsten, and the person who sent the bounty out went missing a week ago. We have 4 days left until the deadline to deliver the dagger to Kurash. Norman got the commission to make the dagger roughly a month ago, which lines up with when the disappearances started in Vellsten.   The next day, we start our investigation. Myself, Austar and Raskin make our way to Molly and Ulen's house. In the room, the wall behind a cabinet is a long scratch, looks more like a claw than a weapon. The room likely moved around to hide the scratch. Behind the wardrobe in the room, are 3 claw marks as well.   Ape and Malaphor mentioned tiny specks of Nitre in the house they investigated. I noticed small specks of nitre in the barracks as well matching the same situation in the house Ape and Malaphor searched. Things seem to be pointing to the mine, or mine workers as potential suspects. We went to the Minstra's house, and are greeted by a Tiefling butler, called Gorgion? We investigate the room where the Minstra went missing and find nothing. We speak to Benjin and mention meeting the butler, and he doesn't recognize the name and says a different name and a slender human, not a tiefling. We rush back and don't find the Tiefling anywhere.   Benjin says Lochlin went into the mines. Lochlin, a dwarf who is the mineshaft quartermaster, seems fishy based on the answers he gave to Malaphor and Ape's questioning. We see a form in the mine after we broke in and Ape makes chase who ends up being Lochlin. He tells us he was paid by the "them", one of which is the Tiefling we met to have access to the mine and to be quiet.   While grappled by Ape, we get Lochlin to guide us to where we need to go to find them, we're lead to a dead end, but he tells us to push the stone in front, which opens up into a tunnel.   One blue tiefling with horn. Long hair, blue eyes, patchy moustache and beard. loads of scars on his face. Pointed yellow teeth. Maybe human called Kurash.   It takes us 9 hours to get through the tunnel, and we appear back at the bog, south of Vellsten. I use Locate Creature and get a ping for Kurash to the right. We make our way through the clearing and in front of us is a stone structure, 3 line claw marks on the stone. Large cages, and put out camp fires. Kurash I know is moving around behind us, we move in to the clearing as Kurash is speaking to us. We notice dozens of yellow eyes in the bushes surrounding us and Kurash starts to transform, elongating his limbs and gaining a snout.


    Moradin and Words of Moradin Research
  • Mention of a great 2 handed hammer, gifted to a hero by Moradin to find the Words if/when they were lost. The hammer is thought to have been created after the original Words of Moradin.
  • Dwarves of Sansura. There were 2 clans that travelled and emigrated to Sansura, but they died out or disappeared. Homes lost and other Dwarf clans lost contact with them. Rumours of 2 great Dwarven Halls that stood tall centuries ago (30-40 thousand years ago) in the early days of the Human race. One found within the Durracap Mountain called Badegat, which once existed where now the Seeping Trench exists, in the South Western section of Sansura. Another place called Sol'Partha, great desert fortress of catacombs beneath sands, North West of Hashal.
  • Sol'Partha being the one that jumps out at me the most in terms of where I could maybe find a Word of Moradin, or even the hammer of Moradin. North Westish in the desert area between Midelina and Kraya.
  • I have since discovered that the Sol'Partha ruin is a section of the old civilization, which was actually just Partha, with 3 different sections. Sol, Lu'un, and Sky. Sky'Partha hasn't been found, thought to have been quite technologically advanced and might have been a section that could fly.
  • Sol'Partha and Lu'un Partha are about half a mile apart from one another.
  • The Dwarves of the Partha civilization were known for being genius intellects and master craftsmen. Rivalled the Rock Gnomes of Sansura in the creation of automaton creation, but instead of being clockwork based, they were steam and heat based.
  • Badegat was a prolific mining city, was very rich with their mining of gems, but more importantly and strangely, the cultivation of gems beneath the Durracap mountain. They traded with the human and elven kingdoms with Sovereign Albrada. One day Badegat's doors closed and the dwarves disappeared with it now a crumbled hollowed carapace of what it once was around 1000 years ago. Mention of a Desecration of Sansura.
  •   Uturen Civilization
  • Learn that the Lassoon and Hagrowa ruins are the only 2 known ruins being excavated. Suspected to be more, unknown currently across Laelosia and others countries.
  • Uturens originally hailed from Uzoya. Reason connection has been made, Uturen were the first people to be created by the Guardian 6, the perfect creation for their planet. Reason connection made, it has been transcribed that Uturen means the first voice, and Uzoya means the first place. Theory of multiple ruins across the whole of Aolara.
  • Another ruins near the Laelosia in the Cineri Deadlands, Ruins of Nandrena.
  • The capital, Laelos is thought to have been built atop Uturen ruins but no one has managed to find them.
  •     Asgorath Powers research
  • There is a recorded moment, in fictional history of Asgorath gifting people powers that they believe were needed for a specific event.
  • Event back then was to seal away evil god Zaheer, the group that was gifted the powers were called The Ninefold.
  • It seems as though this happened before humanity existed.
  • My powers evolved when I "consumed" a Nettledrake, a creature with a poison affinity.
  • Met Kari Dalmor and Nentos within what we thought was a dream, but they told us it was called Sudden Space. A way to communicate with other people who have been gifted powers by Asgorath.
  • Master Xaifeng teaches people who have been gifted powers by Asgorath. Told Kari to let us know that he will start training in a months time, around the 15th of Yoweth.
  •   Sansura
  • Wasn't always a desert region, it had jungles and savannahs. Whatever the Desecration was, it is believed that is what caused the land to die and many civilizations left.
  • The Abralder lineage were the royal family in power before the Synods. Thought to have been the cause of The Desecration of Sansura due to their greed and vanity. The Synod arrived and liberated the people and used their magic to keep The Shan Shira river as it is without drying up.
  • Session 18 - Lonely Toad and Proposition

    Standing behind the metal faced man, a woman who we find out is called Curtana, pale white skin. Short shoulder length black hair, fringe blocking left eye from sight. Crescent moon shape arcane runes around her right eye. I notice one of her ears are missing.   The metal faced man, an automaton called Etcher, holding a tall wooden staff with a cyan blue crystal at the top. Removing their hood, we see visible joints, like the human anatomy, but made of metals. He seems to try to smile at us, which is very unsettling, and the woman whispers at him to stop, it's creepy.   He tells us that he was asked to bring us to Arcanist Sishan, member of the Phidoctri Cabinet. Have seen a member previously, Arcanist Mehru, a magpie looking Arakocra. Neither of them were told why Arcanist Sishan asked to speak to us. He asks us where Raskin is, as he was informed there were 5 of us. I send a message but get no response from Raskin.   The Phidoctri Cabinet, runs a marshal division of the Laelosian army known as the Ankorum. Mage users sent on specific missions. The Cabinet also oversees any magic within Laelos.   Tome Keeper Lilian Krowl takes us to the Arcane Wing; in the first section on the floor, is a closed book, with no chains around it, compared to the other books in this room. She goes off and fetches a ledger, her face drops a bit. The book called, Halrand the Empty, written by a man called Gadium Norai, an aspiring writer, wanted to write children's tales and wrote a story about a lonely toad in a swamp. He didn't realise he was a sorcerer and managed invoke magic into his writings to create the story and world, with the book acting as a portal between the two. We open the book, and transport into this world alongside Etcher, and below us I notice fading blue lines of a symbol.   We encounter Halrand, and he attacks Ape as he says "I don't have one of you" when Ape tells him he's a Shifter. After a tough battle we manage to best Halrand, as he starts to wither he bursts out into fireflies and they disappear into the sky, as does his minions.   Behind where Halrand was, there are 7 statues, 1 human man. 1 elven (ear snapped), halfling or gnome, strange humanoid creature with wings, fur covered being with a glaive above their head, and a tabaxi and Raskin.   Malaphor finds buried in the mud various items, one of particular interest being a diamond which was near identical to the one I already had, which might be useful in the future. Ape picks up Raskin's statue and we head back to where we appeared from. Thankfully, I managed to memorise the pattern on the floor when we arrived which once drawn on the floor, we had to invoke magic into it so we could escape the book.   Tome Keeper Lilian Krowl does inform us that we have been banished from the Lorden Athenaeum, I offer our apologies for Raskin's behaviour and she said she'll bring it up with the Realm Seer Dusklark about the rest of our banishment. I mention that myself and Austar behaved ourselves at the Savantir Library and Adler Dusklark should be able to corroborate my story.   We are escorted by Etcher and Curtana through a corridor with cases either side with items, large Mace, and a broken in half shield, both Dwarvish in make, much older than my time and no symbols of Moradin upon them. We arrived to a room with various glyphs as they start to glow as Curtana is weaving symbols and asks us to step onto the platform as we are transported into a similar room, with platforms, but taller and with 4 other platforms in the room.   Tall dark skinned man in the same black and purple robes. Upon our arrival, his eyes flash bright white for a moment, a gentle muttering and nods at Curtana and Etcher. He whispers something to Etcher as we go pass and we are lead by Etcher from the teleportation chamber to a flagstone hallway, on our left, arched pillars waist height wall and a huge grass square, maybe 300 feet across. Slight hill in the middle, in the centre, 3 large trees growing. We see a group of 4, 3 students and a teacher, practicing magic. Etcher mentions he was impressed with how we handled ourselves within the book, as well as how we handled the bridge on the way to The Lorden Athenaeum, which Etcher said was an encounter of his and Curtana's design. Said they were asked to test us to see how we acted, as our reputation had reached Arcanist Sishan's ears. Etcher specifically mentioned Ape as impressing him and the gauntlet being interesting but didn't push any more about the Fracture Fist.   A vortex is opened in front of us by Etcher, on a blank wall, as we step through, there's a feeling of stepping through cob webs, and a rushing feeling but not quite the same as the teleportation we felt earlier. Our eyes go from a state of cloudiness to clarity in a second, and we're all sitting in comfortable arm chairs, with a grandfather clock ticking away. No door in the room, just behind us is a large glass window, showcasing a craggy brown and black landscape, with dust storms and thick layer of cloud. In the distance, miles away a large plume of smoke. Sitting across from us, one leg over the other, a slender elegant man, purple black robes with deep green trim. Wrists covered in bangles. Platinum blonde hair, clean shaven, partially pointed ears, likely a Half-Elf. Piercing green eyes.   Arcanist Sishan has asked us to become a special unit within the Ancora, to do some spying into Varleska. Will pay us 3000 gold each, give us each an Arcane License, and allow us to keep our magical items. We ended up telling him about the Fracture Fist as he had the white wooden box with the Vault within it. He asked us about Obabim and how one of the headmasters was found dead, and was happy with our recollection of the events as it lined up with what we had told Headmaster Prodeus.   Varleska has been blocked off from other countries for 82 years, and 2 weeks ago someone from Varleska reached out and extended an invitation to King Laelos and heads from Sansura and Chankata to visit as well. Ancora Unit 1 was sent in to investigate and they haven't heard from them since. Arcanist Sishan is looking to send us in to find information out about the country to give knowledge back so they know what the King might be walking in to.   Arch Ancora Shadorass, elven reddish ginger hair shaved on one side. Goes down past shoulder. Big burn mark on her shaved head, and scar on her lip. Has made no contact and no one can reach her after she infiltrated Varleska.   Arcanist Sishan gives us 14 greater healing potions and reaches out his hand to each of us to grab. I felt a surge of power go through me as I did. We are then teleported by Etcher to near Vellsten to speed up our journey. The plan being I think, to deliver the dagger to Kurash at the Olive Gord Inn.   As we teleport, we feel ourselves being pulled apart, and as we appear, we look down and see the drop at the side of a cliff, hundreds of feet below us, and we're at the top mountain, which Ape notices we're just west of the Sherbian Wetlands. Etcher casts fly on us to help us get down and stays up in the crevice to rest so he can teleport back.

    Session 17 - Trouble and Research

    As myself, Ape and Malaphor are putting on our new armour, Austar and Raskin show up. Raskin annoys Norman by asking for some armour, we also find out that Norman Laive can create Shrapnel Bolts.   As we leave Northward out of the Shanfall Courtyard, and Laelos itself, I notice about 150 feet away, 2 individuals that I recognized from the Shanfall Courtyard, I assume they are Alistan Preen's men.   We approach the treeline to the Kinrea Timberlands, Raskin and Austar peel off and hide behind some trees to see if the 2 individuals pass them so we can ambush them, after waiting 5 or so minutes no one passes through so we decide to carry on our journey towards The Lorden Athenaeum.   We get to the river which is 100 foot wide, with a bridge going across it, and next to it a statue of a Half-Orc looking male, smiling with 2 turtle like shells on his shoulder, a plaque underneath stating "Our Hero our Savior, rest well Giranis champion of the Soft Maiden". The Soft Maiden is a nickname for the Goddess Yona, the goddess of rivers, lakes and purification. Thought to be the wife of Naorr, god of the seas.   As we cross the bridge, strange fog appears and we notice slight shapes in the fog that dives at us, which are imp like in shape. Loads of these imps start to pick us up and try to drop us in the water, Raskin casts thunderwave which knocks Malaphor into the water, into the waiting crocodile underneath which knocks out Malaphor. I dive in after Malaphor, and cast water walk on myself, Malaphor and Raskin to bring Malaphors body out of the water. I then manage to get Malaphor back up and we managed to get a few more good hits in on the crocodile then fleas after looking extremely injured.   We continue on and arrived at The Lorden Athenaeum. Two guards outside ask why we're here, I provide the letter that I was given by Head Master Sigmund Prodeus. One of them goes inside and not along after, a short woman in beige and gold, curly brown hair, short horns curling upwards. Lilian Krowl, Book Keeper. On behalf of Realm Seer Dusklark, comes out to greet us. She lays down the rules of the library but provides us with beds for night before our research session the next day.   Moradin Research Fictions and Folklore Section
  • Mention of a great 2 handed hammer, gifted to a hero by Moradin to find the Words if/when they were lost.
  • Aolaran Geography
  • Find a section about the Dwarves of Sansura. There were 2 clans that did travel and emigrate to Sansura, but they died out or disappeared. Homes lost and other Dwarf clans lost contact with them. Rumours of 2 great Dwarven Halls that stood tall centuries ago (30-40 thousand years ago). Early days of the Human race.
  • One called Durracap, once existed where now the Seeping Trench exists, in the South Western section of Sansura. Another place called Sul'Partha, great desert fortress of catacombs beneath sands, North West of Hashal.
  • Sul'Partha being the one that jumps out at me the most in terms of where I could maybe find a Word of Moradin.
  • Uturen Civilization
  • Learn that the Lassoon and Hagrowa ruins are the only 2 known ruins being excavated. Suspected to be more, unknown currently across Laelosia and others countries.
  • Uturens originally hailed from Uzoya. Reason connection has been made, Uturen were the first people to be created by the Guardian 6, the perfect creation for their planet. Reason connection made, it has been transcribed that Uturen means the first voice, and Uzoya means the first place. Theory of multiple ruins across the whole of Aolara.
  • Another ruins near the Laelosia in the Cineri Deadlands, Ruins of Nandrena.
  • The capital, Laelos is thought to have been built atop Uturen ruins but no one has managed to find them.
  • Azgorath Powers research
  • There is a recorded moment, in fiction history of Azgorath gifting people powers that they believe were needed for a specific event.
  • Event back then was to seal away evil god Zaheer, the group that was gifted the powers were called The Ninefold.
  • It seems as though this happened before humanity existed.
  • As I'm finishing up my research, Malaphor finds me after Austar over hears some people asking about us. We find Ape and we decide the best course of action is to NOT be shady and try to sneak out, unlike Malaphor's idea. We're unsure on where Raskin is. We go to the front door, we see 2 mages, one of which pulls a hood down, his eyes glowing blue, face made of metal. He says "Ah Titan's Bane I presume? We would like to have a word".  

    Session 16 - Revenge and Truth

    We quickly strike Obabim and get some good hits in, after Ape's hits, he starts to grow up to 9 feet, black leathery skin breaking through the human appearance, a forked tail and horns appear, confirming that Obabim is either a devil, or a devil faked being Obabim.   Obabim tries to hit me but thanks to Ape's guardian spirits they protected me from the damage, but because of that, Obabim turned his attention to Ape and knocked him down, but thankfully Malaphor came back from wherever Obabim had sent him.   A long and very close battle with Obabim, where Ape was downed twice but when he came back up the second time, he was surging with electrical energy, and he managed the killing blow against Obabim. Obabim started pouring black smoke and flames and gravity seemed to get very heavy and it pulled Obabim into the floor, before he disappeared, he said "No master, I have failed you, please no, I know your scent K...".   Unfortunately Rosin was killed before we even had the opportunity to save him. Unsure how we'll explain this to Polyfayra. On our way to the Keeper's Crest and Polyfayra, we are approached by 3 Peryton Guards who ask us who we have and what's happened, and start to escort us to Polyfayra, likely suspicious of us being the killers.   A long white haired male with long white beard, hair and beard flowing as if in the wind, likely an Air Genasi, Head Master Sigmund Prodeus comes to us at the gates of Polyfayra and asks to see Rosin's face and lets us in and leads us through to a large office space at the top of a tower with long tall windows with a beautiful view of the upper districts.   I hand over the packed scrolls and parchments as a show of good faith. We are asked by the Head Master Sigmund Prodeus to hand over anything related, I hand over the Arca Berry box and Austar hands over the white wooden box with the pocket dimension, but I keep Artefact 17 to myself. Raskin asks about getting an Arcane License in return for helping and bringing back Rosin's body, the Head Master Sigmund Prodeus gives us 5000 gold and also gives me a hand written note providing me access to The Lorden Athenaeum to do some research on Moradin.   Back at the Round Archer's Inn, I head straight to my room and cast identify on the cube.   Seems like a very old magical item, and my spell doesn't reveal much about it. Uturen Vault Puzzle Box. Magically made to store an item within it. Immense sense of magical energy within it. Trying to mess around with the runes, I can move about and press them down, seems like I need to find the correct combination to open. Strange sense of inner power within myself when trying to push, pull and click different sections of this cube. I manage to move things around and manage to cause 2 runes to vanish, but I then feel something jam and all the runes disappear and it feels locked. Ape then knocks on my door, and asks if he can take a look at the cube, and he starts moving the runes into places, he manages to do it 3 times and the cube splits open, the structure of the cube and materials start to transform around Ape's left wrist, made of a mix of stone and metal. At the centre on the back of the hand is a face. Artefact 17, Fracture Fist, he explains what the item does and it seems perfect for Ape to keep.   The next day after we rest, we decide that we'll go to The Lorden Athenaeum before going to Vellsten. Myself, Ape and Malaphor go to the Pinch of Forge to collect our armour that we ordered from Norman while Austar and Raskin go to a magic shop. We pick up our newly created armour and make our way to the Northern gate/exit to wait for Austar and Raskin to finish up whatever they're doing at the shop.

    Session 15 - A Royal Mistake

    We learn from Raskin and Austar that according to the Master of Conjuration Rosin at the Polyfyra school of magic that Obabim died 2 years ago.   I mention to the others that I'll only help Obabim if my intended spell gives me a sign that opening the door will result in something good, if it's bad I'll refuse.   I go with Raskin, Austar and Malaphor to the under city markets in the tunnels by Lavendara to see what type of things are on sale. We see various animals, such as a Mammoth, a some odd items here and there but nothing takes our fancy and we head back to the Round Archers Inn to lay low until the royal meeting.   Lucinda arrives in a carriage to pick up myself and Raskin to attend this royal court as her personal guards. We were advised to not delve too deeply into anyone's mind and focus on just the surface thoughts. Also said to wait until people are in conversation before peering in to the mind.   On the journey up, Lucinda also reveals her Arcane License to us which is seemingly like a tattoo which official Arcane vendors can verify to make sure it is legitimate.   We enter the building and through 2 double doors which leads us to a large ballroom of kind, 100 foot in length, and a very large stone like rectangular table, 60-70 feet in size with 15 chairs dotted around.   Woman, warm tanned skin, long hazel hair tied up loose along her back, sharp eyes. Hard to tell what age she is. Wearing a dark green and grey pant suit of sort, with flared blazer wrists and collared cuffs. - Lady Marrian Harray, respondent from the Republic of Escillia.   Old human male, wearing the same outfit as Lucinda, same black and blue robe but with more gold on it. High Magistrar Cloutstrike. Lucinda tenses upon seeing him. Surface thoughts from him thinking "it's ridiculous that Lucinda was also invited and he needs to speak to someone about her invitation."   Pale skin, 6 foot 5 tall, uniformed in gleaming armour, emerald eyes and blonde hair. Miraroar Condor of the Sentry Division. Likely an Aasimar.   Female tabaxi, panther origins, sun symbol of pelor stitched on her chest and each shoulders.   Master of coin and commerce, Lord Favian Kell, small overweight Halfling. Jet black hair, missing one eye, in a tuxedo. The missing left eye is just skin, no hole.   General Draich Karpera of the Marshall division. Large black haired minotaur, right horn broken and left capped. Many scars and bulking mass of black full plate armour. Set of antlers carved into front of chest plate. Well over 7 feet tall.   Sir Alder Ledali, head of House Serpent. Tall man, slender built and skin tight to his cheek bones. Clean shaven with short straw coloured hair, spiked at the front. Ears pierced, wearing mustard yellowy/green suit. Sharp yellow eyes.   Arcanist Mera of the Phidoctri Cabinet, draped in black and purple robes, hood pulled over head. Female Kenku, black and white feathering.   Crown Speaker, Uris Lureti, human man, middle aged. Peryton guard uniform, leathers and chainmail, bald and small grey goatee. 2 tattooed lines under each eye.   King Fergun Laelos II. Definitely human male in his 50's. Around 5ft 8, quite rotund. Strong barrel shaped belly, short thin legs and squished together face. Well groomed grey and black beard. Black balding hair.   20-25 minutes later I catch Alistan Preen staring at both of us, I peer in to his mind hear: "Tidepoint shipment tomorrow, I should send... The nerve of them being here." "Always fucking Lucinda, I need to keep a closer eye", looks back at the table and thinks "some of the drivel these imbecile spout" "Something needs to be done about this lot, need to find out where Kaito and the rest are staying. I can commence operation Bright bar" "It's time we move, Marselv is inconvenient, cheers to you Kaito" "I should liase with Duntrough soon, maybe I should send Yassk"   King Fergan in his head said "We're not sending our people to Murath, fuck that. Need to keep my people here to protect against the Sansurans"   Alistan Preen to be named Royal Suzerain of the Eastern Border. Uris clenched jaw, I hear his thoughts "This wasn't discussed with me before hand, what has Alistan been saying"   We accompany Lucinda back to the Round Archers Inn and discuss what we found out. We then head to bed for the night before making our way to Obabim's Sanctum to cast my spell to see if we will help him or not.   The spell gave me an Intense feeling of warmth and happiness, followed by a sense of nervousness, indicating there is an extremely good outcome ahead, but there's a sense of potential dangers around trying to open the door.   Obabim mentions he has contingencies in place in case there is danger, one of the things he reveals is 10 blue spheres, called Arca Berry's which he says will bolster our constitution and resistances for 2 hours. Rest of the contingencies are spells he has written and prepared for himself and us. Gain +2 AC and 10 temporary hit points + Arcana skill modifier.   Raskin confronts Obabim and mentions he spoke to Rosin about him in Polyfyra and that Rosin told him that he had died 2 years ago. Obabims initial reaction was surprise at the statement of Raskin going to Polyfyra. Obabim tells us he faked his death, the patients are fine and not dead. Obabim said it was created in a way to be realistic, didn't want people to follow him and was tired of being prodded by the Cabinet to join them and wanted to be able to do things his way. Obabim also reveals to us that Rosin did in fact visit him the day before, and he was bound and tied up. Raskin, angry, doesn't want to join us and demands to be let out of the Sanctum.   Myself, Ape, Austar and Obabim head in to the dimension and I approach the door and place my palm against the door and push but nothing happens. Obabim asks me to try and think of it as a door, and envision it and try to open it. As I do so, my hand goes through slightly, and the door starts to crumble like sand by my feet. Beyond the door, I see a blue lit room, 20 feet ahead in the room, in the centre. Gradually spinning on a stand is a large globe. 2 stone counter tops on the back left and right corner of the room. 4 chests, 2 on each side. Behind the globe, is a word, and after the word is the number 17. The word says Vault in Uturen.   First thing I notice now standing in the room, on the left hand side is an impressively crafted large brass humanoid statue, armoured with a sword at 9 feet tall. I notice some arcane glyphs under the arms of the statue but no wording.   The chests all have a golden latch, don't seem to be locked. The spinning globe is fixed by silver handles aloft in the air, Obabim asks if any of us know maps well. I notice that the globe looks like Aolara, the continents are placed differently, slightly different shapes. Seems to be a map of old Aolara, before the continents split, especially Kasar, Lanali, Bricor, Sumara were all connected together.   I reach out for the globe and touch it, nothing happens but as Obabim touches it, there is now a red hue in the room and the statue starts to move. A devastating battle which downs Ape, and nearly downs me but a last hit from my spirit guardians destroys it.   First chest, had tightly packed scrolls, capped at the end to keep them safe.   Second chest, placed carefully atop a blue cushioned case, is a small hand sized cube. Corners of the cube are bolstered with a silver, each side of the cube is covered in strange symbols and runes. Small placard behind the cube that reads "Artefact 17".   Third Chest, dozens of smaller scrolls in cases, deep green in colour with silver ends.   Fourth Chest, line stacks of yellowing scrolls, wrapped in green fabric.   At the front of the globe, just beneath the pedestal it is on, is a small gap, a small hole where something should be fitted. A 20 sided shape is missing from it. Obabim asks how we're feeling, Ape says not good, Austar says good and Obabim says "I should finish the job then" and attacks them again. He then escapes and we're left behind. Ape is picked back up before Obabim leaves. Ape manages to leave as do I and we instantly attack Obabim, he thought we'd be longer getting out. Ape charged at him and I cast guiding bolt at him, he had taken off his upper robe and his body was covered in crude carvings, and wings unfurled from his back.

    Session 14 - Laelos Arrival

    Approaching Laelos just outside of the city, we find ourselves at a crossroads, the left going to Old Laelos, the middle going to the inner city, a richer area and the right, going to Lavendera, a slightly moderately wealthy area. We head towards the right path, in hopes we need to find the Round Archers Inn and to speak to Selena and request the flower garden as Lucinda Marguant instructed us to do upon our arrival.   We spoke to some two guards that told us to head back to Old Laelos and go to the Running Rent which is where we can find the Round Archers Inn. We also enquired about the Obabim Sanctum which they told us was located in the Lavendera section of Laelos that we were currently in. The guards also told us that the majority of the blacksmiths are located in The Shanfall Courtyard which is just north of the inner city. We asked about a city map and they told us there is a cartographers located just outside the front gates of the Keepers Crest, the central path we saw at the crossroads towards the Inner City.   Since we were in Lavendera we decided to go to the Obabim Sanctum, as we were passing through, we noticed some interesting looking lamp posts which were black iron in colour, and the case at the top encompassed a candle with a large purple flame emitting from it. Upon arrival at the Obabim Sanctum, we noticed it looked pretty abandoned. The front gates and surround walls were rusted, one of the gates hanging off it's hinge. I approach the front door with Austar and Raskin, as I knock on the door, I suddenly see myself in a large room. As I look up, I see upside down bookshelves, tables, chairs and a man. The man tells me to go up the stairs in front of me, which lead into darkness. I do that and I suddenly find myself after getting to the top, walking back down, but this time in the upside down room that was above me. The man has a well kept grey and white beard, short to the jaw and is wearing red robes. He introduces himself as Obabim. I mention to Obabim if my friends can come in that were outside with me, and he brings in Austar and Raskin with a simple click of his fingers. I tell them to go up the stairs and they'll reach us. Within the Sanctum itself, it looks like there is a lot of magical experimentation being done.   Obabim tells us that he has been looking for an individual to do a task for him, that individual needs to be of a certain mindset and be aligned to the right morals. This is because he has an item that he wants to try and open, and he believes after many months of trying to open it, that he needs someone of a certain level of law and order, a person with good nature/intention, someone of good heard and he believes that might be me, as I was the first person to show the possibility of a genuinely good person at heart as I was the only person who went out of my way to help him when he was disguised as an old, homeless man outside the Adventurers Crossroad.   Obabim shows us a small wooden box, made of white wood. Said he came across this item years ago and thinks it's from the people that inhabited these lands before Laelos was formed 600 years ago. The item takes you to a pocket dimension which is safe, within the dimension are a set of doors that he thinks needs me to try and open. He told us to come back in 5 days so he has time to prepare before trying to open the doors. He offered me 5000 gold if we manage to open the doors, which I said I'll think about but I'm more interested in what might be behind the door and if it's potentially helpful for me, if he'll let me part with it after he's recorded whatever is behind the doors. His assumption of what is behind the doors is not evil, it was found in the Lassoon Ruins to the east of Laelos. Ruins of a civilization knows as the Utura, the item comes from their time. The Utura are long believes to have worshipped the same pantheon that we do, but it seems like they actually worshipped the Guardian Deity's before they split into our current pantheon. The main reason Obabim believes the key to opening the door is a person of good heart, is because the information that is known of the Uturu people were that they were truly good people.   As Obabim seemed like a knowledgeable person, I asked him what he might know about the Words of Moradin. He asked me what I knew and I told him about the stories I was told as a kid by Wodric. He told me that he had heard stories about the hammer as part of the Words of Moradin and that it wasn't given to first Dwarven Thrummaz at the same time as the armour and shield. The hammer is thought to be inscribed with the locations of the rest of the Words of Moradin.   Overall, I'm open to trying to help Obabim with opening the doors within the pocket dimension, but Raskin has raised some very good points and has major concerns about helping him. I hope that I can commune with Moradin and have guidance on what the outcome might be if I do try to help Obabim. If I get a good sign, I'll help, but if it's a bad sign I'll decline and tell him why.   We then made our way towards Old Laelos and found our way to the Round Archer's Inn, where Raskin managed to sell our horse and carriage for 100 gold. We ask for Selena, who is a Tiefling female, sea green/purple skin, and also Lucinda Marguant's older sister, and mention the flower garden and she brings us round the back and down the stairs to a fairly large room, lit by a chandelier, underneath is a large table with numerous chairs. One wall has a large blackboard and the rest are covered in flower like pictures. Selena leaves us there and goes to contact Lucinda. While we're waiting for Lucinda's arrival, we decide between us to tell her the whole truth on what happened to Gregor Preen and why Alistan Preen is likely hunting us.   Lucinda arrives and is accompanied by a hooded man, who has tattooed lines on his face called Zuro. Lucinda said she has worked with him many times in the past and is her most trusted man in the capital.   We tell Lucinda the truth about Gregor, and as we tell her, she sits down and relaxes a bit, seemingly glad we told her the truth. She mentioned that Gregor was likely brought back to life briefly and spoken to by Alistan and that he himself would have revealed it was us that killed him. We show Lucinda the ledger we found in the warehouse which was burned after we escaped and the letter we found on one of our assailants after we killed them on our journey to Laelos. The letter says "I want them Alive. Contact 384b.b". She mentions to us that she wants to try and emulate how a trial would be ran and wants to speak to us one by one under the influence of a truth telling spell, which if managed to be fought against, the caster of the spell will know. We all answer her questions and she seems satisfied that we would be ok if it came to an official trial and we were called to testify.   In 4 days Lucinda is meeting with varying high ranking council members, likely to do with the potential war in Murath. Wants 2 of us to attend with her as her wards/guards and wants us to some glasses, which are strongly enchanted with detect thoughts spell. She hopes while discussing matters, 2 of us with the glasses can read Alistan Preen's surface thoughts. The glasses themselves are also enchanted with invisibility so the wearer doesn't look like they are wearing glasses.   We ask Lucinda about Obabim but she doesn't know anything in relation to him. We ask if there's any mages we can talk to within the capital that might be able to tell us about him. She tells us the Magi School of Polyfara are not to be trusted as they are ran by the crown. She said the Archmages of Skypeak are more trustful as they are typically outside the reach of Laelosia and the crown. We head to bed for the night, now 3 days remaining until we go along with Lucinda to the meeting.   We decide to head to the Inner City so myself and Ape can go to The Shanfall Courtyard. We arrive at the gate just before the Keeper's Crest district in Laelos, the guards here are dressed better, with better armour than the standard colours including some black and gold. Above the gate we hear loud wings beating, and a large bird landing at the top, face is a mixture of a deer and a bird, atop it's back, is a dragonborn peryton guard riding the bird which we believe to be a Peryton. The guard at the gate asks for a name as we aren't residents and I give him Titan's Bane as a name so we can have access to where we need to go. The road in Keeper's Crest is deep stone slate that are pristine, no dirt/mud anywhere.   30 mins or so after entering The Shanfall Court I find someone who points me towards where Norman Laive is, called Gladder. Told me to go to The Smoke Streets and find the Pinch of Forge, which Norman runs. Within the Pinch of Forge, I see a scrawny thin looking Elven man, and an extremely thick Dwarf, stockier than I've ever seen, being Norman Laive. Head of greying hair, no beard, flat nose pushed to one side, broken before.   Norman said he'd sell the full plate for 1000, half-plate for 750 and breastplate for 350 if we delivered a specially made dagger for someone in Vellsten in 2 weeks. Need to ask for Kurash at the Olive Gord Inn. Dagger is curved, gleaming shiny platinum blade. Thick, enormous ruby. The armour will be ready in 5 days, which gives us 8 days to get to Vellsten and deliver the dagger, hopefully the incoming trial doesn't impact this.


    Gregor Preen (Deceased)
  • Human male, extremely cocky.
  • Tried to take Wera's Gem from us after we had collected it from Wera's Barrow. A fight broke out initiated by Ape and Raskin and his body and that of his companions were put inside Wera's Barrows on the traps that we located.
  • Alistan Preen's son.
  • Alistan Preen
  • Human male, middle aged with a long tied up pony tail that goes to his lower back.
  • Owner of Preen's Laughterhouse.
  • Father to Gregor Preen.
  • Childhood friend to King Fergun Laelos the 2nd.
  • Can maybe use Necromancy to speak with the dead?
  • Announced as the new Suzerain of the Eastern Borders.
  • Obabim - Dead?
  • An elderly human looking male with white/grey short beard down to his jaw.
  • Looking for help from someone of "good heart" to help open a gate in it's own pocket dimension within a wooden box which was found in the Lassoon Ruins.
  • Ended up being a Devil, unsure if Obabim himself was a Devil or if a Devil was using Obabim's face. We defeated him and he was pulled through the floor and said he has my scent. Unsure what this means.
  • Session 13 - The Long Road

    We make the decision in the morning to travel to Laelos and meet up with Lucinda to deal with the Alistan Preen problem.   I bring up the option to head west towards Sansura to investigate the 2 Raven Queen temples as well as potentially a long lost Moradin temple that might hold the Words of Moradin.   Part way through our first day of travel, as we crest past in between the Blacktop Mountains, we see an overturned wagon with smashed rear wheels and what looks to be the contents of the wagon spilled out on the path. We don't see any movement near the wagon, no animal in sight that would pull it. We do see a form lying near the back of wagon, humanoid looking with greenish/grey screen which Ape mentions is a cave troll. Raskin goes ahead by himself to investigate and only brings back a Sun Ring. Whilst worn and under the sun, you can cast fireball once per day.   The first night on our travel I experience a dream of a lush green jungle with mountains. The end of a dream, I see a large circle of multi coloured light. Amongst the multi-coloured circle of light, I see pushing from beneath, a large golden hammer, signifying Moradin. I imagine this is related to our gifts and Asgorath.   In the morning, I cast Remove Curse on the necklace afflicting Malaphor's strange ageing the last 2 days. The necklace raises up and I see a flash of the undead woman's face that we battled in Morgan and a burst of purple energy coming away from the necklace. Malaphor was now able to remove the necklace without it teleporting back on to him, but the ageing affect stayed and we estimate he has aged 30 years and is now 48.   We carry on our journey and part way through the day and notice a party of 6 coming towards us, armoured up with weapons, all wearing a dark blue and black cloak to signify their group. 2 Humans, 1 man 1 woman, a Half-Orc woman, a Tiefling, Halfling and a Tortle.   Human man is called Gadem Bask. Group is called The Favoured Few. Gadem is from Korshala Lanali. Half-Orc female is called Zaitar. Vivona is the human woman. Kruna, the green skinned Tiefling with shaved down horns, worships Torm (Clenched fist gauntlet symbol) Osais, the Hafling. Nizo, the Tortle Druid, also from Korshala in Lanali.   Gadem mentions they're on their way to Fort Baldare in the North as they have a bounty for a young white dragon.   Third day of travel, part way through to our journey to the Adventurer's Crossroad, we hear a loud whistling, and a crash into the ground in front of us and blood splatters all over Ape and Raskin, I didn't see anything in the sky but it looked like the creature was a Dwarf before passing.   Approaching the door to the Adventurer's Crossroad, we see an individual leaning up against the wall to the side, and asks if we have any spare coin. I give him 5 gold, Initially he's shaky, but as he stands up tall, the shakiness goes away. Silvery hair and beard. Standing at around 5ft 10". He says "I admire your compassion young man". His rags change from to deep yellow robes of silk and velvet. You are the first to consider helping me since I've sat here. Told me to go to Obabin Sanctum in Laelos, he might have a proposition for us. He then suddenly vanished and I still have the 5 gold in my hand.   After staying for some food and drink, we left the Adventurer's Crossroad. I send a message to Sir Archibald Gruff asking if anyone enquired about us after we left Marselv. Gruff said that Mr Preen asked but he didn't give him any information about us and then asked if we are connected to the death of his son. I replied to say we saw some bodies in the traps but didn't investigate them. Gruff told us to be careful as Mr Preen has resources. Gruff is halfway to Murath to help in the war brewing over there. We rest up for the night again which goes by without issues.   4 hours into our journey, we come across a crossroad with a large wooden sign. Inkvorth going back on ourselves slightly, Aristocrane pointing south, Tinrin Village pointing north and Laelos carrying on eastward. We head towards Laelos.   That night while we're resting, I get woken up by Ape screaming to get up as we've been ambushed, lead by the same person who was part of the attack at the The Lords Lavish tavern in Pentareach. We defeat and kill all of the people who ambushed us. I also find a note which is unfortunately written in a jumble of letters, shapes. We'll need to find someone who can read the letter which hopefully implicates Alistan Preen.   A few hundred feet away from us Ape hears neighing of horses and with the horses, a large roofed carriage with cushioned seats inside. Hidden underneath the bench, I see a collection of 6 dark green vials. A large leather pouch tied with cord with 725 gold coins in it which I divvy up between us for 145 each.   I send a message to my mother letting her know that I'm ok and heading to Laelos. I also send a message to my uncle Wodric asking him if he knows a forgeman in Laelos. He mentions Norman Laive a dwarf and old friend to Wodric, used to be a Forgeman in Osterforge, now a forgeman in Laelos. I've met him previously when I was much younger.

    Session 12 - Visions and a Cleansing

    As I'm trying to sleep I see a bright light, shining into my eyes. Initially thinking someone has cast a spell. I "wake up" lying on a black void. 50 feet away I see a mighty forge, the source of the light. Beautifully carved with a large golden symbol of Moradin behind it. I approach the forge and the heat is immense. Wall of the forge is waist high. Peering in is a bubbling vat of molten lava. The longer I stand the heat of the forge becomes less and less, definitely still hot. To my left is a change, where there wasn't, now stands a large glistening silver anvil. Leaning against the anvil is a heavy black smiths hammer. On top of the anvil, is a piece of metal, looks to be steel, shaped into a point. I pick up the blacksmith hammer, and as I raise the hammer, the metal blade starts to turn red, as if just taken out of the forge. As I hit the blade, I see a brief flash of a cloudless blue sky. The second hit, as the echo stops of the strike, I see rolling dunes of sand. Third hit, after the echo, the vision is off, a bit blurry, as if the connection is being interfered with. I see a structure within the sandy dunes. Made of rock, maybe sandstone or limestone. Tilted to the left and half buried in sand. The fourth hit, I start feeling dizzy, and the image of the anvil and hammer is flickering out of existence, but one final image appears. I see the front of the tilted building. A clear symbol of Moradin carved above the door. I look down and see an after image of the anvil, blade and hammer before they disappear. As I stand there, in the void.   I see the blacksmith hammer I was working with in my hand as it rusts and crumbles to sand, the forge starting to crumble and the large golden symbol of Moradin fallen to one side. Directly in front. is the wooden box wrapped in chain. I suddenly wake in the room back at the Raven Queen, the chest still on the altar, but my Moradin symbol warm, and fading from the red that it was in the weird dream I just had.   Once we've finished our rest. I start the process to bless water to create some holy water to try and cleanse the box. I then cast Augury to get an omen on the action of dowsing the chest with holy water and then casting dispel magic on the chest. The omen I get is both good and bad.   Austar made the decision to go ahead with the plan.   Box needs submerging in purified water. Incense or something that burns and gives off a smell. A religious symbol (Moradin for me). 3 willing individuals to sit in the pool with the object.   I move the sludgy water like substance out of one of the pools and into the hole and create a fresh source of water in it and pour in the holy water, which thankfully purifies the water. Malaphor gets in and puts the chest in the water as myself and Austar join him and start the hour long ritual to try and cleanse the chest.   20 minutes into the ritual, the corners of the chest and the chain start to blacken as if being heated and then a hissing noise from the inside as if acid is burning. Unfortunately the ritual failed as the chest burst open, and a horrific grey form of a woman comes out of the box, covered in wraps and with a amulet round her neck.   A long and dangerous fight ensued but we managed to defeat the creature after Malaphor and Raskin went down. The creature didn't leave anything behind but the amulet.   Lucinda Marguant, sent a message saying to meet her in the capital Laelos to deal with Alistan Preen. High ranking officials have been summoned and Alistan Preen will be present. An opportunity to bring to light his illegal activities. "Ask for Selena at the Round Archers Inn, request the flower garden" in Laelos. Meet in 10 days. I said I'd let her know as currently in the Besansir Woods dealing with something.   The amulet is the Whilewiss Opera. I get a strong magical enchantment with a hint of necromancy essence from it. Requires attunement. Provides +1 spell attack modifier. +1 Intelligence. Health increases by maximum number of 1 hit dice. Gave this to Malaphor.   Made our way out back through the Besansir Woods and on to the Alabasta Pass as nightfall hits to make our way towards Laelos to meet up with Lucinda Marguant.

    Session 11 - Morgan's Mystery

    Abandoned town called Morgan in the Besansir Woods is our current objective to find the long lost Raven Queen temple.   6 hours into our journey we now see the Alabasta Pass. A few hundred feet away we notice a caravan troupe passing through. Caravan being pulled by 2 donkeys, and I see 2 people, one man on the front and a set of legs dangling at the back. The legs at the back are that of the mans daughter who is ill. The man is called Han and the daughter is called Dalia. Dalia had a disease of some kind which Malaphor said was a type of pneumonia. I tried casting Lesser Restoration on Dalia to try and cure her and it worked. Han a lot more open with us and thankful. Han mentioned the Besansir Woods is fairly dangerous with various types of beasts in them. Some to stop escaping prisoners from Yendon Prison. I also gave Han 14 gold and he said we have a place to stay if we ever pass through Bottleden.   We find a place to rest for the night and I identify a cloak Ape picked up earlier and found it to be a Cloak of Elvenkind which Austar is now using.   Ape saw a large shadow walk past us during the night but didn't see the creature in detail.   A few hours into our journey into the Besansir Woods and finally come across a break in the Woods and a stone shack, pretty much all but destroyed, but a slight cobbled path going towards the right back towards the Blacktop's. A few minutes later we arrived at what we assume is the ruins of Morgan, a cluster of moss covered buildings, having fallen to the woods. 12 buildings in total, any wood originally used now rotted away. The back of the town up against one of the Blacktop. I notice on the left hand side, raised, a large very intact white and grey stone building. Covered in foliage and much bigger than anything else in the town. Above the entrance carved into it, a porcelain mask of the Raven Queen. Building seemingly made with a type of marble mixed with limestone. Indent in the seam between doors at head height, shape of a bird with wings in an upside down V shape.   Opposite the temple, I notice smoke and a tiny bit of light, which indicates a campfire. We sneak our way towards it and see Goblin like creatures. Some in the camp are larger and bulkier than the others. Also notice, stepping out of one of the tents, a better dressed goblin, around it's neck an onyx black carving of the bird, which matches the indent in of the church. Outside the camp, tied to a trees a small creature, covered in fur, large eyes and covered in rope. Looking kind of like a Goblin, but not quite a Goblin itself, tells us his name is Sailor and he's looking for his family, but the Goblin camp aren't his family and they told him to go away but he wanted to stay. We attacked the camp and got the symbol off the Goblin Chieftan. We rested at the camp and the next morning made our way back to the temple to place the symbol into the temple door indent.   In the temple, Sailor runs to the room at the end and then runs back as a skeletal minotaur rushes him. Sailor creates two bears to help attack the minotaur. In the rooms either side of myself, Austar and Malaphor. One of them is killed thanks to Destroy Undead which then explodes the skeleton and impales us and it's allies, which sets of another explosion and downs Malaphor. The last one blinds me, and then explodes which knocks me down as well. I get picked up by Raskin and in the main room in the hole in the floor, is a chained up chest which exudes necromantic energy. Austar speaks to a skeleton in the main room who was an Acolyte of the Raven Queen, it told us the chest needs cleansing. I have a way to hopefully cleanse the chest using Holy Water but I need to rest up for the night before I can do that.

    Session 10 - Depths of the Blacktop

    As Ape vanished under the water holding on to the creature, I go to run and jump in after him but Malaphor grabs me and stops me going in. I try to struggle away from him but he manages to keep me still. Austar jumps in and after a few seconds, Raskin follows him. In the distraction I manage to kick Malaphor away from me and I roll off the edge and into the water.   I then fall down into a dark cavern, with a waterfall in the middle falling into a pond of some sort and flora that lights up the cavern very slightly. I walk round the cavern with a torch lit up so I can see and only see one exit which is a tunnel.   Going through the tunnel, I arrive at a fork and I decide to follow the left path. I then arrive into a cavern with 12 different paths in front of me. I sit down and recite a prayer to Moradin hoping he'll give me a sign. As I open my eyes the 5th tunnel has a very slight glow to it before the glow vanishes. I go down the path and end up in another large cavern, which has a basin in the middle of it, and I can hear the sound of water going up the sides of the walls, I also see the flora with the glowing bulbs on the ceiling of the cavern.   I fill the basin with water but that doesn't seem to do anything. I look around and start to climb the side wall and as I get around halfway, I noticed gravity seems to reverse and pulls me upwards towards the cavern ceiling.   I decide to call it a night after frustratingly failing to get up. I get awoken by Ape shouting my name which is a huge surprise. Raskin now wielding a staff of some kind, said he knows the way out and it's directing him towards ceiling, which is a a similar whirlpool to the one we jumped into earlier. Malaphor teleports to the ceiling with a rope held between him and Ape. We all scale the rope as weird small creatures run in and start trying to dart us. We mainly ignore them and jump in the whirlpool and find ourselves back in the original room with the whirlpool. Raskin makes us walk on water with a spell and Malaphor opens a hidden door by a large statue which has a stairway which leads us back up to the entrance of the plateau we entered the other day.   The pickaxe that Austar had started to rust and then crumble, and inside was a parchment, which when opened, was map of the Underdark which had text on it that magically changed to a language we each personally know.   We made our way out of the main entrance and I noticed another path down Blacktop Pass which would put us on the Eastern side where we want to be to investigate a long lost temple for Austar while we wait for the the heat in Pentareach to die down after I sent a message to Lucinda Marguant to let her know our whereabouts and that we dealt with the issue in the Blacktop she had tasked us to do. She hasn't had much time to investigate yet as it had only been 3 days.

    Session 9 - Blacktop's Secret

    We manage to defeat the purple worm creature after it manages to knock out Ape and nearly knock down Austar.   I start barricading the cave entrance with tables, chairs and crates with Ape, who then suddenly changes his mind to wanting to go down and investigate and deal with the problem. Austar comes over to have a look as I'm asking what Ape is doing and Austar then also changes his mind to want to go down the cave. Austar activates his form which frightens me and I pull back towards the cave. As we enter the cave, Austar suddenly stops feeling the need to push on. as we try to go back, Austar hits a wall of some kind that we can't see and we can't get back through. The others unfortunately also feel the pull to go through and end up with us. The only way now, is to continue on this dark cave. Hundreds of feet of travelling, with a sudden steep decline and a near vertical drop, helped by our use of ropes, we end up in a large cavern type area that seems like was already here, but the floor is less smooth than that of the tunnels.   In this room, there is a slight shimmer, and as I investigate, I manage to move it with my Mace to the side like a curtain. Ape see's a giant statue, about 35 feet tall crafted with red stone. The statue is donned in armour and is wielding a great-sword very similar to the one found and used by Ape. Nearby is some pillars, made of the same type of red stone, and a skeletal figure slumped against the pillar. We have a look around this area and don't see anything.   We cross to the other side, as we cross, the strange shimmer is no longer where it was, but I notice more bits of shimmer as we see an identical set up of a statue and pillar. We re-trace back to the centre of the room and move forward. I notice another bit of shimmer on my left 10 feet away, I let everyone know and we continue on where we see steps with tiered platforms and we make our way up to the highest platform. Ahead of us, is a ledge which juts out and if we turn around, is a stone table at waist height. Slightly chipped, and completely stained in a dark brown.   At the top, we all hear a low guttural whisper which none of us understand. Ape then notices a figure rising out from the centre of this Whirlpool with rubbery tentacles lashing around it. 50 feet behind this creature, is a gargantuan statue much bigger than the others.   We also finally see the source of the shimmer thanks to a yellow orb, which is floating jellyfish style creatures with these long dangling tendrils.   The yellow orb as we adjust, looks like an eye, that connects back to the creature, feelers then reach out and surround Ape, and after a few seconds, a loud crashing sound as the creature screams out and lets go off Ape as he has a weird multicolour to him, and we start to try and defeat this creature.   The battle is long, and as we get a sense of getting closer to defeating this creature, and then it starts to descend into the water with Ape holding on at the top of the shell.

    Session 8 - Forgotten Ruins and Mystery

    We speak to Lucinda about Alistan and she suggests we make our way out of Pentareach for the time being while she does some investigating into our claims about Alistan being the person responsible for us being kidnapped as well as his illegal fighting nights he holds which he told Malaphor about.   Walking back to the Lords Lavish tavern, I see a young Tiefling boy shouting out "Conflict in Murath, the dragonborn are at war, Kaladan calls for aid" and we pick up a newspaper.   In The Lords Lavish stable, our horse and cart aren't there. We go into the Lords Lavish and don't see Brada, but a Half-Elven man at the bar. He mentions Brada dipped in a hurry in the morning and won't be back for a few weeks. We demanded compensation for our missing horse and cart, which we were given 60 gold for after pressing the man.   I made my way to the Shining Thoroughfare with Austar and Malaphor and went to Mantlestar and bought a 300gold diamond for 180, under the circumstance that in the future we only go to Mantlestar for our needs in the future which we agreed to.   We then met up with Ape outside the city walls and made our way towards the Blacktop Pass and decided to camp out for the night with Raskin's new spell, Leomunds Tiny Hut. Before Raskin set up the hut, we noticed a farmhouse in the distance, by itself. We decided to rest for the night and check it out in the morning. In the morning, the farmhouse was no longer there but the grass was pressed down as if it was there.   We make our way to the Blacktop Pass and notice a small house, smaller and damaged. We approach and checking inside is 4 bodies, 3 human, an adult male and 2 children and 1 weird insectoid looking thing with a cats tail stitched to it.   We find a passage in between 2 of the mountains, and a very beautiful grove, but as we make our way up the pass, Malaphor and Raskin point out the lack of animal sounds in the bit of forest we just walked through.   At the top of this mountain, we found grass, trees, and 4 or 5 ruined buildings dug out of the mountain itself like a plateau. The architecture of the buildings indicate they are hundreds of years old, there are also cave like paintings at the back but they're carved in. There is a sun like symbol carved in each of the buildings but it doesn't resemble a symbol of a god, it's close to the symbol of Pelor, but not quite.   Seems like multiple mountains of the Blacktop pass are holding up this plateau. As we round the left curve at the end, 200 feet or so ahead we see a sight to behold. Another small grove fanning out in front of us, greener, more trees and bushes. At the other end is a row of 4 or 5 semi circular fashioned stumps to an entry way. In the centre, a large 11 foot entryway, carved out of this Blacktop, much better crafted than the other buildings. 2 forms curled up sleeping at the entrance at the top of the steps. They look canine and have a creamy white colour to them. Beneath their head, is a large red bulbous sac that rises and falls as they breathe, like a frog. A sharp tendril like tongue, which comes out about 1 metre out as one of the creatures lifts its head up. Strong long snout, snake like.   We managed to defeat the two beasts, as well as 2 snake like creatures that appeared out of no where and latched onto Ape. The two canine like creatures had very slight stitching on them to stitch the frog like sac on the neck.   Large chamber, with 2 statues of rams butting heads with each other. On the other side of the dish, is a lever which Ape pulls, and a slight grating noise below Ape, part of the stone flooring moves back and reveals a long wooden box which had a very well crafted silver great-sword which Ape is now wielding.   The symbols and iconography indicates it is related to Karaka, a lesser god of giants, usually worshipped by Goliaths, another title for Karaka being The Ram Lord.   Common knowledge, Elves are not fans of Laelosia, due to it's rules over magic and due to Elves natural affinity to Magic they decided to move to Lasselanta, an island off the western coast of Sansura.   We head to the left passageway which leads us to a hallway with various rooms and at the end of the hallway is a stair case which spirals down. The stone changes and is more flagstone and cobbled compared to above. At the bottom we see 2 doors, the door on the right is ajar and a door ahead of us that is closed. The door ahead is blocked by crates with iron supports on the edge.   The room on the right has a long table with candles on it, and notes scattered everywhere within the room, as well as various body parts, bones and stained pools of blood.   The notes on the left table are in Elvish which Austar can read. Some of the notes look like journal entries and general notes. Austar starts reading the notes out loud. The notes talk about finding a home, and hearing voices and then finding a "god" and details their experiments on various creatures.   We see a body in a side room, body is ice cold to touch, sunken eye socket and eyes rolled back, mouth aghast. Skin taught to the bone, as if it's life force was sucked out of him. Austar tried to speak to the corpse, but as he cast the spell, the body turned to ash.   I hear a shuffle in the room to the left, and we find a set of keys on the cloak left over from the corpse that turned to ash. Ape then opened the door to the left and a large humanoid goat form charged at Ape and attacked us. We quickly killed it.   I find in a crate, a Magma Mace In the centre, slowly revolving giving off heat, is a ball of magma. It looks like a little sun.   Behind the door at the top by the hole in the wall, a purple worm like creature attached itself to Ape's face.

    Session 7 - Friend of the King

    Looking around the dark room we found ourselves caged up. There are 4 cages in total in this room, with 2 of the cages containing something as we saw movement in them.   Woman standing in front of our cage is a dark black skinned woman, thick rough hair tied up in a bun with sharp amber eyes. Standing at around 5ft 11", human looking and well built with a large great-sword on her back. Said she was impressed we hadn't pissed ourselves and that we must have pissed him off. She didn't elaborate on who she was talking about when we asked who.   She left the room and a large man in amour and a great-axe takes over watching us, he was the same man that took Malaphor and I down in the tavern the night before.   We noticed the cage is fairly well made with only a small amount of rust on it. While Ape, Malaphor, Raskin and myself tried to come up with a plan to break the lock of the cage to get out, Austar woke up and suggested he could cast a spell to get the guard to let us out. He cast Suggestion and asked the man to give us the keys to the cage and to sit back down at the desk and chill.   We let ourselves out of the cage and checked on the others, which we found out had a large tiger in one, and a large wolf in the other. There were big iron doors to our right, which when we looked through the keyhole, had a blue hue to the room and some shelves with crates on them. We unlocked the door with the keys we were given and found our equipment there, as well as a strange stone archway that looked older than the surrounding room itself, there was also a pedestal to the right of it at at around waist height with a runic symbol inside the bowl. When identifying the pedestal, we discovered it was a Runic Ignition Bowl which was conjuration school of magic focused. Raskin then found a pebble with a matching symbol to the ignition bowl.   Ape, Raskin and Austar snuck their way up the stairs, and after a short battle, killed the dark skinned woman in what seemed to be her office. Austar came back and Malaphor and myself then made our way up the stairs to convene with the rest of the team.   Raskin started mimicking the ladies voice to let the others know it's all ok when one of the guards knocked at the door and asked if everything was ok. We decide to go back downstairs to deal with the big guy. After killing him, we dragged his body back upstairs, and let the tiger loose in the one of the cages and hide in the initial room. Raskin mimics the ladies voice again and shouts for assistance downstairs luring them to fight the tiger. We make our way out into fresh air and we're thankfully still in Pentareach. We lock the door behind us and head out.   The outside of the building looks like a warehouse in the Workers District. Wall on our left behind us which is the city wall near one of the towers. To the right is a large thoroughfare which leads to a more populated part of the district.   We made our way back to Lucinda Marguant, and informed her that we had planned to go to Blacktop in the morning, but we were ambushed at night. Told her we woke up in cages and mentioned Alistan Preen was involved and his name was mentioned by our captors. Lucinda mentioned Alistan Preen has a lot of pull within the upper government of Laelos, and told us he is a childhood friend of King Fergun the 2nd...

    Session 6 - Pentareach Rumble

    Myself and Austar asked the guards at the gate of The Middling Grounds where we could find a place to purchase jewels as well as a place to sell no longer needed weapons. The guards pointed us to Freeman's Fletchers in the Workers District to sell weapons and a street in the Merchant's Hold called The Shining Thoroughfare.   Freeman's Fletchers had a young woman in the shop sharpening a sword. I enquired about selling the very well crafted shortbow I had. She asked if I knew if it was magical and when I told her it was, she was very cagey and started whispering. Due to how magic is governed in Laelos, the sale of magical items are heavily restricted and usually done through "under the table" deals. I parted ways with the Shortbow for a short fee and we carried on our way. We spotted Malaphor sitting at a table alone at the inn opposite Freeman's Fletchers called Steamy Mead. We sat down with Malaphor for a short while and told him we would be heading to find a pearl for me that's worth at least 100g.   In The Shining Thoroughfare there are 5 or so jewellers all who compete for customers. The 4 I noticed were, Fathom Jewellery, Divine Jewellery, Mantlestar and Sultana's Blend. .   Fathom Jewellery is run by a male Gnome who was wearing a nice outfit and a tall hat. Divine Jewellery is run by a Marquise, a short Human male with a large moustache, he had a rare glowing pearl and wanted 2000 gold for it. Mantlestar is run by a very tall, spindly, elderly Half-Elven woman.   Austar bought 2 pearls worth 100g. He kept one and I gave him 100g for the other. I'll need to test to make sure it works for my Identify spell. As we are winding down at The Lords Lavish, an individual standing by the bar stood up and his gaze followed myself, Malaphor and Raskin as I went to go check out what game was being played in the corner. The individual was large and in leathers. Malaphor went to cut him off but he pushed past him and out of the tavern.   I spoke to Brada and asked him about the individual. He didn't want to relieve any information but relented and said he brings him suud and his name is Grot.   I played Devils Dice with the dealer, lost 26 gold but it's a fun harmless game.   During our nights rest, I hear Ape scream out in pain, as I rush to help, I'm greeted by the same man who watched me at the Tavern trying to get through my door.   We get taken down, myself and Ape wake up in a cramped cage with the rest of us, a Woman standing in front of us, dark black skin, hair pulled up into a bun and a hammer. Who says "Don't worry, he'll be here soon"

    Session 5 - Pentareach Beginnings

    Alistan Preen was dressed to travel with a large pack slung over his shoulder talking to 3 people with him quite a bit away in the main thoroughfare.   Approaching the main gate, there were two Peryton Guards at the gate with a ledger. One of them looked at the tarp and recoiled in fear after we explained what our business was in Pentareach.   We were told it would be 5 gold pieces to enter Pentareach each.   We made our way to the Scholar's Ward after the guards at the main gate pointed us to go there to collect our bounty. The Scholar's Ward is located in the centre of Pentareach. We had to go to the gated portion of it known as The Middling Grounds. One of the guards at the Scholar's Ward gate asked for a name and place of origin from one of us. Malaphor introduced himself and mentioned Varleska. The guard mentioned no one had been from there in a while and he shouldn't have been allowed in. We present our bounty paper and they allow us inside and lead us to the High Court Magistrar building. On the front door of the High Court Magistrar building is a gold and silver two-sided axe, engraved with a bright set of scales. The symbol of Onera, god of law, order and truth.   After waiting a while, we are greeted out the front by Samuel, a cheerful rotund human male in a long blue golden set of robes dragging on the floor, bald head who came out from the doors and invites us in. Samuel leads us to a well lit main room with a dome skylight and down some hall ways into a large extravagant office. Inside this office, is a Tiefling woman with deep purple skin with elf like ears, glowing green eyes, hair black, braided and going back along the horns and over her shoulder, and priest type robes with a large purple gem at the collar bone. She introduces herself as Callmaster, head judicial voice, Lucinda Margaunt. Upon being in the office, Samuel becomes increasingly more anxious and nervous around her.   When we mentioned our bounty and then explained what happened, at the mention of the strange boar creature with tentacles as tails, she looks more worried and mentions the problem is worse than she thought to Samuel. She then mentions she wants to privately hire us for a bounty. A month ago a small helm stead was attacked by a group of Bug Bears that were sick, survivors said some of Bug Bears fell and winged creatures burst out of them.   Lucinda Margaunt wants us to investigate the Blacktop Pass. Will pay us 1000 gold for recon and will triple it if we deal with the problem. Stated to not get ourselves killed if it's out of our ability.   Myself and Austar ask about potential access to the Savantir Library, the sister library to the The Lorden Athaneum which is found in the capital of Laelosia, Laelos. Lucinda Margaunt granted us access and provided us with a symbol of Onera with her seal on it.   We made our way to the The Lords Lavish tavern, found in the Merchant's Hold, run by an overweight halfling male called Brada.   Myself and Austar make our way back to The Middling Grounds to go to the Savantir Library. We meet Adler Dusklark, Curator and Tome Keeper of the Savantir Library, a humanoid Barn Owl, 5ft 6, wearing black and golf robe over one shoulder and a brown and gold pauldron on the other. Symbols tattooed or painted on his wing.   I spend most of time finding and reading books on Moradin, looking for anything that mentions the Words of Moradin. I now know the full story behind the Words of Moradin. One brief mention of the pieces being scattered across the planet. It does mention that many people looked and excavated in Sansura for a long time to no avail centuries ago.   I also found a Herbalism book called "Tree's and Tea". Talks about using various foliage, leaves to make tea. Ape had requested Austar for herbalism books.   Austar and I also found a large book "Asgorath, the World Shaper, Sunset shadow" which gave us a lot of information surrounding Asgorath.   We also found out from Adler that to gain access to The Lorden Athaneum, need permission from someone in authority in the capital.

    Session 4 - Lorger's Thicket

    We arrived into Kard, a small village, potentially a farming village? The only place that looked like a tavern/inn was The Dancing Bear. Inside, the most prominent feature was a large plastered billboard on the wall which had 200 or so names listed on it with 50 or so of them crossed out that's titled Lorger's Ledger. Hazel Thernlaw, a middle aged woman who owns and runs The Dancing Bear told us that Lorger is the name of a bear in the outskirts of town. Hazel mentioned some passing adventurers have said Lorger could be a Dire Bear, but those are thought to have been extinct for years. Hazel also explained that the ledger is a list of names of people who have attempted to fell the bear by putting 5 gold into a prize pot, the names crossed out were the ones who died. The pot was initially set up as a joke but it's now been 3 years since and no one has managed to defeat Lorger.   We decide to ponder our decision on if we'll partake in Lorger's Ledger. We head to our respective rooms and go to sleep for the night. I wake up in a long strange white/gray corridor with a sharp left at the end. I see the others with me, but they don't acknowledge me at all. I decide to push to the sharp left of the corridor. Immediately after the left there is a 60 foot long corridor with a stone door at the end but the corridor is filled in a thick poisonous gas. I stick my hand out and focus on my elemental gift and manage to absorb the poison in the middle which creates a path for me to walk through. I get to the stone door, which has smoke detailing on it, seemingly referencing my elemental gift and a phrase "A double edged sword can be the deadliest weapon". I invoke the power into the door and I end up in a circular room that is chequered in white and green. In front of me I witness matter coalesce, condense and swirl as a green and blue serpent that drips mist and liquid from it's body appears in front of me and attacks. The battle was luckily fairly simple for me as it didn't manage to get a hit on me. As I defeat the beast, a door behind where I appeared from opens up into another much larger circular room with a familiar sight in the middle of swirling lights and stars, as well as my new friends coming out of the different doors in the room, 9 in total, 4 remained shut with no one coming from them. We touch the swirling lights which changes to match each of our elemental gifts. As we touch it, we all share a vision of large purple eyes filled with stays and we all hear a voice say "Purpose, chosen, trust" followed by waking up in The Dancing Bear.   In the morning we decide we'll partake in the ledger and we deposited 5 gold each into the pot and made our way to Lorger's Thicket. We arrive at a large cave and see a large bear resting outside. Without thinking we set up my bear trap and lured it over to us. As we were about to defeat, we heard a loud, guttural roar from the cave, followed by a much larger bear, confirming our stupidity in not confirming Lorger. We had a long and gruesome battle with Lorger where Malaphor was knocked unconscious, we managed to finally defeat the monstrous beast.   We entered the cave on the off chance there would be any left over treasure from previous adventurers. The cave itself branched off to the left and right, in the left side of the cave I found 15 gold, 1 potion of greater healing and a incredible well made shortbow.   We salvaged 2 of Lorger's paws, his head and some pelt. As we arrived back in Kard, the people were impressed, amazed and incredible happy we managed to kill Lorger. We gave Hazel a large portion of the pelt to use as a rug, and Lorger's head to hang up. We had another nights rest and the next morning we purchased a large carriage and draft horse for 50 gold, a deal we were given for being victorious the day before and made our way to Pentareach.   After a long and uneventful 8 hour journey where we talked about a potential group name (Gruff's Fellowship and Titans Bane) we find ourselves on the outskirts of Pentareach's walls and join the queue to enter Pentareach. In the queue to Pentareach, I notice Alistan Preen standing talking to some people within the city walls.

    Session 3 - Crossroads and Giants

    After leaving Sir Archibald Gruff's estate we split up for a bit. Ape, Austar and Raskin went to Goldie's Pot to procure a mask for Ape so he could hide his now hairless skin due to smoking something in the Foggy Pipe the day before.   I made my way to an information board to see if there were any jobs available on the way to Pentareach. I was approached by a middle aged man with a long tied up pony tail that goes to his lower back. He identified himself as Alistan Preen, owner of Preen's Laughterhouse and father to Gregor Preen, who had tried to take advantage of our weakened state after Wera's Barrow. Due to that mistake, Gregor's body is now hidden in Wera's Barrow. Alistan mentioned that hardly any work gets put up on the board for sell swords. Mentioned Sir Archibald Gruff's job a few days ago. He recommended I go to Adventurers Crossroad which is found along The Royal Road about 2 and a half days travel on foot.   I made my way to Cloverdry Stableyard to get some information on how much horses would cost to buy or rent. The following prices the man gave me were as follows:   Draft Horse - 50 gold Riding Horse - 75 gold Pony - 30 gold Donkey/Mule - 8 gold   As a group we decided to save our coin and just travel on foot. Malaphor decided to go to Preen's Laughterhouse and he was seemingly followed out from there. Not sure why he went there since we killed his son and friends...   On our journey towards the Adventurers Crossroad I spoke with Austar and asked what he was looking for in the world and he mentioned he had been tasked with checking and restoring old Raven Queen temples. One of them is located in The Besansir Woods.   We had an non eventful nights rest and continued on our way to our destination. Part way through the day we came across a bridge where Peryton Guards with Winged Obelisk symbols on their armour were crossing towards us with horse and carriage. The winged obelisk symbol likely indicates they are apart of the Royal Guard.   We arrived at the Adventurers Crossroad which is essentially a large tavern/inn with an attached stable yard. We found a table and sat down. Not long after we sat down a young boy walked in and went straight to the bar and passed over what looked like a bag to the bar keep. It was then announced that the new bounties had come in. The rules were simply to only take 1 bounty per group. Raskin and Malaphor both managed to grab a bounty each. While they did that I went to the bar to speak to the dwarven bar keep.   The bar keep was a red headed and bearded Dwarven male that goes by the name Devrin Ironjaw. The Ironjaw family are a high ranking clan within Dwarven society, but it seems as though Devrin has cut most of his ties with the family and didn't want to speak about them much. I asked him about the Words of Moradin but he didn't know too much of it and is no longer a follower of Moradin. Still believes the Words of Moradin to be a story tale. Devrin did say that if there was any truth to them, I would be able to find more information at the Stone Archives in Khulbor's Summit. An Ironjaw is the current lord of Khulbor's Summit.   The job we decided to do was to slay a Flab Giant which had been terrorising farmers and farms down at the northern base of the Blacktop Pass mountains which we would then need to provide proof of the kill to a Magistrate office. Upon completion we would be paid 300 gold.   A lot of my dreams the night at the Adventurers Crossroad, was to do with a rainbow coloured sphere.   The next morning we made our way along Alabasta Pass and then followed the river round before heading North. We notice some splintered trees and eventually come across a destroyed farmhouse. Not far from it was the Flab Giant we were looking for. In our battle with the Flab Giant, it eventually exploded and a ox sized boar with tentacles on the tails came out of it.   We took the Flab Giant's head, boars tusks and the tentacles the boar had and put them onto a cart I managed to create following a ritual I can do with metal. Some of the powers Moradin blessed upon me. Now overlooking the village of Kard with Pentareach in the distance.

    Session 2 - Drunk and Disorderly

    After our expedition within Wera's Barrow we decided to sit by a nearby tree to rest and recuperate. While we were resting I notice a group of 4 approaching us. A man named Gregor leading the group displays the same parchment with the quest we all just did. Gregor comes across as extremely cocky, noticing we were clearly injured. He also mentioned his father owns Preen's Laughterhouse in Marselv. He asks us what we're doing here and if we've already completed the mission. Austar lies to Gregor and states we went in but had to leave due to traps and ghosts. Gregor asks the big guy with the mace to check the Barrow. The big guy shouts after Gregor, who follows suit. The other 2 start to slightly circle around us. Ape throws his javelin at the skinny human with no weapon and initiates a battle with them.   The battle is long. I black out briefly but I hear Raskin shouting at me to get up. After the battle we decide to throw the bodies of the fallen down into Wera's Barrow.   We walk about 10 minutes before taking a quick break to recover and then head over to Marselv. We arrived not long after sunset. I head straight to the nearest tavern, which in turn is the Tumblehill Tavern.   The Tumblehill Tavern is run by Ol'Humphrey, an elderly 3ft tall Harengon in a short button downed shirt and puffy shirts. I get extremely drunk after having a shot of "xxxxxx" and lose 7 gold in a dice game with a fellow named Marcus. Shortly after I make my way to my room for the night.   I woke up the next morning my room filled with a poisonous gas which didn't affect me. I managed to concentrate on the source from my hand and stop it. I can seemingly now control the poisonous gas?   Austar and Ape struggled to control their newfound elemental power and destroyed their rooms.   We made our way to Sir Archibal Gruff's estate, where we were met by a Half-Elven woman named Evelyn (who we learned was just an enchantment of the house). The house was massive and it seemed like it took ages to get to the main chamber with multiple glass displays where Sir Archibald Gruff was waiting us.   Sir Archibald Gruff is Purple Dragonborn, 6ft 5 tall, dressed in an expensive suit. Smooth skin, not scaly. Above his head, not attached, were purple crystals gently spinning.   He told us why he was after the jewel, and it was to do with a childhood story he was told and had heard about the jewel granting some sort of power. We explained to him what happened in Wera's Barrow and described the strange light we saw which then granted us our elemental powers.   He suggested we looked into this further, specifically looking into Asgorath by going to the libraries in Pentareach or The Lorden Athaenaeum north of Laelos the main library of Laelosia, after Austar mentioned the Old Laelosian text in the Barrow. Also mentioned the Jewel Mines in Ordaska, would pay a pretty penny for whatever we found.   Sir Archibald Gruff paid us 50 gold each for the information we provided and the jewel and we left his estate, now deciding what we should do and where we should go. I believe we should go to Pentareach first, just in case the two libraries have different information.

    Session 1 - New Beginnings

    Met 4 other adventurers at Lady Wera's Barrow, which is at least 300 years old, who had seen and responded to Sir Archibald Gruff's quest to locate a large jewel inside of Wera's Barrow. A previous group of adventures had previously attempted to locate it, but upon locating it, Sir Archibald Gruff lost contact with them.   "Ocean vast, under the watchful eyes, the light needs dark" - Left chamber in Wera's Barrow   "Ocean vast, under the watchful eyes, the dark needs light" - Right chamber in Wera's Barrow   "Here lies the bones of Lady Werason, our courageous leader, tasked with protecting the great world shapers essence, may her watchful slumber last" - Central Chamber   "Our protector, our light and our dark. The Great Eternal Wheel will never stop turning. See not with your eyes but your soul. To be blessed with the breath of the Ninefold is to live." - Lady Wera's sarcophagus in the central chamber. Relating to Asgorath (the god of balance and dragon-kind, linked to creation)   Hidden room behind the sarcophagus which we had to walk through a wall to get to. Intense feeling of evocation, mixed with divine magics on the bright light on the pedestal after casting Detect Magic.   Malaphor reached out into the bright light and it raised up growing bigger and bigger and then it split into 5 and entered each of our chests   I stepped back through the wall and was met with Lady Mera's skeleton on top of her sarcophagus holding a spectral warhammer and shield. She said "Show me courage, show me worthiness"   In our battle with Lady Mera, we all had a strange elemental affect attached to our attacks, mine was Poison. After the battle I picked up the jewel found on the body of one of the previous party and we made our way back out of Wera's Barrow to start our journey back to Marselv and Sir Archibald Gruff's residence.


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