The Straight of Trakkal in Aode | World Anvil

The Straight of Trakkal

A narrow and shallow straight connecting Castil and North Castil. For the past 20 years, it has been blocked by hundreds of ships that wrecked during the Tederlandic conflict over the East Shore of Castil in the The Domino Rebellions, all sunk in a battle that bears the straights' name. These piled up carcasses of boats are now know as Wreckreef.
  The Straight of Trakkal is named after the titular Trakkal, an amphibious beast which once preyed upon anyone who traveled along the straight, whether by boat through it or foot alongside it. Legend says it was slain in the early third era by an Elvish hero named Kilkarian with the great-axe Heftcleaver.